
Pewter Gym Battle ( Part 2)

After reaching the gym he was led to a spacious hall. There was a pokemon battlefield in the center with many rocks and stones on it. on the other side was a middle-aged guy around same age as his father. He was the current Pewter city gym leader, Flint. Yes the father of Brock Flint. Currently the gym is still headed by him.

After entering he saw that they just had a Pokemon battle with another youth. He was around the same age as him and had red hair and handsome face. He seemed like he has seen him somewhere.

As he was thinking such, Flint," You have defeated me and hence you are worthy of Boulder badge. Here you go , Lance"

The newly identified , Lance said," thank you and then to his Dratini said, " Look Dratini we got our first gym badge."

Hearing his name and Dratini beside him as well as seemingly familiar face he understood where he saw him. He was the future champion of Johto and Kanto, Dragon Champion Lance.

After seeing Alex Flint said," Ah you are the next one. Alex right."

"How do you know my name. " He tilted his head in confusion.

Laughing Flint replied," Marcus bragged a lot about you. So I was curious about you and then I saw your name on the list of Challenger so I was excited. Hahahahahaha"

Hearing this he smiled meekly, while Lance there was staring at him intently. He then suddenly asked," Do you mind that I watched the match"

Shrugging Flint said lazily," I don't mind, ask the challenger."

" i too don't mind "

while thinking' It is a great ego booster having a champion curious about you. even though he is still not a champion'

Then another young man who was also around his age said," Please all the spectator leave the field while only Challenger and leader remain." looking at him curiously Flint said," He is my eldest son , Brock."

" Hello"

while Brock nodded his head in greeting.

Lance went to the spectator stand at the back watching the match curiously for how good of a trainer he was that a gym leader complimented him to another gym leader.

" This is a three on three official Pokemon gym battle between Challenger Alex Bart of Floral town and Gym leader Flint for the Boulder badge. Let's the battle begin"

" Go Geodude"

" Go Pidgeotto"

' Huh flying against rock is foolish but that maniac Marcus complimented him so he must have an underhand'

Both Brock and Lance we're stunned by his choice but opted to continue watching.

Pidgeotto started by featherdance and harrasing Geodude with sand attack and annoying it. Geodude retaliation was in the form of Rock attack. But he dodged it then " Geodude rollout"

Geodude rolled in the form of ball and rolled over to Pidgeotto and nailed a couple solid hits then " Stop him "

Pidgeotto using it's sharp eyes caught Geodude arms with it's claws and then raised it to the air. " Slam it to the ground"

then Geodude fell then was wobbly at the point." End it with Aerial ace"

At the next moment Pidgeotto at blinking speed hit Geodude sailing it to the Rock and get embedded on rock Boulder in the field. AND GEODUDE FAINTED.

" GEODUDE has fainted. Please send you r next Pokemon"

" Go Graveller"

Seeing this he withdrew his Pidgeotto after some encouraging world sent out Swinub.

Swinub after entering immediately used hail powder snow combo. This was a trick Alex devised for him so that it could make up for his speed.

Graveller used rock throw in retaliation swinub used ice spear breaking the rocks in the middle. This clash continued until

" Graveller Magnitude"

" Counter it with your own"

the whole field was shaking that Alex and Brock and even Lance away fell to the ground. Whole only Swinub, Graveller and Flint were left standing. In the end Alex said "Avalanche "

Huge ice blocks bigger than Graveller itself fell on it directly crushing him and it fainted.

Avalanche took a lot of Swinub too so he too withdrew it.

As for the last Pokemon Flint added," I can see why Marcus will brag about you. Well out of respect Rhyhorn go"

" Go Charmander"

Charmander started with smokescreen and used dragon dance as he saw how bulky Rhyhorn was. After this in the smoke he attacked it with flamethrower. But they didn't have much impact on it. Rhyhorn used rock blast throwing huge rocks on it though he dodged them but he still collided with the rocks hurting it.

Seeing long range not working Alex " Start close combat"

He dashed to Rhyhorn and started a barrage of slash metal claw and fire claw. It hurt him and even made it groan in pain. The Rhyhorn then used take down and then bulldoze this slammed to the ground. In the dust cloud it showed Charmander on the ground on it's knees but staring defiantly at Rhyhorn. Angered it ran down to it and once again flung it in the air. At last it was crashed to a rock.

Charmander after raising from it shone in bright light after it faded in place of Charmander was a Charmeleon . ' I knew you were at the crusp of evolution and just needed a push '

Charmeleon is a bipedal, reptilian creature. It has bright-red scales and a cream underside. There is a horn-like protrusion on the back of its head, and it has narrow blue eyes and a long snout. It has relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Its short legs have feet with three claws and cream-colored soles. The tip of its long, powerful tail has a flame burning on it.

Finally Alex ordered," Dragon Rush"

instantly surrounded by dragon energy he immediately slammed into the Rhyhorn knocking it back and ended it with dragon claw.

" Rhyhorn is defeated since gym leader no lost all the Pokemon so the winner is Alex from Floral Town."

Hearing both Alex and Charmeleon jumped in the air in joy.

" Well congratulations you defeated me fair and square. He awarded him with a Boulder badge with two stars."

Watching the match Lance too headed towards them.

Now our hero has won two gym badges and the future champion head towards him. What will happen and what will unfold next to know more stay tuned.

to be continued...

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