
never last long

Across the city from Imperial Military Hospital is a residential area with substandard housing that is poorly serviced and overcrowded.

Just one look and one can see how unhealthy, unsafe and socially undesirable this area is.

Amongst the crowd of people wondering in the area, a scrawny man is seen moving in a fast pace.

His head turning side to side as if he is searching for someone, but looking closer, he is actually checking his surroundings.

As he walks to the end of the slum area, he stops in front of an extremely rundown building.

He looks around again and seeing no one is following him, he quickly pushes the door open and enter.

A dark hallway with no windows greets him inside.

The walls are so old that cracks are visible to the eyes. The only light the allows the man to see inside is the light coming in through the door he had entered.

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