
Grandmaster Zuhn

"Alright! Because you think you are a hotshot, you will be starting off the tests with a duel!"

Benz looked at everyone on the line and chose the youth that was shouting at Zuhn inside the VIP room.

Benz led Zuhn and the youth to a small arena. Around the area was a small invisible barrier that was meant to keep the battle inside.

"Both you stand on either side. Little shit get ready to die."

Zuhn moved to the opposite side of the youth and stood still looking at the youth.

"Any final words?"

The youth pulled out a great longsword and got into a stance that was unfamiliar to Zuhn. The stance was quite interesting, from the stance there were many ways to block incoming attacks.

Zuhn wasn't worried because of the power difference between him and the youth, but if the youth was good with the stance he could become a deadly cultivator.


When the old man started the match, Zuhn didn't move from his spot. Zuhn also didn't bring out his two swords.

"Are you asking for death? No weapons?"

The youth was furious after seeing Zuhn not reach for his weapons. The youth's blood was boiling from the act.

'He thinks he can beat me with only his hands? What a joke.'

"Trash time to die!"

The youth jumped forward, the old man was impressed with the speed of the youth.

Zuhn had a slightly shocked face, not because the youth was running fast. But because the youth was running incredibly slow. The bronze ranked members from White Rose were much better than the youth in front of him.

Zuhn waited a couple of seconds for the youth to come closer. When the youth got close, he had a large grin on his face. He thought that he was about to kill Zuhn in one quick slash.

The youth brought his sword up ready to slash Zuhn.


The youth was sent flying into the barrier, falling down spitting out blood.

Everyone that was watching became greatly confused. They looked from the youth back to Zuhn.

'What just happened?'

The old man was the most confused out of everyone, he didn't even see the strike that Zuhn did. All he saw was the youth fly into the barrier with great speed.

The whole crowd of people were silent, the youth was still on the ground with blood coming from all over his body.

Zuhn looked over to the old man.


The old man stood completely motionless looking at Zuhn.

Lu Zul wasn't too surprised at the actions of Zuhn. She already saw first hand the strength of Zuhn. He was insanely powerful, she was starting to have doubts about his original claim.

She couldn't believe that he was a random wandering man, she thought that he was martialist master.

The youth was still bleeding from everywhere on his body and was going to die if he didn't get medical attention soon.

"W-Winner… Goes t-to him!"

The old man pointed to Zuhn with shaken speech. The other instructors that were watching rushed the youth that Zuhn punched.

After announcing the winner of the battle, the old man quickly rushed away to the building.

Zuhn slowly walked away from the arena and joined back up to Lu Zul. When Lu Zul looked at Zuhn he had no emotion on his face. Just like the time he killed a middle bronze ranked cultivator.

'No emotion? He's acting like what he just did was an easy feat!'

The instructors that went the youth swiftly brought him to the hospital that was on in the compound. After several minutes a large built man walked out of the building.

He had wearing bright silver armor along with a bright purple and black sword at his waist. The man had light brown hair and was being followed by the old man.

The old man had a bright smile on his face. Zuhn assumed the man was the leader of the tests. Probably the most powerful person in the capital.

Zuhn got of line and walked over to the man. The man stopped moving and looking at Zuhn with deep eyes. He was trying to figure out who Zuhn was and why he had so much power.

The old man's eyes were filled with happiness.

'This kid is dead!'

"Who are you? No, What are you?"

The man had a deep and stern voice. Giving off a pressure that was causing the old man and the other youths around Zuhn to move away from him.

Zuhn stayed still, looking at the man. Zuhn scanned him trying to figure out his cultivation. When Zuhn found it, he was quite shocked. The man was in the middle stages of Silver.

From what Lu Zul told him, the most powerful person was only Early Silver.

"Silver? At Least you are stronger than these people..."

The man's eyes looked like they came out of his head. Quickly the man became calmed down at Zuhn's words.

"You can sense my cultivation?"

"Of course I can, you should know the stronger can always sense the weaker."

The man couldn't figure out how powerful Zuhn was, Zuhn wasn't giving off any power. There are three reasons for this. One he has no power, Two he is hiding his power with some secret art. Lastly, he is stronger than the people around him.

"Benz was telling me how you almost killed a bright youth with one attack. He also is telling me that you didn't use your weapons."

Zuhn nodded his head at what the man was saying. Zuhn was strong enough to kill everyone here if he wanted too.

"I don't fully believe this old man's words… Do you want to have a little spar?"

'A Spar?'

Zuhn was shocked at the words of the man. Even though Zuhn just almost killed someone at Bronze with one attack the man wanted to spar with Zuhn.

Even though the man was in the middle stages of Silver, he wouldn't be able to harm Zuhn in the slightest. The man's attacks would be like flies landing on Zuhn.

"Why not?"

Zuhn shrugged his shoulders and walked back to the arena. The man followed Zuhn and moved to the same spot the youth was.

"Before we start…"


The barrier around the area shattered into a million pieces.

The man's eyes widened at the sight. The barrier was a secret that not many people knew about. At that, the barrier was very strong. People in Late stages of Bronze couldn't destroy the barrier. But the man in front of him destroyed it like it was nothing.

"Alright, Now since that is gone. We can start whenever you are ready."

The man had small droplets of sweat that falling down his face. The man was truly scared of the power that Zuhn had.

The man nodded to the old man.


Just like last time, Zuhn didn't move after the old man started the match. The man pulled out his purple and black sword, Zuhn noticed it was just like Lu Zul's.

The sword that the man was holding was a Magical Sword. From Lu Zul's words, not many people had a magical sword. And if they did have one, it meant they had extreme power.

Zuhn already saw Lu Zul's power from the sword, but he wanted to know more about the sword from the man in front of him.

The man brought the sword up to his chin and launched at Zuhn. The man's speed was better the youth's before. Though, it was still quite slow compared to what Zuhn could too.

The man brought the sword into the air and was hovering over Zuhn's head. With all his strength the man brought down the sword.


A loud crash was heard through the arena, a huge dust cloud went around the area. When the dust cleared everyone was shocked, Zuhn had one finger above his head.

His one finger held the man's sword. Not only did it shock the crowd of people, but it also shocked the man.


Zuhn flicked his finger sending the man flying away. Because there was no barrier to stop the man, he was sent flying through multiple walls that were surrounding the compound.

Everyone's mouths were open at the sight. The most powerful man that they knew of was sent flying with one finger.

Zuhn stood there with no emotion and was quite sad inside. He was hoping for the sword to be kinda useful, but it was trash in his eyes.

Zuhn made sure that when he threw the man back, that it wasn't going to kill him.

As predicted, the man got up and slowly walked back to the arena. His body was covered in cuts from when he was hit into multiple walls. The sword that was once shining bright with purple was now cracked.

Zuhn's eyes landed on the man and were shocked at what he discovered. The man's cultivation level dropped to the early stages of Silver.

Zuhn raised his eyebrow at the man.

"Your cultivation dropped?"

The man looked up at Zuhn. He then walked closer and closer to Zuhn. When the man was two meters away from Zuhn he dropped to the ground.

"Peasant bows to thy Grandmaster!"

The man dropped his face into the ground. His words left everyone even Zuhn lost in words.

Shorter chapter, but a good cut off point.

Kotremcreators' thoughts
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