
To Know the Heart

There was an uncomfortable silence between the girls and Laz. He didn't understand why they would suddenly act this way considering how everything worked out. Looking at them and they way they looked at him though, Laz knew that something was up.


"Alright, what did I do now?"

"Do you even care about yourself?" Ruby asked with a stern voice.

"I do. Of course I do. Why?"

"THEN WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING SO DANEROUS?" This time it was Leona who yelled at him. She didn't mean to lose her cool, but she was only now appreciating just how dense this young man was. Cute, but dense.

"Ahh..." Was all Laz could say while Ruby tried to get Leona to calm down.

Truely, the whole situation looked strange. All three of them were in this small pool, in a cave underground without clothing and yet none of that bother them in the slightest.

"That's it? That's all your going to say?"

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