
Fort Yano (2)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only work of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

Nathan swept his gaze around his surroundings as he walked along the western road within the compounds of Fort Yano.

'Unlike the places I've been to, this place looks less crowded...'

'But there's still too many people…'

'Also, it's a bit darker…'

Compared to the southern road and the central, this place had less light.

There were people walking down the road, some going to the central area, some coming from the central area, some going to who knows where, and others just standing along the road talking and laughing.

There were also kids playing on the road.

"A giant!" one kid said as he pointed at Nathan.

"Watch out! He's going to get you! Run!" another kid said and ran.

"Kyaaah!!!" the other kids shouted as they run with laughter.

Nathan ignored the kids and continued walking down the road.

He looked at the left side of the road.

'Looks like a military compound of some sort…'

He then looked at the right side.

'Hundreds of tents and most of them have similar designs…'

'People of different ages…'


'And all of them look Asians…'

'Hmm… Looks like a refugee camp for Muwinians…'

He then noticed something.

'Heh… I never thought I'd be happy to see this…'

There was a small, simple store made up of wood on the side of the road.

In front of the store, there were two benches, one on each side, and men sitting down while smoking and talking.

'This is something you don't see in Womania...'

He stared at their faces.

'They look like people from the lower-middle class and below…'

Nathan continued walking down the road until he encountered a small procession.

In front of the procession, a brown-skinned Asian man was carrying a large symbol of the Trinitian religion, which was a "Y" shape wood, and was being followed by at least 100 brown-skinned Asians. They were reciting one of the prayers of the Trinitian religion in unison.

"Holy Father Pater, you are the creator of this world…"

"You along with Filius and Telum rule this world and are the Holy Trinity…"

"Forgive us for our sins, Holy Father…"

"Bless and guide us, Holy Father…"

"Even if we are not worthy…"

Nathan went to the side and continued walking.

Several steps down the road, he encountered another religious group.

However, this time, it was a group of Iklasians.

A group of brown-skinned Asians was gathered in front of a small stage which was located in the middle of the sea of tents.

At the bottom of the stage, there were the followers who were sitting on chairs and benches while listening.

Meanwhile, on top of the stage were the men sitting down on chairs while one was standing and talking to a microphone.

"You and I should not be afraid or lose faith in God just because of this zombie apocalypse…"

"If He really abandoned us, He wouldn't have given us the System…"

"This is His test to us His believers…"

"We should follow the steps of the Great Prophet Zalimun…"

"Even when people mocked and laughed at him while he spread the word of God to the people of Aleahil, that some even attempted to kill him, never did he once stop in doing the task that God gave him…"

"He knew that he was carrying a very important task…"

"A task that outweighed everything else in the world…"

"He also knew that God will never abandon him…"

"Once he dies, he will be welcomed to heaven where his fellow Iklasian brothers and sisters, the Holy Prophet Zalimun, the angels and God are waiting for him..."

"It will be an eternity of bliss..."

"So how could he be afraid and lose faith?"

"And so should you! God is the greatest!"

"God is the greatest!" the crowd chanted.

"God is the greatest!" the speaker said and passed on the mic to another speaker before sitting down.

Nathan continued walking.

There were still people along the road.

He looked at their faces.

'Is it just me or are the people here a bit more relaxed…?'

'Back in Womania, the people I've seen in my apartment building, the mall where Harry set camp, Corn Town, and the government shelter where I met Zita, their faces were more or less stressed out…'

'I think the only relaxed faces I've seen was at Haven Town…'

'But here in Fort Yano…'

'Is it because it's already been weeks since the zombie apocalypse happened…?'

'Or is it because this is a third-world country so people here just have a high tolerance for hardships…?'

He chuckled.

'Does that mean we're masochists...?'

He continued walking until he reached the end of the western road.

'It's the exit…'

There was a gate being guarded by soldiers.


'Not yet...'

He turned around and head back to where he came from.


Nathan was walking down the road when...


He ignored it and continued walking.


He still ignored it.

"Pssst! Tall guy!"

He finally stopped and turned to the direction where the noise was coming from.

At a corner not touched by the light and covered in shadows, a man stepped forward, revealing half of his face.

"Do wanna score something? Drugs, women, men, anything, you name it."

Nathan raised an eyebrow as he stared at the man.

It was a skinny brown-skinned Asian man in his mid-20s and looked at bit dirty.

"Anything, huh?" Nathan said as he massaged his growing beard.

Hearing Nathan's answer, the man smiled and moved closer.

"Yeah, anything. As long as you can pay. Quality is guaranteed and my prices are fair."

Seeing the man closer, Nathan noticed that the man's eyes were high as a kite.

He also had a foul smell.

"I want information about this place layout -- the buildings, how things are being run here, who runs this place, etc. I also need information about some people," said Nathan.

"Heh~ That's what you want? I have some people you can play with -- the hardcore shit. You can torture them for a bit while you fuck them. Or they can torture you while they fuck you. Whatever is your kink, except for killing."

Nathan flashed an impatient expression.

"Everyone has their own fetishes, you know."

Nathan began walking away.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!"

Nathan stopped and turned to him.

"Sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood. A bad habit of mine," the man said and offered a bow. "So information, huh. Sure, but it will cost you. 100 RT for each question. But if the question's answer is too broad or hard, it will cost you more. How's that? Do we have a deal?"

"Yeah, we have a deal."

"Good, good, good…" the man said and then held out his hand. "Payment first. And oh, I also don't mind if you pay with System items as long as it's good. You can also offer food, cigarettes or whatever but the quality should be good."

Nathan looked around his surroundings.

There were a few people passing by.

There were also some bystanders just standing and talking.

'Not a good place,' he thought. "I've been walking around for hours. Do you know a place where we can sit and talk?"

"Like a shop or something?"

"Not a shop. The questions I want to ask are quite sensitive. Somewhere more... private."

"Private, huh," the man said and looked at the ground.

Nathan stared at him impatiently.

"You think of me as a fool?!" the man said as he raised his head before suddenly attacking with his fists.



Nathan summoned a [Grade D] Sword and slapped the man away on the face, causing him to fly a few feet away before landing on the ground.

Everyone nearby looked at Nathan and the man.

'Ugh... I summoned a weapon from my [Artifact] and attacked out of habit...!'

However, no one bothered to help. They just watched with either curiosity or amusement, or both as if such a thing was a common occurrence.

'Looks like I have no choice but to play this out...'

He approached the man and noticed that there was a cut on his left cheek.

He kicked him on the stomach but only used about 30% of his strength.


"Ugh…!" the man groaned and curled into a ball.

"You piece of drug addict shit! You tried to scam me! And when I called you out for it you suddenly attacked me!"


Nathan kicked the man on the back.


"What now, huh?!"


This time around, Nathan kicked the man on the head and he lost consciousness.


Nathan spat on the man and then said, "Piece of shit drug addict lowlife!"

He looked at the bystanders.

"What?! What are you fuckers looking at?! Never seen a piece of shit lowlife drug addict being kicked around for scamming someone?!"

Some looked away and went back to minding their own business, while others continued staring at him.

And to the ones who continued staring at him, some of them sneered.


Nathan suddenly rushed to the closest person who was sneering.

And before the sneering person could even react…


Nathan slapped the man with his sword and he fell to the ground.

"You like sneering?! Do you think you're a model of a toothpaste commercial?!"



He started kicking and stomping on the man's face.

And just like the previous man, he only used 30% of his strength.


"Come on, show me your beautiful smile!"


"Stop covering your face!"


"It's too late to be shy now!"


The sneering man was so powerless from Nathan's kicks and stomps that he was immediately rendered bloody and unconscious.

Some of the other bystanders finally decided to help.

Others even pull out weapons -- blades.

"Hey, you fucking bastard! Do you think you can just --" one said as he rushed up to Nathan and grabbed his arm.


He was slapped so hard with the sword that a few teeth came flying from his mouth and he immediately lost consciousness.

Another man rushed forward and tried to stab Nathan.


The man with a dagger was stunned for a bit and staggered two steps backwards.

And before he was even able to recover, Nathan got to him and kicked his right knee to the opposite direction.



"AHHH!!!" the man screamed in agony as he lost his balance and fell to the ground.


"Noisy!" Nathan said as he kicked him on the chin and he lost consciousness.

There were two other bystanders nearby who were about to throw a spell.

"Stop!" said another bystander. "He attacked someone in public with so many witnesses, he's already a dead man! Leave him to the authorities!"


There was a sound of a whistle from a distance.

The two who were about to cast a spell stopped and ran away.

Nathan looked at the direction of where the whistle was coming from.

He could see two men in some sort of uniform running towards his location.

He looked at the four people lying on the ground.

He scratched his nose.

'Well… this is awkward…'

'I think I may have overplayed it a little bit…'

'But what can I do…?'

'When I saw these bunch of lowlife ants answering sneering at me, I just couldn't help myself…'

'But at least I was able to control my strength and didn't kill them…'

'Yeah, it's not a complete failure...' he thought and smiled before running away as well.


Author's thoughts:

Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed months ago in keeping his sacred immortal oath and is now nothing but a Lowly Shameless Immortal is shamelessly going to open once again the path of Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons.

To the people who voted with their power stones, this Lowly Shameless Immortal would like to thank these Power Immortals:

• Jayjayrelic_Relic

• Shikla

• Pillastre

• Yerby7213

• PSYcho_72

• TheAntiSimp

• Kelv_Anne

• Tense_Beagle


To the ones who want to help this Lowly Shameless Immortal in his path to immortality in writing his First Immortal Book, you can consider becoming an Immortal Patron by supporting him at P-a-t-r-e-o-n:

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's "chapter drafts" for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

With that, this Lowly Shameless Immortal want to give his special thanks to the Immortal Patron(s) for July 2021:

• Виталий В

• Teltaios

Thank you once again Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons. This Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*

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