
Chapter 34

Alex's slowking and electabuzz took nearly an hour before taking down their Pseudo king targets and Snorlax is still facing his opponent on the icy floor.

But the defensive line on one side broke in the forty minutes interval when the battle has officially started.

That gave the attacking Pokemon nearly ten to twenty minutes before they can come forward and protect the cruise ship personally.

This is also enough time to initiate a massacre and it did happen.

Multiple water type Pokemons have penetrated through the defensive line and are now just below the cruise ship.

Some rammed on the dense metal part of the cruise ship while others sent their attack on it to create a hole for them to enter the ship.

Some bird Pokemons are also there to help them open passage for them.

The pidgeot and Golbat have created a no flying area over the deck of the cruise ship. No flying Pokemon can enter this area and survive to live the tail.

So some of them have sneaked below to create a hole on the hill of the cruise ship.

Pidgeot, Golbat and other flying Pokemons have noticed the arrival of the water Pokemons near the ship, but they are stopped by the flying Pokemons from interfering.

After the continuous effort, they finally managed to puncture a hole in the hull.

This hole was later enlarged enough to allow some medium sized Pokemons like Poliwhirl and such to Enter one at a time.

The others started to create more holes to enter the ship themselves.

There is no one who can stop them from this and the chaos will start to befall on the lower levels of the ship.

The only one who can stop all of this is Blue but he has already mentioned he will interfere only after the casualty reaches a certain level or they, that is, Elsa, Cynthia, Lucian, Bill, and Alex, are in life and death situation.

So the fate of many people on the cruise ship is doomed.

Alex is getting anxious now after, Pidgeot and Golbat sent words that the pokemons have managed to breach the defence line and even managed to enter the ship by creating a hole in the hull of the ship.

He is thinking about all the possible ways with which he can stop the massacre and limit the amount of casualties.

Alex no longer has any grand hopes that he can stop all of them alone unless he reveals all his cards in the battle.

That option isn't open anymore. He has a feeling he may use all his Pokemons if the situation seem to be going out of hands, or he isn't willing to make some sacrifices to seize the victory.

So he deliberately sent back all the pokeballs except for the ones he has decided to use in this battle to Blue through his Slowking.

It seems he made right choice strategically. But his mental conscience seem to urge him so he can find a way to deal with them.

After much thoughts, only one option is visible in front of him. And, that option will also cause casualties no matter how he sees it.

He urged his two pseudo king Pokemon to end their battle somber but have enough strength to face down the Pokemon for later battle.

They are the ones who will deal the decisive blow to the Pokemon but he still need someone who can drag the Pokemon long enough and prevent too many Pokemon from entering the ship and cause havoc.

His Gengar can deal with Pokemon who sneak at the cruise ship from the deck but for the ones who will enter the ship from the lower levels, he will need a strong trainer.

The only ones in his mind are his friends and Captain Bark. But, none of his friends can do the things that need to be done in this scenario.

And whoever did the job has a high chance of suffering injury which may be life threatening to even death itself.

So he made a choice which not only involved his emotions but also strategic plans.

He contacted his target through Espeon.

'Captain Bark, Captain Bark.' He contacted his target mentally.

" Who? " Bark shouted in surprise and looked around frantically who called while fighting his foes and then shouted in rage, "Whoever you are, I am very busy right now. We will talk after this battle is over. "He felt he is familiar with this tone but cannot discern who he was.

' I am Alex Bart. I need you to head for the ship itself and protect it from the Pokemon. They have created a hole in the hull, we cannot let them enter the ship in large number or there will be a complete massacre. ' he conveyed it to the captain.

After Alex introduced himself, Captain felt there was a situation at hand. After all he doesn't feel someone as mature as Alex will contact him in a time like this, when he cannot be distracted.

But, upon hearing why he called him he is shocked to the extreme. This situation is too dire. " What? The defensive line is breached."

If the situation is not brought back in control then all the civilians in the ship will be in danger.

" What do you need me to do?" Captain Bark understands what Alex wants him to do but he still wants to listen what he wants.

Alex is silent for sometime before he spoke out, 'I need to you to hold back those Pokemon. After my electabuzz and slowking has dealt with their foes, they will come back to support you.'

Bark knew how dangerous this task is going to be. So he has some conflicts on whether to accept this task or not.

But remembering it is originally his job to make sure the passengers reach their destination safe and sound.

Bark steeled himself and asked, " How long do I need to drag them?"

' Around half an hour at the very least to an hour at most. ' If they can not reach you by that time, then I will give up my position and come to your rescue personally.' alex gave him the answer as well as a time of his long he has to last until the reinforcement arrives.

Bark asked jokingly, " So is this a solo task, boss?"

' You can a team with you, but they cannot exceed ten. We can not just give up that defensive line too.' Alex said decisively.

Bark understood his meaning and did as he is ordered.

With Electabuzz and Slowking,

After Electabuzz and Slowking battle ended and they have recovered some of their spent stamina while resting.

Slowking run a mental scan through the battlefield to have a rough estimate of the battle under the ship really was.

His expression turned grave on finding the situation and he first teleported to electabuzz and then towards their battlefield without a moment delay.

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