
Dark Magic

Raion "This place is creepy. I can't wait to get out of here."

Veter "I will say it does have this eerie sense to it."

Baskia "Maybe it's Uchu ghost, haunting this place." He jumps and grabs Raion shoulders from behind and yells in his ear "Boo!" Raion spooked from Baskia, immediately jerks around.

Raion "What the fuck was that!?"

Baskia let's out intense laughter. "You should have seen your face. You were petrified."

Raion "I was not! You just simple surprised me a little bit."

Baskia "Your face said otherwise."

Raion "Well! I did no such thing!"

Veter "You, to some extent looked like legit saw a ghost."

Raion "Veter?! why the hell are you taking his side for?! Is there something going on between the two of you?"

Baskia "What no, that's absurd what gives you that idea. There is nothing happening at all. " He says all flustered.

Raion "Ahh I meant that as a joke." Raion gave Baskia this confused look and then took a glimpse over at Veter, who had this giddy grin plastered over his face.

Baskia noticed that Raion was checking Veter out. He then took hold of Raions arms and pulled Raion forward with him.

Baskia "Wait a minute how is this possible? How am I physically able to hold on to him? That reminds me he managed to push Veter earlier. Am I my only one who realizes what's happening? I can't say anything now... Not until Forth is back." Baskia says yo himself. "We really should get going now. Can't waste any more time!"

Baskia proceeded to sprint ahead.

Raion "Baskia, wait please stop!"

Koron "Hold it right there you two! "

Raion "Baskia wait up!"

Koron "I said stop you two!"

Baskia to focused and abashed couldn't hear anything Koron or Raion was saying. Until Veter shouted at him.

Veter "Baskia! Watch out where you're going!"

As if Veter had some form of control over Baskia. He instantly stopped in his tracks letting go of Raion.

Raion "Baskia?! Why the hell did you do that?"

Baskia "I um I'm not sure..."

Veter "He just really wanted us to get to Uchu grave."

Baskia turns back slightly to face Veter. "There he is again, protecting me." He says to himself.

Koron "Did any of you notice the giant booby traps! I was trying to warn you about!?"

Raion "This places have booby traps?! and you didn't warn us in the beginning?!"

Veter and Baskia "Hold on booby traps?"

Koron "I assumed they were all gone from previous people trying to gain access to Uchu grave. "

Raion. "Please warn us earlier! I could have died."

Koron "But you didn't. Plus I wouldn't have let that happen to you. I need you."

Raion gave Koron a puzzled look.

Koron "We are here. Just being those doors. "

Raion "Koron says it's just behind those doors."

Veter "Right let's go get us some magic."

Baskia "I still can't shake the feeling that this whole thing has been planned somehow."

Veter "You mentioned that earlier, what makes you think that?"

Baskia "It's just some feeling I've been having."

Veter "Would you care to explain?"

Raion "Guys come on. Let's go."

Veter "We can discuss this later." He walks past Baskia and meets Raion at the front door.

Veter "Are we going to open the door? Or just stand here."

Raion haltingly turns the doorknob, he begins to push the door open as it makes a loud creaking noise. Slowly he continues to push it open.

Baskia "Raion?"

Raion "Ah... yes Baskia" His voice begins to tremble.

Baskia "Would you please stop cowering behind me."

Raion "Oh um I'm sorry."

Veter "There's nothing to be afraid of Raion. I'll protect you." He says with a big grin on his face.

Raion "Thanks, Veter that's very nice of you to do that."

Baskia "Ha Veter protecting you? That sure is something to laugh about."

Veter "Are you jealous of something Baskia?"

Baskia "That is clearly not the case!"

Veter "Then tell me what is bothering you right now?"

Baskia "Nothing is!"

Raion "Hey guys?"

Veter "You seem a bit tense about the situation now."

Baskia "Well I just..."

Raion "Excuse me! " He screams to Veter and Baskia.

Baskia and Veter "What Raion?!"

Raion motions over to Koron who has made himself past the three of them and straight to the grave of Uchu.

Raion "What the fuck is Koron doing?"

Koron begins to chant a magic spell "Dark take over magic: Restore Reduce."

Baskia "What is he doing?"

Veter "I really don't know. I've never heard of this magic before."

Raion "Let's just ask him then." He starts to walk over to Koron.

Baskia "Raion I don't think that is a good idea!"

Veter "Raion, wait don't..."

Just before Veter could finish his sentence Koron spontaneously swings around directly facing Raion.

Koron "Dark take over magic: Restore Reduce."

Raion stops in his tracks. He is unable to move his body, his voice becomes mute as he tries to speak. All he can do is stare at Koron as he stands there in terror. With Koron repeatedly chanting. "Dark take over magic: Restore Reduce."

Baskia "Hey Raion?"

Veter "Raion, answer us!"

Baskia "Koron what did you do to Raion? Tell me!"

Koron not acknowledging Baskia or Veter continues to chant his spell. Baskia runs over towards Koron and Raion. "I said tell me what is going on!" He shoved Koron into the wall.

Veter darts over to Raion "Raion are you okay?!"

Veter comes to a halt. "Raion I...."

Baskia shakes Koron "I should kill you where you stand!"

Veter "Baskia, you need to see this."

Baskia "I knew I didn't trust you!"

Veter "Baskia! Get over here! I need you!"

Baskia promptly turns around. "He needs me." He whispers to himself.

Baskia "What is it? Is Raion alright?"

Veter "Take a look for yourself."

Baskia "Veter? You're scaring me. Just tell me."

Veter "No, you have to see him."

Baskia gets closer to Raion and Veter, taking a glimpse at Raion.

Baskia "Jesus Fuck. He's...."

Veter "Not a Shadow and he is dead..."

Raion had stood in front of his two friends unable to move or speak. His mind racing a mile a minute well he internally screamed for his friends. His skin was pale, his lips a dark purple, and his hair what used to be a dark brown turned white as snow. The only thing that had stayed the same was his piercing sapphire colored eyes. Just looking at Veter and Baskia with such pain in his eyes.

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