
The dream that Dara had ...

Dara fell into a strange dream for a moment. He began to see strange scenes, as if he was flying above the clouds and saw how time sweeps under his feet ...

It was strange, incomprehensible ... to see how the world is developing, how the territory is mastered by man from his first attempts ... and forward to history, the era is replaced by the era ...

Foresight? Or the magic power of a coin?

And now ... strange images of a possible future appear before my eyes ???? This is strange and incomprehensible ...

Between the 22nd and 32nd years of the reign of the Tang Dynasty, the land roads of the Silk Road gradually moved from the directions of the capital Small-An to the north to the capital cities Stone and Davan. This was due to the actions of the Western Turkic Kaganate. Sogdians suffered losses.

The change of path, from south to north, caused damage to Small-An, and vice versa created favorable conditions for the two northern principalities.

The northern principalities, having cheaper chain mail and steel swords, which were inferior to Small-An, but were better than in the Tang empire, were able to find a market for themselves. The northern principalities actively developed the market of the Tang Empire, imported gold, turquoise, silver and additives to improve the quality of steel; they sold the Tang empire steelmaking technology, which was lower quality than theirs, but better than the empire had. They brought into the empire, northern principalities and tips for spears, arrows, bows, armor, carpets and fabrics, woolen and linen, which were received from the Boss empire.

In circulation were money from the Tang Empire and Byzantium. Money changers in the bazaars received a very good income.

During this period, Sir Pei Ju, feared the increasing influence of the Western Kaganate. That's why he sent his nephew to the distant land of the kingdom of the CAO. He wanted to know what else there are possible ways for trade.

The information that Sir Pei will receive from his nephew, he later set forth in his work, Notes and Maps of the Western Territory. But this work will be lost. And this is not surprising, maps showing secret mountain passages, crossings, locations of mines with gold and silver, precious stones and heavenly jade ... were strategic data. They could be exchanged for a whole country. From this landmark work only small fragments are preserved.

Near the Svet Mountains, 4 or north of the foot, in parallel to the ridge, a large and ancient steppe road ran along the ridge, it was known to the inhabitants even during the time of the Western Jow Empire ... that is, almost 1000 years before the Tang empire.

From ancient times, this road connected the lost mountains in the deserts with the ancient empires of Asia ... in the north the road connected the mountains with the Scythian tribes, in the south and west with the Aryan Power of the Akhmenids, in the east it was the Shang dynasty ...

The first life in the mountains of Light appeared in the era of the Late Stone Age ... modern scientists set the date for the bones found in one of the caves of these mountains, 48,000 years ago.

Few people knew that in the echoes of three rulers and 5 emperors in the mountains of Light there were such animals as - brown bear, marten, snow leopard, wild horse, kulan, camel, deer, bull-tour, mountain goat, mountain ram, wild ram, steppe sheep, hyena, dog, goat, rhino, he lived in mountain valleys. Red deer, wild boar, ran in foothill valleys and foothill steppes. In the mountains lived a cave lion, a small cave bear, a giant deer and a giant horse, a cave hyena, roe deer, a red wolf, a tiger and a striped hyena.

For some 2000 years, all of them were exterminated in the mountains, only wolves remained, a few bears, snow goats and rams, foxes ... tigers, lions and hyenas disappeared without a trace.

It was Li-Ban who the locals gave 3 giant horses to, they could do 50 li a day ... and he gave them to Sir Pei ... and he gave it to the emperor ... but more on that later ...

Few people knew that in the mountains of Light they mined during the era of three authorities and 5 emperors - silicon and cattle breeding existed, human settlement began everywhere, they left the caves, and began to develop mountains, valleys, floodplains of the rivers.

At the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, mining has already appeared in the Svet Mountains, raw materials have been mined open-pit, with the advent of mine mining, cattle breeding is developing and irrigated agriculture appears. The development of copper mines and their smelting begin.

In the era of the battle kingdoms in the mountains of Light, copper, iron ... gold and silver ... were already mined and melted...

After 20 years ... the road leading from Gaochan to the mountains of Light will be improved, every 8 li there will be a fortified caravanserais and every 15 li fortresses with 200 elite soldiers to protect caravans from robberies and every 30 li fortresses with 1000 soldiers . Landscaped crossings, mountain passes, roads will be equipped.

After 30 years ... the village where Li-Ban first received a giant horse, a fortress will be erected there, it will serve as a border point between the Tang empire and the steppe.

The fortified village will be a trade and craft one, with a powerful fortress covering an important strategic passage from the nomads to the valley of the kingdom of the CAO and further to the northern oases and to Gaochan.

Trade in this place will be mainly wholesale, large and medium wholesale. They will sell grain, leather, dry fruit, hides, shoes, cattle, weapons, horses and gold ... silk and tea.

Dara doubled as a friend, as a young man in strange clothes rides on some iron cart ... and speaks a strange language ... while Dara understands him ...

Dara ... that's the name of the strange guy ... something like him ... he talks about trade, politics, growing vegetables ... some kind of weird one ...

And this is my relative ??? Is this the future ??? What nonsense ????

And this little-cold one, my descendant ??? And his name is Dara ?! In some way, in his naivety, he reminds me of Lee-Bang!

And this, who ... wait ... his name is Fang, somehow he reminds me of a young Lee-ban ... and really, is this a descendant? But for some reason, in character and his skills, he reminds me of me, young and cunning, wise and experienced!

Is it really ????

Really ??? In the future, my descendants will be like a green Li-Ban? And the descendants of Li-Ban like me ??? What kind of horror ????

Li-Ban had the same dream ... and he laughed quietly in a dream ...

Moments passed in reality, and now Li-Ban was looking at her dumb, asleep standing upright ...

Dara opened his eyes in surprise ... Lee-Ban's face looked at him with interest ...

And that Dara, who lived in the 21st century, was looking forward to a good deal ... it only seemed to him for a moment that someone looked at him dumbfounded ...

There may be errors in the spelling of names, for example, Li-Ban and Leae Ban ... other authors find it easier to find such errors than at home ...

Gourmet_DAOcreators' thoughts
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