
Crimson Robber

The said resolve didn't last that long though, since Scarlet started having doubts just like before when he got near John. So he thought that it would be better if he doesn't approach John for the time being.

"Ha…" Scarlet sighed as he slumped into a chair outside. 

With John inside, he couldn't be comfortable there. Thus he was always outside to the point that it became a habit.

"What happened? You look a bit down today." Taro, who happened to see Scarlet's slouched appearance came by to check on him.

"Am I actually useless?" The Crimsoner asked.

"Is this about that punch I gave you?" Taro asked.

Had he known that his one punch would end up demotivating Scarlet entirely, he wouldn't have done it. 

However, on the other hand, he only did it since he sensed massive bloodlust. So the only person to blame was himself—was what Taro thought, before he remembered that he was actually there to cheer him up.

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