
It's time for you to go home

DX reassured her by patting her hand as he said, "It's alright… I'll support her… You won't drop her…"

He knew that Kai Xin was worried about her own strength, and he knew what she was thinking about.

How could someone who could not even stand by herself hold a tiny baby?

He was not worried about it as he had been practicing for the past few months. As long as his hand was under Kai Xin's hand at the same time, she would have the strength to hold their daughter.

Looking at Lyle, DX nodded to signal his son to put Little Monkey in Kai Xin's arms before she could change her mind.

Kai Xin was nervous as she watched the little baby that was in her arms. For the longest time, they were just staring at each other. When Kai Xin looked at the tiny baby that was staring back at her, she felt all warm inside. She could not believe that she created such a beautiful little being.

"Little Monkey… It's Mummy…" said DX as he patted Little Monkey's bum with his hand.

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