
Christmas Eve - Part 2 - Anna and Jake (4)

Part 4 - 'What we both want!'

Anna's bullying continued until they reached home.

Jake's face matched that of the cherry tomato from continuously getting blushed from the relentless teasing.

Even after returning home, Anna mercilessly tailed him.

"You!" Don't talk to me-" Jake sternly replied to rush upstairs to their room. He planned to lock himself away from suffering cruel embarrassment.

Anna followed as she didn't leave an opening. However. Jake got ahead with his speed and natural lead. He shut the bedroom door from not letting Anna inside.

"Open the door, Jake!"

Anna savagely knocked on the wooden door, causing raucous that may convey something else if an outsider passes by to overhear.

"Are you not going to open the door?" Anna cried.

"I won't!"

"What! Fine, I'll stop teasing you!" she tried appealing.

But, Jake remained hushed on the other side, contemplating if he should believe his wife- no, this teasing monster or not.

"I promise!" Anna added to encourage.

Even though she is a teasing monster, Jake took a chance to trust his wife. Shortly, the door creaked to open, and Jake caught a glimpse of Anna glued to the board.

The first sight startled both slightly. Anna displayed a loyal smile convincingly.

Jake decisively opened the door fully to let her inside.

Anna's smile soon turned satire, stubbornly biting her lips from resisting the temptation to tease her husband. However, before she could have the chance, Jake pushed her front.

"No- way! You- don't come here!"

Anna remained unyielding, using the door frame to support.

"Jake- but, I didn't say a word-"

"You are about to, though."

"Trust me, no-"

Despite trying to convince, Anna can't help but expose her hidden intention with a low giggle. Jake's patience ran out. He began to use force to drive her away.

"But- Jake-"

Anna grappled.

"Are you- honestly- going to- send me away- after- surprising me- all evening!"

Jake hesitated, slipping over Anna as he toppled to fall on her.

"Do you hate me that much?" she added pitifully.

It was only due to the heat of the moment, but Anna's voice came out genuine.

Jake no longer tried to push her away. Instead, he held her tight.

"Do you really think that?"

Jake's grip was warm. It restored her composure.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Anna confessed.

"You know that I love you very much, right! It's natural for me to feel a little jealous," Jake admitted.

"A little?"

"A LITTLE jealous of someone who once had feelings for my wife."

Anna wasn't Jake's wife at that time, but she couldn't comprehend how he got jealous of someone she hasn't met in years. It wasn't like her actions hinted at disloyalty.

"You are worrying for nothing, Jake."

"I know, but still-"

Jake hesitates but continues to pour out his concern.

"You were sulking all alone in this house for the past few days. I thought you got better, but no. It bothers me to watch you in such a state. That's why I wanted to take you out on a date to cheer you up, but as soon as you saw your old friend, you gleamed out in joy."

Anna couldn't see the face he was making at the moment, which made her uneasy.

"It just made me think that all my efforts are wasted compared to some random stylist-" Jake added enviously.

Anna was aching inside to look at Jake's face, and she did by leaving his embrace voluntarily. She turned around to find her husband scowling.

"Did I look worried to you?" she asked.

Jake leaned against the door frame for support.

"Yes! Even this morning, I thought you just woke up early but, after seeing you sitting alone, staring outside silently with such an ache in your eyes, I felt so bad."

Anna inquired if that was the reason for him to suggest going on a date.

"Yes and no- I know that you got hurt from hearing all those people name dropping about us having a child-" Jake paused. His gaze pierced as he looked into her eyes,

"You should know that I am with you."

Not only his firm gaze but even his sincere tone moved Anna emotionally. She cupped his face kindly to praise his effort to cheer her up today.

"You are my strength, Jake. I may get sad, but I don't want to give up. I know how much you love children. That's why I am trying to-"

Jake didn't let Anna finish and stopped her from keep talking.

Anna got surprised by his interruption.

"You had a tough time already. Let's forget about it, okay!"

Jake said to pat Anna on her head, leading away to get changed.

"We've had a long day! Let's watch some tv and then go to bed!"

Anna did not expect to get rejected even before starting.

Nevertheless, not anymore. Perhaps talking to Anthony made her realize that life goes on for everyone, and over time, even the most painful memory will heal.

The only question that one should be asking is what we must do to move forward?

Hearing about her classmates from high school made Anna rethink the girl she was once- strong, loving, free-spirited, and smart.

All these years, because of how others viewed, that young girl's spirit is now nowhere to be found. In a way, meeting Anthony helped Anna to realize what she lacked all this time.

No longer does she want to ignore this subject and hurt Jake in this process as well. Everything was perfect in her beautiful life. Well, maybe not too perfect, but she was at least happy except for one thing, and that was her fear to bear a child, which she no longer wishes to be her only weakness.



"I think I'm ready!" Anna said.

"For what?"

"To have a child!" she declared.

Jake had a tough time removing that leather jacket, but his struggle stopped as soon as he overheard Anna.

In one swift action, he pulled the jacket away roughly, not caring about the burn it left from his brute force.

"What?" he called out.

"I think we should try," Anna suggested.


Jake sternly refused.


"You are not- Don't do this, Anna!" he remarked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't make such rash decisions in the heat of the moment."

"I didn't- decide this because of other's opinion."

"No," Jake tenaciously denied.

"Why?" Anna approached him furiously.

"Anna, you are not-" Jake looked at her eyes that screamed her anguish.

"You are not thinking this through. It is not like we're deciding to buy a new house or something. You should know this."

"I do know this!" Anna raised her voice for the first time.

Her temper affected Jake as well, making him more vulnerable than he is already.

"You cannot. W- What if- you- no, I can't bear to see you again-"

Jake began to stammer in despair.

For the first time, Anna also saw Jake completely drenched in dread.

Compared to both, Anna's more affected because she had to physically go through the loss of her child, not once but twice, which can send any woman to extreme fear of getting pregnant the next time.

However, Anna realized how all those times when Jake remained by her side, supporting her, it was also him who got hurt silently within.

It was also his child. Perhaps, he didn't physically go through it like his wife. But, it is clear that emotionally it disturbed him as well. Because no matter what, those two loved each other sincerely and shared every joy and sadness together.

Anna could only go on with the help of Jake's strength. But, right now, it was Jake who appeared defeated. It was now Anna's time to reinforce.

Jake was adamant in rejecting Anna's proposal, which made her forcibly cover his mouth to stop him.

"When did you become like this?" she exclaimed.

Jake sensed a vexation rising in his eyes, having tears on edge to fall at any moment.

"I never gave up because you stayed strong for both of us, but seeing you like this makes me think if I hurt you too," Anna spoke.

"No, you didn't-"

"I'm sorry, Jake," Anna apologized.

"No, don't!" Jake resisted.

"I'm sorry for being weak and pathetic. I was so scared that I assumed the worst and gave you a hard time, didn't I?" Anna cried.

"You didn't."

"I'm sorry that I let this drag for so long! You must have had a tough time answering others for my sake," Anna admitted achingly.

"Not, don't- Anna!"

"I'm so sorry that it took me all this time to understand finally."

"It's not your fault, Anna!"

Anna was unaware when her tears suddenly showed up. She only discovered their existence when Jake reached out to wipe them off her cheeks.

'It was not her fault!'

Such an audacious statement, yet it pierced Anna like a deep cut.

"I was so scared all this time, Jake!" Anna admitted openly.

Jake consoled to squeeze her tight.

That night, Anna poured out all her bitter feelings.

How much she hated whenever people talked about having a child?

How much she got hurt when Jake's cousin said that they should look for a surrogate?

How much she tried to run away all this time?

Jake silently let her express while firmly holding onto her trembling body.

Anna sniffed, having dumped all her worries one after the other.

Both of their legs had gone numb from standing long, yet they didn't mind.

"I'm sorry-" Anna confessed again.

"I said stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong."

"It must have been tough on you too-"

The tears fell again, but Anna stopped them this time, not wanting Jake to find out.

"It was tough. But believe me or not, you being with me is just enough strength I need to face anyone," Jake comforted.

Anna finally calmed down.

The two remained by the door frame, hugging each other tightly for a while. All this time enduring everything solely, it was the perfect chance to share their pain and move forward.

Soon, Anna broke out the silence, saying how she means when she said that she was ready to have a child.

Jake remained quiet. He saw how Anna's body no longer trembled. Instead, she was comfortably allowing herself to get embraced.

"Are you sure?" Jake asked.

He never wanted Anna to make a forced decision. Although it was tough to endure, Jake wished that Anna could take as much time as she needed to overcome the fear.

"There is no hurry in having a child!" he said.

Since it is a new life that they bring into this world, Jake hoped that the child should birth out of their love and not out of expectations.

"Frankly, I like spending time with you like this already- If we have kids, we won't have time to date-" Jake remarked.

"I'm sure our daughter will take after you, and our sons will take mine."

"But I want a little Anna!" Jake appealed.

"Nope, I've heard it all! Daughters take after their father and sons after their mother. That's why they have such closeness too."

"Is that true?" Jake inquired.

"I think I read it somewhere-"

"Really?" Jake still asked in doubt.

Anna let go of Jake to look him in the eye to ask,

"What will you do when our daughter brings home her boyfriend?"

Jake froze, his face drowned in both fear and intensity of wrath burning deep down for no reason.

"Did I go too far? I mean, we don't even have a kid yet! You're going to have to get me pregnant first!" Anna joked.

Even as a joke, it was terrifying, yet Jake smiled through it.

"Are you sure that you are ready to have our child?" he asked.


Anna's face glowed while Jake remained still, thinking to himself.

Seeing him speechless worried Anna as she got scared if Jake is still going to reject her. Honestly, she can't hear him refuse anymore. It's now or never- is what Anna thought and believed.

"Do you- believe in me?" she asked Jake.

"Of course I do!"

"Well, do you love me?" she inquired again.

"I do!" Jake didn't hesitate to admit.

"Then that's enough! I think I'll be careful. I will eat properly. I won't go to work if I don't feel well. I won't strain myself, and I- I promise to care for the child sincerely so that even through all that pain, I would want to see our child come into this world," Anna vowed.

Her passionate pledge moved the husband deeply that his tears returned. Instead of crying it out, he leaned in for a kiss.

"Thank you!"

"Thank You, Anna!"

"I promise too, to take care of you and our child together!" he returned the vow.

Now that their long-hidden feelings are out and confronted, Anna grew impatient.

"So, can we?" she eagerly demanded.

Jake agreed this time, but his only concern was if they still have the energy to make passionate love. After all, it was a while since they had sex. With attending various events, dinner parties, lunch hangout, Jake and Anna completely drained themselves. It should be complete rest that they should desire, and not a vigorous night.

Anna didn't care for it as the adrenaline at the moment could give her the strength of a sumo warrior. She dragged Jake into their bedroom hurriedly. They didn't bother to take a shower or so after all that skating.

Jake got surprised to see his wife ambitious. He let her take control at first, but as soon as they stripped out of their clothes, Jake began to dominate. Their warm bodies got closer to embrace each other, making tender love all night.

Jake noticed Anna no longer feared in bed. She used to hold back in the past. But, right now, she reached out to him more honestly. None of them could hold back or worry about getting exhausted. All they did was express their adoration for each other.

And Anna only had one wish at the moment. It was soon to bear the fruit of their love.

And that concludes the overall story for Jake and Anna.

Since I took the responsibility of bringing them into the main story, I had to convey what happens to both of them.

I poured my heart and soul into these two and wrote these long chapters to read it several times to make sure I expressed the character's emotions perfectly to my belief.

I thank you guys for giving Anna and Jake the love they deserve.

From here on, they will appear in Lillian and Giselle's life!

There won't be any dedicated chapters, I think!

Well, no one can predict the future!

I hope you enjoyed reading these chapters.

I have one more couple to talk about before returning to Lillian and Diego's Christmas Eve dinner.

Oh! And I won't disappear again for a long time. I hope to at least maintain one lengthy chapter per week.

ljack_acecreators' thoughts
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