
Reward from Agatha and Pokedex

While the other geniuses talked about Alex, he was now following Samuel to get his packages. He really was looking forward to getting a healer. The lack of effective healer stopped Alex from training his pokemons to the limit.

Some moves can't be trained because their body can't handle or they are wounded badly in the aftermath. The presence of healer can put an end to the unfavorable situations and he can train his pokemons more effectively in the forest unafraid of the dangers of wild pokemons attack.

The wilderness is a treasure trove. Many resources as well as treasure can be found out there. The pokemon alliance control only about 20% of the total area. These areas are mostly composed of city as well as less dense forest and factories.

The true wilderness is a burial ground. These places are heavily protected and only strong are allowed. The minimum requirements for entering the wilderness is advanced level trainer.

These wilderness is also the main reason why each region has armed forces. Sometimes the pokemon herd from here attack the place near the borders of wilderness and cause much harm to city as well as life.

Alex has thought of moving around the periphery of the wilderness where it is not as dangerous as the wilderness itself.

It has been said that pokemon league has made a deal with the leaders of herd as well as legendary pokemons of not causing trouble in the league areas in return they would not develop actively in those areas.

His reasonings for going there is to develop battle instincts in the new Pokemon as well as train himself. There he can also do some contribution works for the league.

This will help make a better bio-data for him and prevent the noises of other factions for providing him better resources.

While Alex was making plans of his future travel they reached the interior of the lab, there Alex noticed were some computer flashing data's with the pink polyhedral body with a blue stomach, blue triangular prism feet, and a blue rectangular prism tail. It has a pink, polyhedral head that ends in a blue beak and has hexagonal eyes. They floated around and then entered the computer.

There was none other than the two. Seeing Alex looked at Porygon, Samuel said," These are Porygon. They are artificially created and are very helpful in computing data's and capture of information.

They also are very loyal. This room is out of bounds for all the people except for the core members of the Laboratory.

And all the core members are trainers. None ate scientists so I use them to do some secret researches I have in mind and computers the data's.

Any way look here." He pointed towards a pokeball as well as a box.

"She sent me these two days ago and wanted me to hand them over to you." He then raised the tray on which they were kept and took it towards Alex.

Alex gently took the pokeball and then the box. He opened the box to find a container.

This containers has transparent wall so one can see the inside object quite easily. Through the wall he saw fog around a white crystal like object. Alex didn't know what it was but his hands felt cold so he thought it was related to ice type .

" Ah she really gave you a good thing Alex." Samuel exclaimed.

Alex just looked at it puzzled and then looked at professor for explaination," This is a thousand year old nevermelt ice. This can strengthen the ice powers of Pokemon on use."

" But I saw nevermelt ice. It is different from this. " Alex said puzzled. He bought nevermelt ice from the department but they were different from this.

They were grey in colour and weren't crystalline but more like powder.

" You probably bought from the department stores. The nevermelt ice there is artificially created. They too work but they can't be used infinitely. They can only be used a few times but the natural ones are better than those artificial ones by multiple times.

For artificially created your Swinub can eat at least only five through his life but if it is natural he can eat them similar to berries.

And this here is thousand year old nevermelt ice. This is much powerful ones.

To compare, The ice elite of johto, Pierce fed his delibird and piloswine two thousand and three thousand year old nevermelt ice respectively.

The powers increased so much that his delibird can freeze a lake as big as a kilometre in diameter.

This will be very good for the growth of Swinub but I fear for the lack if ground power in Swinub

There are some power gems in the works which accumulate energy from the world or powerful pokemons and provide energy to the pokemons

This makes their elemental powers powerful."Samuel sighed sadly

Alex put his hand in his backpack and brought some gems got in Viridian black market after taking down the thugs who threatened him .

Professor looked and saw that they were red, blue, brown, green as well as pink and purple gems.

There were three gems of each colour at the very least.

" Your luck is quite extraordinary. These gens will do Swinub good. Let's go outside and I will show you how to use them."

He then went out towards the lab backyard with Alex following behind. Daisy on seeing them going out reached them and asked Alex," Alex where are you going?"

" Wait a minute before going to the backyard I want to give you something." Samuel interrupted them.

He ran inside the room again and brought a red object the size of average smartphone with a pokeball with blue and black color.He handed it to Alex and said," This is a Pokedex. This object is not completely ready to circulate to all trainers but since you join us I thought it will do you good.

Also you can use it's camera to collect photo as well as record things you find about pokemons and send them to me.

This is the work I give you as my assistant. You will collect data about various pokemons you find in your journey in Kanto and other regions and send me their info through it.

and Don't worry I will pay you good salary and if the research is good enough you will be rewarded.

These will also make a base for pokemon researcher. After some small fieldwork you could start releasing bigger discovery and none will have the basis to accuse you of theft ."

" Thank you." Alex bowed his head slightly to Samuel in respect. and gratitude.

" Don't mind it " and then told Daisy," We are going to the backyard. "

" Can I come too?" She looked at Alex cutely

Alex looked at professor who shrugged and said," If you don't mind" and then told her," Ok but listen to us ok."

She looked at him seriously and nodded.

In the backyard, Alex threw the pokeball in the air and Swinub materialised. After being released he swept his nose around for food but seeing none he rubbed his nose against Alex's leg.

Knowing what he wanted he sent out it's favorite sour berry.

" Alex put the gem on Swinub first. Then open the container and feed it and Swinub you will direct the Earth power along with ice after eating it.."

on hanging the gems on Swinub's body it glowed slightly and then after opening the container the surrounding area suddenly become a few degrees cooler.

Swinub's attention was attracted to it and he hypnotically went to the container. He then looked up at Alex as of waiting for permission. Alex nodded .

how will this affect Swinub ? Stay tuned

to be continued...

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