

The lady dragon tried to struggle but was unable to gain strength in any of her limps. It was as if the blood flow was interrupted. She could feel her qi stuck in its acu-points and would only be able to move freely after her qi gains enough power over the blockage. In her mind, she already estimated she will be immobilised for 30 minutes. At this point her body is in a very vulnerable position. Knowing that the person is capable of doing anything to her body, she had no choice but to admit she is totally powerless against him. So she decided since she was not able to go against him, she would have to accept his terms and be part of his harem.

The ghost, at this time took the chance to possess her body, filling up her acu-points with psychic energy allowing momentary control over her. As long as the psychic energy and the qi does not combine, the ghost can detach herself from the dragon lady at anytime. Knowing that the possession probably going to last for about 15 minutes from experience, the possessed body made a mad dash towards the infirmary.

"Quick! Tie me up! Use the electrical efficient ones!" The ghost spoke in a witchlike tone as she plodded into the doctor's swivel chair. The doctor nodded and passed the nurse the ancient cloth from his body. The ghost dropped out of lady dragon's body, horrified at the turn of events. Internally, she saw all that went on, unable to do anything, paralysed. She tried summoning her elemental energy but it was quickly sapped away by the ghost. What was left was her natural qi, which was abundant enough to free her in thirty minutes. If it was any normal human being, unless they have a fortuitous encounter with an immortal, they would be bedridden for life. Once the ghost had left her body, she tried to summon her elemental energy to surpass the blockage, it will take but a moment. But to her horrid, the super efficient nurse had already bind her to the chair with elemental absorbing bandage made from ancient cloth.

Satisfied, the nurse smiled and nodded, dusting her hands then putting them on her hips, "There there, fine job I must say. So what happened today? Mind updating us, Lycia?"

Lycia the ghost was barely 19 when she passed away, in order to survive, she had to possess bodies and act as the victims who lose hope in life. Because of her ability she was able to read the memories of her possessions. And able to replicate all the tiny habits so no one will suspect the person was possessed. In fact, she had good decision making skills, in the end her victims learned how to take better care of themselves in their lives. So in a twisted manner, she helped people who did not want help but eventually came to appreciate her existence although was undoubtedly traumatised by the experience. That was till she met Mitch who hired her as an employee and she has been grateful that her existence as a ghost can be secured ever since.

"Well, the short version is that she is a mother flood dragon looking for her recently hatched child and thought that our master's child, was hers. But without clarifying, she attacked. So now she is restrained because she is too violent."

The nurse and doctor looked at each other. Astounded by the message. All along they thought Mitch was gay, in the end, he is not and even had become a father!

"Mm Mmm Mm Mmmm Mmmmm!" The mummified doctor said, stretching out his right hand. The nurse slapped 5 star stones into his hand.

Lycia continued, "But we never knew that he was in a trouple which was kinky, and weird? At least during my days it was unconventional. A pregnant succubus, a hunk and him. Who knew right!"

This time the nurse stretched out her palms with her fingers motioning the doctor to pay up.

"Mmmmmm mm mm!" The doctor grumbled, shoving 10 star stones into her hand. He turned to the ghost and angrily said, "Mmnn mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmmm!!"

"He meant next time finish your story, exclamation mark." Smiled the nurse ever so sweetly.

Lycia though slightly annoyed, teases the nurse, "Drinks on you tonight?"

"See how", the nurse professionally deflected the invite.

With that said, the ghost went back to inform Mitch that she had done her job.

"Mmmmm mmm mm" the doctor say, pointing to Loli. The nurse separated the curtain revealing Loli to the dragon lady.

The dragon lady, immediately felt an energy resonating from Loli.

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