
Rampant Change

Following the conclusion of the Imperial Gala, great changes were afoot in the Clock Tower and, as a result, the entire Magus Association.

Though it was never overtly stated, the presence of Director Solon and Director Atlasia at the event made it clear to the politically affluent that the distance between the Empire and the Association had reduced considerably. There had been rumors circulating prior to the Gala, but, now that the Virtual World was being implemented throughout every Department, there was no longer room for debate and speculation. The Association had thrown its lot in with the Empire, and, if they wanted to avoid being swept aside in the wake of the changing era, the affiliates of the Association would need to do the same.

Just as the various Family Heads and Faculty members were wondering how they might benefit the most from these changes, the announcement that Companions would be distributed became public knowledge. From this, it became apparent that the Empire wasn't even going to try negotiating with various affiliated families; you either acquiesced, receiving the exact same benefits as everyone else or you resisted and received none. There was no room discussion, and, if you failed to adhere to the guidelines regarding the proper care of your Companion, it was immediately taken from you.

Not only were the Companions surprisingly cute and powerful, but, without one, you were denied access to the Virtual World, and, on a larger scale, lost virtually all benefits distributed by the Empire. Thus, while it was obvious that the Companions were basically the eyes and ears of the Empire, they weren't left with many options, as, with the collapse of the global economy and the gradual takeover of the Empire, it was either acquiesce or fall into obscurity.

At the very least, most of the students and faculty members either readily or begrudgingly accepted the Companions assigned to them. Though many were confiscated within a day, resulting in several students and faculty members either being suspended, expelled or fired, quite a number of students were happy to have the opportunity to be accompanied by the inordinately cute creatures.

The fact Companions served as powerful offensive and defensive guardians within the Spirit Tomb was more than enough to win over the vast majority of students. As for those who were expelled or fired, some were given the option of entering a probationary period while others, specifically those foolish enough to try and charm, enchant, or even dissect their Companions, were quickly dealt with by the Empire's forces.

While many considered it extreme, the Empire wasn't shy about trying and subsequently executing those who violated the Common Law to a grievous extent. It didn't matter how old your family was, how much authority they used to have, nor how much individual power you wielded. If you couldn't live without committing acts of cruelty, exploiting others, or using your presumed power to suppress everyone around you, the end result was almost always death.

In the future, Vahn intended to implement a less extreme punishment, but, due to the shifting of the Era, leniency couldn't be afforded to those trying to reap benefits amidst the chaos. While those with more magnanimous intentions would be ignored, or even celebrated, he had absolutely no patience for the snakes slithering about in the darkness, mistakenly believing they would rise to prominence through subterfuge and secret dealings.

The existence of the Companions was an extreme inconvenience for those with vile and malicious intentions, as, in accordance with the regulations regarding their care, they would accompany you virtually everywhere you went. Discarding them, sealing them away, manipulating their senses, or taking any action that interfered with the fulfillment of their responsibilities would earn you an audit from the Empire's forces. If it turned out you were directly engaged in criminal activities, your crimes would be exposed, and, while only those directly involved would be held responsible, no leeway was afforded to those of qualifying age.

In accordance with the Common Law, children could be held accountable for their actions as early as the age of fourteen. While this didn't officially make them adults, a status requiring a comprehensive physical and mental evaluation, it was an age where their actions could no longer be attributed to childish innocence. While obvious exceptions would exist, they would be handled on a case-by-case basis using the data and profile that had been accumulated by Mother, the Artificial Intelligence that monitored and regulated the Companions.

Essentially, from the moment you were considered an adult, either through age or action, you were required to strictly observe the Common Law. Since these laws really only accounted for basic things, such as the protection of certain Phantasmal Species, the observation of rights for every species, and the admonishment of vile and heinous acts, the Common Law was actually very easy to observe. You didn't even have to be a good person, just not a terrible one...


In spite of the relatively simple structure of the Common Law, Vahn found himself sitting across from Solon as the latter, with a fatigued expression on their face, complained about the backlash from the families still brave enough to file official complaints. Many of these came from families with relatively decent principles, and, despite the fact they accepted the Companions into their home, it didn't stop them from complaining about the egregious actions of the Empire.

So long as there was any wiggle room at all within a policy, there would always be people who tried to take advantage of perceived loopholes to either put pressure on the government or elevate their own status. It didn't matter if you had an endless amount of evidence to prove that punishment was justified, 'righteous' people would still feel compelled to criticize and even protest the severity of the methods used to enact the punishment.

The general consensus of most people was that 'death' was too egregious a punishment for the vast majority of crimes, regardless of how heinous they were. It didn't seem to matter if the person being executed was a wicked individual who murdered, raped, blackmailed, kidnapped, and even tortured people without remorse. They would still argue that death was an extreme and unjust punishment, spewing various platitudes and excuses to try and justify their perspective.

It could be the result of his knowledge about transmigration and reincarnation, but, from Vahn's perspective, death was a great mercy to those who had ruined countless lives for profit and pleasure. He didn't believe in imprisonment, as, not only did it require the allocation of personnel and excess resources, but, in the grand scheme, locking people away didn't 'fix' them. Rather, it either broke or strengthened the convictions of people locked away, making them unable to adapt to life outside their prison or refining them into far more dangerous individuals. You rarely found absolution within confinement, as, if a prisoner actually reached that kind of mental state, they wouldn't even want to leave.

While there were countless methods to rehabilitate people and set them onto a better path, doing so was setting a dangerous precedent as people would then argue that 'everyone' should be given the same opportunity. This would require an ever-increasing amount of infrastructure dedicated to just 'fixing' people who, depending on the circumstances, might not even want to be fixed. Since this led to people being 'trapped' within the system, sometimes for decades at a time, it simply wasn't worth the allocation of resources. People might have infinite potential, but, unless they were willing to put in the effort to better themselves, investing resources into 'forcing' them to be better was a fool's errand.

Vahn didn't delude himself into thinking his thought process was without fault, but, compared to the failings of the previous system, what he was trying to accomplish was objectively better. He knew his perspective would change with the passage of time, but, with Ark, Mother, and Shadow coordinating with each other to draft policies, the final structure of society would depend on the needs of society itself. All he could do was bear the anger and contempt of countless people as he tirelessly worked to restore order and build a foundation for a better future...

With this in mind, Vahn stopped Solon, mid-complaint, saying, "Tell those people I have no interest in other factions budding within the Empire. They are entitled to believe what they will, but, from the moment they begin advocating for their version of justice, they become enemies of the state. Unless they are willing to become civil officials, exposing all of their secrets for public scrutiny, I have very little interest in what they want to say. This is an obvious ploy to increase their status and establish themselves as a voice that can oppose Imperial Policy...honestly, I'm offended they believe they have any right to question me after ignoring the problems within the Association for centuries..."

Though not unexpected, Solon released a tired sigh when they heard Vahn's response, as, in the end, they would be the ones dealing with the so-called righteous families. They knew full-well that Vahn's views on the matter were accurate, but, due to the policies of the Empire, it wasn't that easy to put pressure on groups openly adhering to the Common Law. Had it been a few months ago, it would have been a simple matter of threatening them into submission, but, after agreeing to adhere to the Common Law, Solon was limited in their means.

Understanding he was basically shifting his problems onto Solon, Vahn adopted an apologetic smile, adding, "If you think there is someone more suited to the position of Director, feel free to nominate them. Preparations have already been made, so, once this fiasco with futuristic heroes is resolved, we can begin planting World Trees. When that time comes, I imagine you won't be as interested in your position as Director, so, before then, you should consider talking with Zelretch. If he is unwilling, Da Vinci has already expressed that she is willing to take on the responsibilities."

Hearing Vahn's words, Solon became visibly less tense, a small smile on their face as they nodded their head and answered, "I doubt that old bastard would be willing to become the Director after I step down. I'll talk to him, but, if Da Vinci is willing, the position will most likely fall to her. Honestly, I would have nominated someone like Luvia or her Grandmother, Olivia. Their family might be a bit eccentric, but, considering they are already involved with the majority of Magus Families, it would benefit them greatly to have the authority of the Director."

As he actually hadn't considered Luvia as a potential replacement for Solon, Vahn was slightly taken aback by the suggestion. If he thought about it, Luvia was exceptionally qualified for the position as, compared to Da Vinci, she had an intrinsic understanding of politics. The latter, much like Solon, was an extreme introvert and, though she would be able to manage her responsibilities with the support of Ark, Mother, and Shadow, Da Vinci would undoubtedly lament having to personally meet with the various Family Heads.

Finding Solon's suggestion surprisingly agreeable, Vahn found himself nodding in approval, a smile on his face as he stated, "I can't imagine Luvia will refuse. Though her individual power might be a little lacking, her political prowess and business sense are unmatched. She should be able to handle future negotiations without any major issues, and, considering her family's prestige, she would have an easier time being accepted by the current affiliates...very well, that's what we'll go with. You did well to make such a suggestion, Solon."

Hearing Vahn's praise, Solon's expression turned dour as, seemingly against their will, it made them feel a little happy. This had become a relatively common occurrence as of late, so, much like before, Solon snorted through their nose, muttering, "I only mentioned the obvious...I don't need you, of all people, to acknowledge me. If it prevents me from having to constantly clean up after you, I would obviously look for someone suitable..."

Having grown accustomed to Solon's reactions, Vahn just nodded his head with a knowing smile on his face. Afterward, he rose from his chair and, after stretching his body for a bit, said, "I'll discuss the matter with Da Vinci and Luvia. Odds are, Olivia will end up taking up the role of Association Director as Luvia intends to reveal her status as Keeper of the Imperial Seal in the future. There could be a few issues if she wanted to hold both titles, but, we'll see what she decides. Either way, you should begin making preparations to transition to the European Supercolony. Unless they come out of hiding by tomorrow, I'll most likely be dealing with the group of so-called Heroes in the evening. If things go well, you'll be able to fulfill your dream by the week's end..."

With his words finished, Vahn gave a casual wave to Solon before turning his back and vanishing from within the latter's private garden. This left Solon sitting in their chair, nursing a cup of piping hot tea as they inclined their head toward the sky and muttered, "I've put my trust in you...don't let me down...you bastard..."

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Empire ain't playing o_o...','Luvia's [Golden Rule:EX] is the MVP','Solon, the six-thousand-year-old Tsundere')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


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