
The Headmaster's Request

**Kaius's POV**

"Welcome, you two. How's everything?" The Headmaster motioned for us to sit on the sofa. Imagine my happiness when I see a full breakfast laid out on the table. I guess my morning hadn't been ruined completely yet!

I dug in once the Headmaster invited us to eat. Hmm… should I start with the butter toast or the bacon?

Platina just sipped her tea daintily before asking, "Headmaster, what business do you have with me today?" I rolled my eyes at her polite and proper act. She wasn't a demure lady by any mean. She was out killing my familiar just yesterday! Not that I believed a stick-thin girl like her could manage something like that.

"Well, Platina, I want to make sure you are not lost in any way before starting your life here at Faestar Academy. If you have any questions you need to ask, then please do not hesitate to do so. I think it will be a great opportunity for you to learn about our world and for us to learn about yours. Just think of yourself as an exchange student while you are here."

So the old man had an ulterior motive. I knew he was just too nice to be true! He was curious about the supposedly "other world" that we all heard so much about but never experienced. I mean, we got our summoned familiar from there, but other than that, we knew nothing about it. From what I learned in summoning class, this other world is one very similar to ours, with magic abound and mages and mystical creatures. I remembered being curious about what kind of magic they had over there.

"Would you please tell me about this school, if you don't mind," Platina politely asked.

"Of course. Faestar Academy is one of the oldest magic schools in the world. We are famous for our diverse student body, with all kinds of races attending the school and pursuing their thirst for knowledge. I think you will be an addition to our diversity as a representative of your world. We have a wide range of subjects available within the realm of magic, such as summoning, elemental magic, healing, rune studies, and so on." He sounded kinda like the advertising pamphlet they sent out to potential students. Speaking of that, I bet he would use Platina somehow to attract more students. I could already imagine it: Featuring a new addition to our Collection of Weirdos – the half-human half-something Platina from the mysterious other world! Hurry and apply today, she will only be here for two years!

"That sounds similar to the magic schools in my world," Platina chimed in, her eyes reflected excitement and wonder at this new information. I wondered why. Was she a mage as well?

"I see, that's nice to know. Platina, how would you feel about teaching? I'm sure many of the students would love to learn about your world," the Headmaster went in for the kill. Calculating old man.

"I-I'm not sure if I am up to that…"

"Don't worry, I did not mean you have to teach a class by yourself. I was just thinking that maybe you can hold small lectures outside of classes. It will be very casual. Of course, you will be compensated for your time."

Platina's eyes flashed at the word "compensated." She mulled it over for a minute before speaking.

"Headmaster, may we talk more about this at a later time? I don't want to make a decision without all the information."

"Yes, that is acceptable. Now, I believe there is five minutes before class starts. If I'm not mistaken, you have Summoning class, Kaius, do you not?"

Crap! I'll be late if I don't get going now! Hurriedly, I stuffed the last of my butter toast in my mouth before pulling Platina out the door. She managed a wave to the Headmaster before the door slammed shut.

I had since let go of Platina and took off running. Professor Clea could be a pain in the butt about lateness. Platina had no choice but to run after me once she feel the pull of magic every time I am too far away.

We arrived to class on time, completely out of breath and close to collapsing. Or at least, I was. Platina looked like she just did some light exercise, barely breaking a sweat. Stupid girl who killed familiars and had high stamina.

Then, I felt them. "Them" being the eighty-something pairs of eyes on us, watching our every move with curiosity. All the students who participated in the familiar summoning from yesterday, along with their familiars, and Prof Clea were watching us in complete silence. I looked over to Platina, who fidgeted a little under the attention, mouthing "do something" to me. I pretended like I wasn't affected as I took my seat, Platina followed suit and sat next to me near the back of the lecture hall, with everybody craning their necks to watch us.

"Ahem," Prof Clea cleared her throat to get the students' attention before starting today's lecture, "yesterday's summoning is a milestone in your career as a mage. Your familiar will be your partner until your graduation, supporting you in your academic as well as personal life. I know that not many of you are satisfied with your familiar," at this, I sarcastically mumbled "you can say that again," earning a glare from Platina. The prof continued on, not having heard this exchange, "but you should know that it is important to work together and learn to form a strong bond with each other." A dramatic pause to let the information sink in. "Today's lecture is about the contract you have formed yesterday and how you should treat your familiar." Well, this will be useful to know. Better take notes.

"First, the familiar contract formed between a master and a familiar is symbolized by the Mark of Contract on your hands. These marks will not be erase until the contract runs out of time, failure to comply to this rule will result in heavy consequences, not only from the school but from the Bureau of Magic as well. In addition, there are many conditions specified in the contract that you should followed. If you would please turn to page 105 in your textbooks."

I turned the page and Platina gave a gasp as she looked at the headings "Conditions of Familiar Contract as Specified by the Summoning Circle Alpha"

The prof continued, "This page lists the conditions that both the master and familiar are constrained when participating in the contract. Circle Alpha is the magic circle you used yesterday, one of the circles with the strictest constraints to ensure the safety of students and the school. As you advance further in the arts of summoning, you will learn other circles, each with their own different sets of conditions."

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