
Best thing life has given You

"Why Dean?" whispered Violet and at the same time she was observing him. Finally seeing that the face in front of her was the face of a stranger. A person completely different compared to the person she embraced and said her goodbyes 6 months ago when he left the university.

How could the person you thought you knew so well turns out to be a stranger when you meet them again.

"You weren't here", Dean solemnly answered.

Hearing those words from him tore her apart but he spoke right after.

"You can never give what I wanted Violet"

"So you cheated? You could never justify what you did!" exclaimed Violet.

After a few moments, Violet continued.

"Sex? Is that all you want? You agreed to wait! We've talked about this before going into the relationship. You said you'd wait!"

"You weren't here! I needed someone. You'd think long distance relationship was enough to keep me going? You don't know what I've been through"

"How would I know if you don't even talk to me?! If it wasn't enough we should have never even started it. We should have broken up when you left! I asked you and yet you were the one that insisted to make things work. You promised me Dean. You're such an asshole"

After their heated argument, silence pervaded throughout the house. Not letting him continue, Violet spoke up and got the upper hand.

"You know what? I'm done Dean. I'm breaking up with you. I don't even believe for a second that this won't happen again. I'm not that stupid"

"This has been the saddest time in my life. This has been a nightmare and that I wish I could wake up from and things will be back to normal. I've spent months thinking about our relationship. I just simply cannot wrap my head around why you would ruin the best thing life has given you"

"I believed in you and tried my hardest to give you all the best there is. I've put blood, tears and sweat into you and making this crazy relationship work. And you know what? At the end of the day you really didn't give me what I gave you. You said what I wanted to hear but actions speak louder than words. You knew how important trust was with me, you went ahead and broke it, just makes me sick"

"People who are in love don't do this to each other. It's that simple. You don't respect me and my feelings like I respect yours. I can't change you and I don't want to change you. You are who you are. I don't want to have to be your second mother and hold your hand to make the right decision, I need that to come from you and your heart"

"You have a lot to things to figure out, purpose in life, how to be happy and successful. I think we both need time to reflect on ourselves. I can't forgive you"

Ouchie (T-T)

Mah heart. Mah soul.

Poor V.

It's very hurtful when someone you love does those aweful things. But still, I wanted to portray another side to it. Where the Victim doesn't act like the victim. Stay strong V.

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