
Little XiAn

Since it was late and Layla was tired, they decided to stay overnight at the orphanage.

Luckily, there was an empty room that was reserved for guests.

As she was braiding her hair, Kai Xin glanced at Layla who was making a quick call from outside the room.

She could not hear clearly what was the conversation but it appeared to be funny as Layla was laughing and grinning.

Layla grinned. She waved at her adorable protege while speaking softly into the phone,

"I don't care what you want. She's mine for the night...No, I will not bring her back. No, I don't care if you tell the Judge. Yes, obviously I'm going to tell her about your idiotic past. I'm bored of you. Hanging up now."

Layla sneakily snapped a photo of Kai Xin's who was in a singlet and boyshort and sent it to DX to annoy him.

When she entered, she asked if Kai Xin called her mum to let her know that they would be staying the night.

"Yeah," replied Kai Xin before asking, "Who were you talking to?"

"Just a nuisance fella."

When Kai Xin was brushing her teeth, Layla saw her phone was vibrating on the bed and she quickly turned off the phone before hiding it underneath the cover.

With an evil grin, she thought, "Du XiAn, your woman is mine for tonight."


As the two women laid down on the queen sized bed, Layla grinned like an idiot as she looked at Kai Xin.

Frowning, Kai Xin asked, "Do I have something on my face?"

"Nope. I just thought you look cute. Honestly, if it's not because of Judge, I would have jumped you back then."

Kai Xin laughed, "You wouldn't. You flirted with everyone except me."

"Well of course..," said Layla as she faked an indignant look. "I don't mess around with my employees."

"But you are messing with me now."

"Cause you are no longer my employee." Layla propped herself up and grinned,

"You are Du XiAn's employee...That bad boss! He probably misused his position for you to do things for him. Rigghhhht?"

Kai Xin ignored what she was trying to hint and with a straight face, she said, "Technically, he's not my boss. He's just a client of my firm."

The moment she said that Layla burst out laughing. Watching her, Kai Xin could not help but laughed herself.

When she calmed down from laughing, Layla said while holding her stomach,

"Oh please! That guy would never behave like a proper client. He is probably bossier than your boss."

Kai Xin pouted as she defended him, "Actually, he's not really that bossy."

"Ah! Starting to defend him now?" questioned Layla with a playful tone.

Falling back down on the bed, she crossed her leg and looked up at the ceiling before continuing,

"I still remember a young girl who stomped into my office demanding to work from home because President Du was, and I quote, 'an arrogant, pompous man who deserves nothing more than a slap at the back of his head'"

Hearing the words she once said came out from her mentor's mouth, she blushed slightly.

Eager to change the topic, she turned to face Layla and asked, "How did you guys meet anyway? I have never heard that story."

When she heard the question, Layla sat up abruptly and clapped once loudly before saying, "Ah, that's a good question! Let me tell you what a wimp he was when I first saw him."


5 years old Little Layla was practicing her kicks with her taekwondo Master when a beautiful woman dressed in a light blue knee-length off shoulder dress walked in.

Hiding behind her was a little boy dressed in a dark blue sailor suit. It was obvious that those two were mother and son.

The little boy had a solemn look filled with uncertainty written all over his face as he gripped tightly onto his mother's dress.

His eyes darted around the room as he waited for his mother to talk to one of the instructors.

The instructor said, "Mrs. Du, of course your son can join our class. Don't worry about placing him here..."

He continued as he led Mrs.Du to the sit, "...As you may know, due to the prestigious background of the children that we regularly accept here, we do our utmost to ensure their safety."

As the adults talked, Little DX finally released his mother's skirt once he had familiarized himself with the surroundings.

With his hands linked behind his back, he walked around the place as if he was the owner.

"Hiyah!" shouted Little Layla before breaking a board with a roundhouse kick.

"Good! You are getting better at this." praised her Master with a smile. He patted her head before saying, "We will take a break now!"

Little Layla bowed at her Master before skipping off to her nanny who was waiting at the bench nearby.

As she was drinking her water, she glanced at Little DX who was poking the broken board with a frown.

She walked towards him and said smugly, "I can easily break hundreds of them."

Little DX who was crouching glanced up and asked, "Are these real boards? They look like they are easy to break."

"Of course they are real!" defended Layla.

With an mischievous grin, she said, "They are actually quite easy to break. Do you want to try?"

Little DX pouted as he thought.

Glancing at the adults who were still busy talking, Little Layla taunted him, "Are you a chicken?"

She imitated the noise made by a chicken and circled Little DX while flapping her arms.

Stomping his feet, Little DX snapped, "Stop that! I'm not a chicken!"


Layla picked up a new board and said, "...Then break this."

Little DX positioned himself. He was watching the kids earlier and it seemed easy. All the kids managed to break it.

Taking a deep breath, he punched and a loud scream was heard soon after.

"Arghhhhh!" cried Little DX as he held onto his broken wrist. He rolled around the floor and cried, "Mummy!!!!"

Mrs. Du ran over when she heard the scream and when she saw her son's pained look, she glared at Little Layla who immediately dropped the board and hid behind her nanny.

She wanted to scold the girl for causing pain to her son but she was more worried about her son who was crying loudly while holding his wrist.

As the instructors checked on his wound, she held onto his other hand and said softly, "XiAn, it's alright. Mummy's here. Mummy's here."

Little DX cried as he kicked around, "It hurts! It hurts!"

Glaring at Little Layla who was looking very guilty and was about to cry, she told her son,

"Mummy will punish the one who hurt you."

When Little Layla heard that, she started crying and her nanny carried her up to protect her from Mrs. Du.

"No!" yelled Little DX, "She's mine! I want to punish her!"


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