

A determined Scarlet was fine and all, but that didn't mean that he no longer had to hide. Every time he came any closer than six feet to John, he quickly hid his presence, an innate skill that he perfected after robbing multiple big name places. It's basically a skill that's untraceable. Like, many people tried to locate him but always failed to do so. 

The skill was nothing Earth shattering. Neither wasn't a superpower like the ones Wadorians had. It was more like a characteristic feature of the Crimson planet residents. They usually had one of the three skills—nimble hands, fast footwork, and invisibility. If it feels like the third skill is far more overpowered that breaks the balance between the three powers, that's exactly the case. The invisibility skill is a rare one in the Crimson planet's history. Only one out of a million received this power. 

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