

About 5 minutes after the Raum Clan man stood up, Lili and a group of women that appeared to be maids showed up outside the prison cell.

At the sight of Lili, Night felt the tingle in his soul.

'Damn, it is even stronger when she is nearby,' Night thought as the attractive redhead showed up outside the cell.

"Hello, Lili," Night said with a grin. It wasn't a particularly nice sort of grin but she seemed completely oblivious.

"Hey Silly, why are you still wearing that disguise?," she said with a slight blush to her face.

'What the fuck? Silly? She is talking to me like I'm her longtime boyfriend or something. What the hell is going on?,' Night thought with a slight bit of caution taking over him.

Night had to admit that she was a very, very sexy woman....and he hadn't been with a woman in over two years....Suddenly, he had a few mental images of what Lili would look like sprawl naked on a bed....

Shaking his head, he cleared the erotic thoughts.

'Shit, this woman is more dangerous than I thought,' Night said to himself as he pulled out of the quick fantasy that ran through his head.

"Lili, can you help me get out of this cell so we can talk? I just arrived in this place yesterday an was trying not to cause any problems....but alas.....the problems seem to find me," Night said trying to get a little sympathy from the woman.

"Sure sweetie. But only if you change back to your real look," she said.

Sighing inside, Night shifted his appearance to look similar to how he looked on Earth. He was fit and handsome. His missing eye was now a perfect match for the other side and his two fingers were back to normal.

"Much better," Lili said as she eyeballed Night. Then she turned around and began talking to the warden about Night's release.

"Where is Lady Lilith?," a shouting voice suddenly interrupted from behind the group as another young man with blue green eyes appeared behind the group. This guy seemed to be in his in his twenties and was dressed nicer than the other two men from his clan.

"Orthrus, what are you doing here?," Lili said in an indignant tone. From the sound of it, she didn't like this person.

"Of course, I am here to deal with this trash from the Osir Clan," the man called Orthrus said as he approached the holding cell with his chest puffed out.

"He isn't from the Osir Clan...He is my Chosen," she said firmly at the the man.

"Your Chosen?," Orthrus said indignantly, "Then, that means he isn't your mate yet. Why don't you just let me get rid of him and consider taking me as your mate instead?"

Night just sat in his cell and listened to the whole drama play out. He felt like he was reliving a previous life....and had grown quite bored with the whole scene already.....he wasn't going through all that shit again if he could help it. Too much drama. A rich kid that wants Night's girl....but in this situation.....Night never wanted the girl in the first place....he was fucking tricked into something he didn't quite understand.

"Hey you.....trash....How about we settle this with a dual?," Orthrus asked with some confidence in his tone.

Night was angry over the whole incident from the start.....and now some spoiled fancy guy was that was trying to get the girl was coming after him. The guy was only a Level 2 Demigod too. This shit was too typical.....his anger was starting to boil over.

Still seated in the cell, Night just looked at Lili and asked, "Would it cause trouble if I just killed him now?"

Everyone standing outside the cell was shocked at his words. Someone who was locked in a cell was actually threatening a member of the Raum Clan...in their own territory...while surrounded by strong people that could stop him in his tracks.

Before anyone else could recover, Lili stuttered, "Y...Yes, if he is killed in his family's territory it would cause some issues."

"Then can I hurt him?.....if keep him alive?," Night asked. He really wanted to fuck someone up.

"That shouldn't cause a prob.....," Lili was still responding when she was interrupted by a glass breaking level scream coming from the man behind her.

Orthrus had fallen to the ground. He seemed to be having a seizure. His body flopping around on the ground.....and he was even pissing and drooling all over himself.

The three other Raum Clan members, including the warden, had jumped to Orthrus' side and were trying to keep him from biting his tongue and dying.

Night was actually thrilled that this new attack method had worked. He had previously sent the Keres out to destroy souls before and had good luck as long as it was within his perception range. This time he just wanted them to hurt the soul.....not destroy it. The effect was wonderful and very much to Night's liking. The only thing that wasn't ideal was the range of the attack. When viewing just the physical world or the soul world, Night could see almost a full mile. When he combined the two views in an attack, his perception range had decreased by more than three quarters of its original distance. Regardless...when he just sent out Misery to hurt Orthrus' soul....the range was more than enough.

"Stop now, or else.....," the weakest Demigod of the three Raum Clan members started to make a threat before his words were also cut off....and he started flopping around on the ground too.

The crowd instantly got quiet again and looked on in horror. Night had just brought a Level 2 Demigod and a Level 3 Demigod to their knees without even moving from his seat in the cell.

"What did you do? How dare you assault a member of the Raum Clan? Guards kill this man!!," the one remaining of the original two demigods shouted.

No one moved. They were too afraid to move. Lili had also stood in front the cell and held out a gold token. The gesture seemed to really get everyone's attention.

Watching the scene, Night remembered that token. Lili had given him one before and he currently had it stashed away in his fake eye.

"Don't worry....they won't die....If you keep making a fuss, you can be next," Night said nonchalantly from the cell, "I didn't kill them as agreed to by Lilith Dreamwalker...if we actually battled...I doubt either one of them would even have a corpse left to bury.....They got off lucky...so unless you want to join them, I would suggest you back down."

Actually, he was bluffing a bit in his threat. Misery had easily hurt Orthrus' soul because her strength was about on par with his. However, she had actually been injured by one of the concept orbs when attacking the Level 3 Demigod. She was going to be alright but Night had told her not to causally attack Demigods stronger than her anymore. It seemed that some concepts offered protection over the soul while some didn't. It must be related to the basis of concept.

Regardless of the setback for Misery, Night was really enjoying this menacing attitude. These people had really pissed him off and he felt that he could get away with a bit more since Lili was here now....and she seemed to have some authority.

"No one shall take any action against Night for this incident. The Raum Clan had shown aggression first and had taken my Chosen captive with no justifiable cause," Lili said urgently while holding up the token that was a symbol of her clan, "...unless the Raum Clan would like to go against the Limim Clan and the Countess ."

Despite the smell of urine and the hostile glares of the Raum men....The tension in the room subsided slightly at Lili's threat. No one would go against the Countess and her clan. Lili had made that the point when she pulled out the clan's token. She was formally declaring Night as her Chosen in front of others....this news would spread quickly and cause many to be upset.

Seeing the room settle down, Night couldn't resist throwing out a demand, "Great. Now can someone get me out this fucking cell?"


After getting out of the cell, everyone in the Guard facility kept a good distance away from Night.....everyone except Lili. Night's display of power seemed to worry everyone else...but it seemed to make Lili even more enthused to be around him. She even looped her arm in his when leaving the guard facility and seemed to be in a great mood. Night didn't fight the affectionate gesture by the woman....what else was he going to do? She had just gotten him out of jail.

"Alright, explain to me what the hell is going on. What did you do to my soul?," Night asked the woman as they were walking.

"Oh...I made you my Chosen," Lili said as if it was no big deal.

"What the hell does that mean?," Night said as he looked at a small carriage pulled by two horse looking beasts.

"Oh, you don't know? Hop in. We are going to our home now. I will tell you all that you want to know when we get there," Lili said.

Night was left completely perplexed. He had met this chick one time. She made out with him in the desert and put a weird mark on his soul. Now she was acting like some possessive girlfriend or wife or something.....all of a sudden...talking about 'we' and 'our'...he honestly didn't know what to think.

'Shit, what the hell did I get myself into?,' Night worried to himself for the entire ride. He just sat quietly in the carriage as Lili pointed out all her favorite spots as they moved along the streets. From his view out of the window, Night could tell that they were getting deeper and deeper into the city. They seemed to be headed toward the center of it all.

During the ride, he almost wanted to ask Lili if she had a map of the City to sate his curiosity. However, he shied away from the request. The whole incident was really started when he tried to blackmail a map out of her in Manco Oasis. Remembering the whole situation, Night just kept shaking his head at himself.

'How the fuck is this a reward for saving someone?,' Night thought.

"Oh sweetie, are you alright?," Lili said out of concern when she saw Night shaking his head for no reason.

"Yes.....I'm fine.....I just really want some answers on this whole Chosen thing," Night responded.

"Mother always told me that questions are common for men that are unfamiliar with the Limim Clan. I hope that you can settle in just fine. I really like you after all," Lili said with a blush as she reached over and held Night's hand. The few sentences escalated both Night's confusion and worry. He had went from completely confident in himself to unsure.....all it took was this woman talking.

Realizing he was on the losing end of some type of battle, Night didn't talk much for the rest of the ride. Lili was excited as ever though and kept going on and on about all sorts of insignificant stuff. The only reason Night didn't flee on the spot was that it didn't seem like the woman intended to harm him at all. She seemed genuinely thrilled to be around him.....which was ridiculously weird.....but she was not a threat to his life....or at least it didn't seem that way.

After about 20 minutes of travel in the carriage, they pulled up to another gated wall. From his observations, it seemed to Night that the Limim Clan lived at the center of the city. The layout made sense.....their clan was the ruling clan of the city after all. Their portion of the city was completely separated from the rest of the city by a wall that was about 35 feet tall.

Getting through the gate wasn't difficult at all, but the scenery was like walking through the gateway into a different world. The area was scattered with vegetation and appeared to a bit more spread out than the rest of the city. Night was transfixed by the architectural beauty of this area. Lili seemed very happy that Night was interested in the scenery. However, Night was also in a bit of a panic. His soul perception had been knocked down a significant amount the second that they crossed past the walls. He didn't like it, but he assumed that this was some sort of security measure for the ruling clan. They didn't want people peeping in on their actions. The carriage soon arrived at a small chateau looking building with a few gardens out front. From the amount of greenery, Night guessed that the Limim clan was near the water supply.

After exiting the carriage, Lili and Night were ushered into the house by staff. They were standing in the foyer of the home when Lili tugged his hand causing Night to stop.

"Why don't you get cleaned up? I am sure you are filthy from being locked up in that cell. The maids will help you get settled in. I'll see you later," Lili said before slipping off to the side and disappearing down a hallway.

Night was left standing with a group of maids.

"This way, Sir," one of the older maids said as she gestured for Night to move down the hall way.

After a minute of walking, the maids lead Night to a nicely furnished bedroom. One of the women walked over to the side of the room and pulled the door open to reveal a large luxurious bathroom. She immediately started to run water and move things around to prepare for Night.

Night was thrilled at the sound of running water. The bath even had some sort of shower. He had been wanting a shower so bad. It seemed that the since the Limim Clan ruled over the City....then they had access to the water from the oasis source. The maids gave Night a few instructions related to the bath and left the room.

As Night was disrobing, a few of the maids returned to deliver some clean robes for Night to wear after he was through with the shower.

Some of the maids gave Night a wide stare seeing him shirtless preparing for the bath. When he had reverted back to his normal appearance, he didn't bother hiding his scars and missing fingers. It took too much focus to hide all the scars at once and the missing fingers became obvious when he was interacting with stuff. The maids didn't seem to expect his body to be so beat up.

One thing was still hidden though.....Night did hide his missing eye. After traveling with the caravan and getting more back into civilization, Night had started to become slightly self conscious about his missing eye...so as soon as he had the ability with his Presence Concept.....he started to hide it behind the illusion.

After the maids finished laying out the robes, they walked out of the room closing the door behind them.

Finally by himself, Night started to relax a bit. It had been a long time since he had been somewhere this nice and really appreciated the amenities. He quickly finished undressing and walked over to the shower. The bathroom was exquisite with a flowing shower that cascaded down into to a hot tub sized bath. Light from the sun was entering through some high windows on the wall. The atmosphere was great. Night was really enjoying it all as he bathed and cleaned himself up. He had felt like a grime ball for a long time.

When he was in the middle of washing his hair in the shower, Night heard a door crack open at the opposite side of the room.

Thinking that it was one of the maids returning, Night instinctually covered himself with his hands and turned around to see what was going on.

Lili was standing naked in all her majesty in the middle of the doorway on the other side of the bathroom. She slowly walked into the bathroom....her red flowing hair fluttered down her chest giving glimpses of her voluptuous breasts.

Night was frozen in his tracks standing under the flowing water.

Seeing the look of shock on Night's face, Lili let out a giggle that sent shivers through Night's body.

"Mind if I join you?," Lili said in a sultry voice as she moved forward toward Night.

"....", Night just stared at the woman in front of him.....he couldn't speak at all.

'Well.....fuck,' Night thought as the woman walked up and wrapped her arms around him. She hadn't waited for him to give his response to her question.

ha ha ha ha.......as an author.....I feel proud of that cliffhanger.....

....this also beats my record for longest chapter....

Thanks for reading!

BrokeButtoncreators' thoughts
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