

"get change, we're going somewhere."

Tobias speak to Maria, he was cleaning the table. They just finished eating their lunch and he wanted to take her out.


she asked him, she was sitting beautifully on the chair while caressing her small baby bump.

It's been two weeks since they went on her OB, but Tobias can't took off in his mind the doctor told him.

And, the doctor was not wrong at all! Maria became intense! She was kissing him and touching him on her very own will when she thought that he was sleeping!

Tobias just let Maria do what she wanted to do.

But, she didn't went too far and he never responded to her invitation. He doesn't want that their second time won't be special. So, he endured the times when Maria snubbed him and they argue.

Actually they didn't argue, only Maria wanted to argue with him.

Because he didn't respond to her and left her hanging!

Only if she knew, he was hanging too!

Tobias was asking her what's wrong but she just kept her mouth shut. But, Tobias knew the exact reason why.

"I don't want to go, let's just stay here."

She smiled at him seductively.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I am 100 percent sure, we will end up, you getting mad at me."

He need to take her out! So, they can be happy!

"were you tired at me?"

she sadly asked at him, he saw her eyes turning red and tears started to fall.

"I never asked you to bring me here! I never forced you to took care of me!"

she screamed, stood up and kick the chair.

Uh oh!

Tobias watched as her tears fell down. She was throwing a tantrum!

He stepped towards her, he will comfort her. Its bad for her to be sad. The babies will be in a bad situation too.

"I don't know why I am being like this! I don't know why I did that kind of things! But, I really get frustrated and irritated because I was left hanging!"

There, she admitted it already. She was crying hard. Tobias felt anxious, he need to calmed her down!

He took a deep breath and hugged her.

"sshhh. I'm sorry I didn't mean that. I'm sorry, I really am."

he speak gently as he patted slowly her back and continued.

"I just want us to go out because I get bored here and so as you. And its good for you and our babies."

he tried to persuade her.

Maria escape from his embrace and look at him on the eyes.

"really? You're not tired taking care of me?"

"yes, I will not get tired on taking care of you."

he smiled, assuring her while wiping her tear streaked face.

"can you tell me where are we going?"

she asked him again, but this time Tobias gave in and tell her. He doesn't want to experience her tantrum again!

"in the park"

he answered her, but he didn't told her where exactly the park was. He sighed in relief when Maria nodded and kept her mouth shut.

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