
Zeke’s Reaction

After discussing a few more details, they ended the call so Mary could get back to her hotel in Los Angeles before calling Doug. The car ride to go thirty plus miles almost took her two hours with all the bad LA traffic, and drained all the previous energy she had, out of her. Once in the room, she kicked off her shoes and moved to the little desk, laying out the manila envelope she had received from Principal Lambert.

She grabbed her phone, plugged it in to charge, dialed Doug's number, and set it on speaker. As it rang, she got comfortable at the desk, making sure she had spare paper and a pen just in case she wanted to jot down some notes.

"This is Doug." Doug answered the phone with a sigh, sounding exhausted from the day.

"Hey Doug, it's me." Mary pulled the phone a little closer even though she could hear just fine. "I know you're busy right now, but I want to have a serious discussion with you for just a minute."

"How serious? I don't have much time today."

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