
Be good

Han Yue Ling was shoved into the room across from her room, with the sound of running footsteps after the door slammed shut.

Inside the room, Yue Ling was suddenly grabbed by a pair of strong hands. These hands that grabbed her were fiercer than the ones that grabbed her first.

Before she could react, she was suddenly pushed onto the soft hotel bed.


She yelped with her mind in a complete mess due to the alcohol and her body was extremely hot.

"What's going on mm—"

Before she could even finish her words, a shadow topples over her and she felt something soft abruptly cover her lips.

Her whole body froze.

Yue Ling tries her best to push and hit whoever it is away, but to no avail, her body had become so weak like she had no bones.

"I need your help for tonight."

A man's deep voice growled near her ear.

Even with a messy mind, she knew what was going on and she knew this was wrong, Yue Ling tries to struggle again.

"No... stop..."

Yet again, those lips cover hers again as it stops all the words she wanted to say.

"Stop... this is... wrong."

At the same time, she did not know what was wrong with her body nor did she have a clue who this person was!

However, at the same time, her body was extremely hot and each time she felt the cold hands brush against her skin, her body would react in a way that made her want him too.

Just as she thought this, the person above free her lips and whispers into her ear.

"Be good."

As things escalated, morning finally came and the sun was just peaking in the sky, slowly bringing its light to Imperial.

Yue Ling groggily opens her eyes. She felt like a person who had spent an entire night drinking and was now honor with having the biggest hangover.

'Ugh... why do I feel so exhausted...'

Her mouth was also dry, and her head was throbbing in pain. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times to adjust her vision.

The faint light from the rising sun outside shined through the small gap on the curtains of the windows. Slightly brightening the darkroom.

Staring at the unfamiliar ceiling, she thought, 'Where am I?'

What happened last night? She remembered getting extremely drunk with her colleagues.


Oh, that is right. Liu Shan had booked a room for her since she had errands to run.

She lifts her body upwards to sit up but suddenly, she felt an intense amount of pain from her entire body! Even her lower place was aching in pain!!

Forcing herself to sit up, she thought, 'Ahh! It hurts like hell!! Just what the heck happened last night?! Eh? What is this—?'

Her body went stiff when she realizes something heavy was draped over her waist. She slowly turns her head and was horrified.

Oh! My! God!!!!!!!!

Lying next to her was a man!!! A man!!!!

Although the blanket covered his body from the waist down, she knew the man was naked.

She knows because she finally realizes that one of the man's legs is also on top of hers!

Her face drained of all colors, but the corner of her mouth could not help but twitch uncontrollably.

'Who is this man?!'

Her heart began to panic. She closed her eyes and tries to think hard about how things led to this.

'Think Yue Ling, think! Just what the heck happened last night? Did you get so drunk that you brought a man into your room?!'

As she thought hard to remember, images of last night slowly enter her head.

The wine she had toasted with Ning Mei. The burning hot temperature in her body.

Someone grabbing her when she went to her hotel room...

and then...

And then...

A deep voice sounded in her head, "Be good."

Yue Ling's eyes bulged open as she screams inwardly. The entire night till morning... she and him...

'Wait, why does his voice sound so familiar? No, who cares about his voice. The main thing is, did I just have a... one-night stand with this man?'

Her face paled even more as she turns to look at the man sleeping beside her.

'Damn!!' She cursed inwardly.

Remembering what happened last night, Yue Ling wanted to cry but lacked the tears. Her mind was in total chaos, she lifts her hands and clutches her head tightly.

'Han Yue Ling, how can you be so stupid and careless?!!!'


Yue Ling screamed at the top of her lungs inwardly.

Suddenly feeling an intense stare from her side, Yue Ling robotically turned her head towards it.

Dark eyes were gazing right at her fervently. Like the glistening universe, his eyes were shining brightly. His lips curved slightly upward as if mocking her, despite his cold and aloof facial expression.

Feeling like someone had just slapped her out of her thoughts, Yue Ling went stiff. She could not help but stare back at those dark eyes that seemed to see through a person's soul.

They stared at each other without blinking as if they were in a staring contest.

Yue Ling felt suffocated. She did not know why, but...

'Wait... how come this man looks so familiar? Where have I seen him before? I swore I—-"


Without any warning, the man's arm that was still wrapped around Yue Ling's waist pulls her closer to him.

In one scoop, Yue Ling fell back onto the bed and she came face to face with the man. She was completely startled and tries to push him away, but she was locked in his tight embrace.

She took a deep breath to steady herself and to keep herself from strangling this man.

"Can you please let me go. I understand this is only a one-night stand... so if you don't mind, we can both pretend none of this ever happened."

From what she can remember, back in the states, she heard that a lot of people have one-night stands. Maybe this man will be understanding about their situation.

"Who said this was a one-night stand?"

Hearing the man's deep cold words, she was stupefied.

'Yue Ling ah, just what in the world have you gotten yourself into?!!!!'

Yue Ling struggled, but his right hand held her in place, his sharp gaze staring deeply into hers almost like a vicious glare.

She struggles a gulp then furrowed her brows as she thought about his words.

"Wait, isn't this…"

Before she could finish her words, he cuts her off with a low growl.

"I said, this isn't a one-night stand."




Abeehiltzcreators' thoughts
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