
Chapter Twenty Two - Jin Li contemplates closed cultivation

The sea of swirling stars twinkled as tiny sparks shot between them.  As each speck of light was struck by the thin lightning bolts, they brightened and were it not that they resembled a galaxy as seen from billions of miles away, the light might be considered blinding.  The outer spiral of stars and flickering bolts separated from the sea to travel along a conduit leading to a network of pathways that stretched outward like veins and capillaries, weaving between the mirrored scene of blood vessels and the fine web of nerves.  Occasionally, the speckles of spiritual energy seemed to brush against the already sensitive nerves and the foreign lightning forked outwards to further tease them, sending messages to the brain that spoke of increased pleasure.

A groan escaped Leon's throat as he released acknowledgment of the feeling, despite being deep within the cultivation state and his body tightened around the object pressing within him instinctively.  In turn, the consciousness of the owner of said object stirred and let loose a breath as he circled the fine, white lightning bolts streaking through his own meridians before returning to an innersea that no longer looked like a hellish storm depicting a scene of nature's full fury, but a stunning display of electricity connecting the sky to the earth in a controlled display of glorious power.

He nudged the consciousness of his Dao Companion, gently encouraging the latter to prepare to withdraw from their joint Cultivation, just as he intended to do.  And so their minds parted, but their bodies remained joined and Jin Li pushed down the alchemist seated within his lap in order to better cover him.  Leon had barely come to his senses when the friction of the first thrust against his innerwalls filled his mind once more with pleasure and unable to take it in his sensitive state, his essence spilled from him violently.

A proud Jin Li that had caused his body to tremble so, continued to slowly plunder his body, marking his neck with strawberry kisses and shallow teeth indentations as he did so.  Leon could only cling to his neck as he was taken advantage of thoroughly and completely.  Their lips came together and their tongues entwined as suddenly Jin Li's movements became more urgent and he quickened his thrusts until it was he who had to surrender to the pleasure that being within his small alchemist caused him.

Leon came once more with a small sigh, barely awake as Jin Li reluctantly left his body, then drifted to sleep as a warm cloth cleaned his naked skin.  His Martial Artist then rose from the bed, tucked the covers about him before placing a light kiss upon his sleeping face.  Unlike his small alchemist, he felt quite energised and awake, so he left the other to rest, quietly throwing on his inner robes before retiring to the reception room.

He threw a bolt of lightning into the brazier, causing the coals within to alight, but soon the flames quietened to a smoulder releasing more heat than the scented smoke of them and the essence sprinkled upon them, warming the room a little.  He then sat down upon the couch, stretching his limbs in a lazy, languid fashion and resting his chin upon his hand as he contemplated. While he had Dual Cultivated with Leon, he had felt that his innersea was becoming too small to contain his spiritual energy.  This sensation had become noticeable in recent days and Jin Li believed that this was due to reaching the peak of tertiary.  Soon he would have to attempt to breakthrough the first bottleneck all Cultivators must face. This, his Teachers would never predict, with the exception perhaps of the Institute's rather astute Headmaster.

But the time was not now.

A breakthrough to quaternary stage did not occur for everyone, it could be considered the second true test of a cultivator, if awakening one's root was the first.  If the breakthrough was successful, then all of the spiritual energy within his innersea would condense and become the golden core of his immortal being.  Not that he could be considered immortal at this point, however once the core was formed, his spiritual energies would then begin to temper his body, strengthening his muscles, quickening his responses, sharpening his senses and refining him above and beyond what just martial arts could do.

Having the opportunity to temper one's body, this was the goal of every late stage Core Forming Cultivator, just as having the opportunity to temper one's mind would be the goal of every late stage Body Refining Cultivator. But this opportunity could only come once he had broken through the bottleneck that defeated many.

An ordinary breakthrough was a vulnerable time for a Cultivator. Any disturbances or accidents could result in deviation of spirit and the horrible side affects concurrent with such. Leon's deviation had not been a result of trying to break through and even then it had been a curse and yet a blessing for him, but that was an extremely unique case. Most suffering from a failed breakthrough would experience physical harm, their meridian's damaged, perhaps their roots as well and this was if they were lucky. Some might become disabled and unable to ever cultivate again. A few might even lose their lives.

And so as long as the breakthrough was expected, the Cultivator might hide somewhere safe briefly, perhaps surrounded by mage protection formations or even ask assistance from someone trusted to watch over them. This was known as Closed Cultivation, though it was not only for attempting to make breakthroughs, but some also found it useful to enter in order to advance more rapidly without outside interference. Closed Cultivation for a normal breakthrough was usually brief, a matter of days for those of low cultivation at most, weeks or months as strength increased. But for those aiming to breakthrough the bottlenecks every three cultivation levels, it could be three or four or even more times that, for it was harder and more focus and energy required than of normal times.

Note that only fools and those with a death wish would not enter this state during a breakthrough of a bottleneck. That is how extremely vulnerable they were in this prolonged period, where death would be the most likely result of deviation at this critical point. Thus Jin Li would also follow suit, taking advantage of the Institute's Hollow Mountain, where students and Teachers could enter Closed Cultivation at will.

Such would have to wait, though, for he was not at the Institute now and he wished to spend these few weeks before returning with his beloved Dao Companion. If he had the choice, he would drag Leon into Closed Cultivation as well, but the small Alchemist neither needed this nor would it benefit either of them, perhaps even cause delays in his, Jin Li's progress. He knew himself well, even if he would not openly admit to it.

After this, after successfully breaking through to Quaternary (for he never doubted his ability to do so), he would be able to make the journey between realms with less of the risk that was otherwise attached. He would be able to return home. This had once been his intention; regain his lost cultivation, breakthrough and return. This was still his intention, but there would be a while longer before he did so. For he had no intention of leaving without his small alchemist by his side.

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