
My Wifey Is Beautiful

Lui was standing quietly.

He could see the ongoing destruction at the thousands meters distance.

The spanning distance between them and the diluted place was equivalent benison, as per the extent of area.

It could vanish and consummate any fragile living in anytime.

It was horrible experience for the fish.

More horrible than the hunters in the ocean.

Jen was waiting to this destruction to die down, she consumed some herbs to support her essence force.

Lui take a look at her and sat beside, he knew his senior was quite impressive and he has witnessed with his own eyes.

He wanted to ask her about the Manias where she lived and her clan, if he get acquainted with her powerful clan, the hunters would abandon the idea of hunting him.

He didn't know why those hunters wanted to hunt him, whenever he left his deep sea regions, they would appear as if already waiting on his head.

There were many other who were not frequently threatened with such hunting, or perhaps they knew some ways to chase away those hunters, he was lame about whatever skills they possessed.

But this girl was like a role model, he also wanted to become stronger like her and help whenever someone needed his help.

He parsed his lips to speak, "Senior, how are you now?"

"I am better, you also seems fine, take this, and chew slowly," she handed him few herbs to chew.

He obediently took and chewed.

His skin was getting dry because of rapid dehydration, after few minutes, the herbs replenished his skin with suppleness, and his skin seemed vibrant, abubble and astir.

"Do you wanted to go back in the ocean," Jen noticed his silence.

"Not yet, until I learn and become strong either the hunters will come again looking for me," he deeply sighed.

"So you wanted to become strong, but how you will achieve this goal? do you have someone to relay on?" Jen soon would leave this Manias and she has no destiny yet, she could not let this fish tagalong.

It would be reminiscent of dragging him in dangers, one after the other.

"I can relay on this senior, for no one else is as kind and as you," he bowed deeply.

"I never said that I am senior that you can relay on me," she waved her hand.

How she was supposed to make him stronger and help, he was ocean creature, an ocean creature who hardly know anything about Cultivation.

"Senior, if you don't want to help him, I am fine, per se if I die at the hands of hunters, it would not be a big event of ocean, so many die at their hands before," he lowered his head.

His broken voice jolted her, she did not intend to make him disappoint.

She looked at him in fallen spirits, she could tell, he was greatly afraid to go back in the ocean and being a water creature he cannot stay at the land for long.

She strongly wished to help him but how?


"Where are you my wifey?" the handsome man left his sphere previous month and he was wandering around in the top ranking Manias, he was sure, he would be able to find her there.

His most of Cultivation power was suppressed by the laws of this low tier sphere and he could no more feel the vital center or beating impulse of that certain heart.

His two slaves with him but they were as silent as a graveyard.

He also don't wish to ask their help, he could find his wifey without their help, he thought and determined his wavering confidence.

In his thoughts, he jumbled with an man who appeared out of no where, he furiously looked at him and asked, "Are you blind to see that I am already walking here, then why you intentionally bumped?"

"Calm down, you fragile chicken, do you want me to roast you and eat up?" the man was offended clearly, he sized up the young man and snickered.

"Ah, so you are cannibal and eat humans?" he scolded back.

"You already crossed my limits," the man howled, he was angered now, he was above Legend Realm and this young man was making fun of him, in his eyes, he should show some fear for him.

"Master Wang Bo, we never know that you have some sense of humor, by the way, it made me laugh, thank you," the slave fairy burst with a weird giggle.

The Legend Realm expert saw this and felt that tiny female was laughing at him, he opened his dominion and directly attacked at the young man.

Wang Bo was not expecting the man to be this angry, he fended off his attack and what? he even cannot a answer the attack of a mere legend? he was alarmed.

His two slaves looked at him and he has to show off his teeth that everything was fine.

The Legend Realm expert was not expecting that the young man would be able to withstand his blow.

He staked his utmost strength to teach him a lesson, Wang Bo turned his head toward his slaves and yelled, "What are you looking at, help me either I will burn you both into ashes," he knew the power and strength of his slave fairies.

"Master reached his limit? how rude to ask help this way," she snapped her finger and trio disappeared in the next instant.

The Legend got frenzied, he thought that both tiny girls were good for nothing yet she took away the young man in a blink of an eye.

If he could get even one of them, his power would be considered double fold, he thought.

Trio appeared right in front of Jen Xuan Rong, she was sitting on the mountain and talking with Lui.

"Master is menace and bully," the other fairy clapped when they appeared again.

Wang Bo waved his hand to dismiss them and asked while looking around, "What is this place?" his eyes fell on Jen.

He forgot that he wished to scold his slave after her disrespectful words.

He felt that he turned into stone.

He was looking at her, she ignored the trio as if they don't exist but how can he ignore her, never when he was alive, at least.

"My wifey is beautiful," he exclaimed in fancy of her presence.

He felt her heart and even a single beat cannot skip from him, he clearly hear her heart.

He wanted to immediately grab her and went back in his sphere but he cannot do so.

His single reckless action could cause a never ending regret.

Jen looked up at the man and squinted her eyes, she saw the strong will in his eyes, she cannot tolerate such pervert intruder.

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