
The Core [Yongjie And His Beast]

The Core [Yongjie]

Yongjie was still unconscious, Yongying left after he healed wounds.

Jen came to check condition, she put her hand on his heart and absorb a slight amount of ice which she left for his good.

It was her intentional act to save senior.

She silently returned and resumed her carefree chat with the beast, "No, you did not understand my point, anyone would admire if one could get hands on a powerful beast," she argued with the beast.

Jen stuffed another slice and now she could see this beast was eagerly looking at the fruits, she was eating slowly for two reasons, first she has time to eat slower and there was no hurry, second she wanted this beast to express whether it wanted to eat fruits or not.

"Okay, I have a very soft heart, I can't see your eagerness for the fruits, here take it," she carefully walked ahead and placed the big leaf filled with the beautifully sliced fruit pieces.

The beast side glanced.

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