
Healed Leg

June 15, 20XX (Saturday)

Various Places

For the past six months, Yang had sat and lived in his wheelchair. Today was the day where he was allowed to stand up using his right leg finally. Dr. Zhang Li Xi had permitted him after a series of tests had been done. Yang was finally ready to stop being taken care of by Mei Li and do it himself. He was finally ready to start taking care of her for a change, but first, he needs to move this damn useless leg he has.

Yang stared at Mei Li seating on a metal stool near his wheelchair. Suddenly, A female nurse came into the private room while bringing certain things inside. Yang was amused when he noticed Mei Li moving her seat closer to him, and wrapping her hands in his arm in a protective manner. He found her small dose of jealousy cute. He took advantage of her close proximity to bend his waist and kiss her lips with an open mouth.

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