

His charming voice ranged in my ears " good morning miss alena all set for work ". I blushed and replied " yes sir i am ready what is my work to do ".

Damon said " follow me ". We were walking in the hall and reached a room outside of which was written library. So i asked him " why did you bring me to the library " i asked him with a surprising look on my face. He replied " Because your work is here lets go inside and i will tell you your work ".

We entered and i saw a very big library filled with lots of books i think there must be more than lakh books so i was just looking around ". He was looking at my confused face and said " you have half an hour to read all the business related thesis present in this shelf ". i looked up and saw there must be atleast 10 books with atmost 1000 pages in every book.

I looked at him and asked " are you making fun of me how is this possible"?

He seriously looked at me and said " do i look like i am joking and if you cant do it you can leave with your belongings dont you have read all the clauses that i made you sign". He smiled wickedly and left.

I was like i have given my head below a hammer i quickly opened my phone and started reading the contract and then i realized all the clauses were made specially against me. I thought to myself i have been manipulated by his charms he has manipulated me now what i will do. I didnt have any choice so i took one book and opened its first page and started reading. After reading two lines i was like i know all this then i turned pages and i could feel that i know all this but how is this possible i have not read this things in my life but i knew everything. Within fifteen minutes i was set and ready to go. So i went to my desk and sat there.

I got a call from my so called boss and he said to come to his cabin so i went there and knocked on his door and a harsh voice came "come in".

I went inside and saw him typing over a system and that model man was standing beside him.

He asked "didnt i said you to do something". Very calmly i replied " i have completed my work so i was sitting in my free time". He said " are you kidding me ". I seriously looked at him and said " do i look like i am kidding ". He diverted his gaze from me and told that model man to test me.

The model man came in front of me and asked me to sit and started asking question to which i replied with accurate answers. I was surprised and amazed at myself that how cum i know all these.

After ten minutes that model man told that DEMON -DAMON " sir she is too good she knows everything".

I turned to him and said " if i have proved for todays survival then can i leave sir"

He annoyingly replied " you may leave".

I exited his room with full attitude and pride.

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