
Duel of Mages

**Platina's POV**

"Stupid Kaius, bringing me to his world. Stupid Kaius, sealing my power. Stupid Kaius, forcing me to fight," I mumbled to myself to vent my frustration. We were walking towards the stadium, about to face that loud guy and his familiar. And whose fault was that? Stupid Kaius'. I felt like strangling him for accepting a fight just because his ego, but then, guess what? I just found out that familiars couldn't harm humanoids, which included this stinking elf next to me.

"I should tell you before we start that dueling is a big deal here. The winners can get reputations and money while the loser… I don't even know what happens to a loser and I don't intend to find out today either. I never lost before," said Kaius in an apologetic tone. If this was his way of saying sorry for signing me up for a beating, it wasn't working. Have you seen the size of that demon? It was frigging ten feet tall! And I was supposed to deal with that monster while having my power sealed?

And we arrived at the stadium, where people, students and teachers included, had already lined up to get to their seats. This had turned out to be some form of spectator sports.

"So you came. I was afraid you would run away with your tails between your legs," that guy with amber hair haughtily said. He was already standing on spacious field with his familiar.

Kaius gave me a look that was either "you better do well" or "I'm sorry," it was hard to tell because I wasn't good at reading frigging emotions through people's eyes and I envied those who do. But there was no time for that; the judge had already walked towards us.

"Well, I have to say this is a surprise. Here to show off your new familiars, are you?" The judge, a bald middle-aged man, chuckled. "Rilche, didn't you just challenge Kaius a week ago? I didn't think the bruises from last time's tornado spell would heal that fast."

The guy – Rilche, his name was – reddened in embarrassment. "I-I just let him win last time!"

"For seventy two times in a row? You sure are generous," came Kaius' sarcastic remarks.

"S-Shut up! I'm winning this time for sure!"

Jeez, enough with the retorts, were they going to start the battle or just standing there throwing insults at each other?

"Well, let's start, shall we? As usual, the duel has no restriction other than that you cannot kill your opponent or his/her familiar. You win if your opponent forfeit or was knocked unconscious. Place your wager of 5000 fae. BATTLE COMMENCE."

That was it? What kind of duel was this? The only assurance I had was that I will not be killed, but I could be knocked unconscious and beaten half-dead. Crap, they had already started attacking!

"SIGURD, DESTROY THEM!" Yelled Rilche to his familiar. Why was something that ugly given such a cool name?

The familiar was making its way towards us at turtle's speed. I turned to Kaius questioningly. I wasn't going to rush in head-first against that thing.

"J-just stay back and I'll fight them myself," Kaius said. I guessed he figured that I couldn't do much with just my bare hands. Note to self: buy a sword and force Kaius to learn how to unseal.

He began mumbling something, probably a spell, but I couldn't guess what kind because I had zero experience with magic in this world. Rilche saw that and immediately began mumbling something on his own.

The familiar finally made its way towards us and about to swing its giant arm to squish us like bugs when Kaius released his spell. Balls of fire shot out from his hands, successfully knocking the familiar several feet away. Unfortunately, Rilche also finished his spell and I could feel arrows projecting at us from far away. In my panic, I forgot about my own safety (I already regretted this) as I pushed Kaius away with my own body. I landed on top of him and tried to stand up right away. I found out I couldn't when pain shot through my leg. I looked down to see that two arrows were lodged in my thigh and calf before disappearing, as were other arrows scattering around us.

"Platina..?" Kaius asked worriedly, his eyes widened upon seeing the wounds on my left thigh and calf. From a distance away, I could see Rilche began another spell and his familiar was making its way towards us again. I could see no chance at victory, not when I was injured and had no way of defending myself. Next to me, Kaius began chanting another spell that sounded suspiciously like that last one. Was he planning to keep fighting? Did he not see that there was no way to win by himself?

"Kaius, forfeit the battle!" I screamed at him. Please listen to me!

He did not answer, only continue to chant his spell.

"KAIUS!" That was the last straw. I gathered my strength and punched him in the face as hard as I could; which was pretty darn hard, I was stronger than I looked. I felt a shock, like an electric current, coursing through my body the moment I did so; that must be the consequence the professor was talking about when a familiar violated a condition. That snapped him out of his chanting and looking at me with what I thought was regret (at what? For summoning a failure of a familiar like me or for putting me in this battle, I couldn't tell). Just before the familiar slammed down its fist on us, Kaius cried out, "I FORFEIT."

Everything afterwards was a blur. The judge halted the battle before we could sustain any more damage. Rilche was jumping in victory and got his prize money. Kaius hurriedly brought me to the infirmary, his face remained expressionless. My wounds were healed by magic and we slowly walked back to the dorm, walking at a distance from each other.

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