
Reggie's Magic!

Ricardo, one of our biggest trump cards just lost to Hayden.

Hayden has decided to back off the arena. He seems to be quite injured due to Ricardo. Even though Ricardo didn't eliminate anyone, I am sure that injuring someone like Hayden is something only he could have done. This gives us a chance to fight against Hayden.

I see Reggie walk into the arena, "So, whose next?" Reggie asks with a smirk. His arrogant and will definitely try to test the strength of our people before going all out. That's not the only thing, he is one of the people on that their team whose magic is unknown to us all.

Maybe sending in someone strong is a bad idea right now...Hister...Nah, I don't want her to be a sacrificial lamb for us. We already had that in form of Ricardo.

I look for options as I glare around towards my teammates. "Hmm..." I look towards Brenna. "Brenna, doesn't your phoenix transformation heighten your senses like hearing, touch and stuff?" I ask Brenna. "Yeah, why are you asking?" Brenna asks me. "I want you to go next." I say to Brenna. Brenna smiles. "Finally!" She says as she begins to walk towards the arena.

"So you have decided to walk into the arena, haven't you, Brenna...?" Bruno carefully observes Brenna.

"Watch me brother, I will show you...I have grown a lot stronger." Brenna stares at Bruno.

"I am surprised that she sent a powerhouse." Reggie says to Brenna. "She?" Brenna looks confused. "Yeah, isn't the one deciding the tactics that chick over there that's standing with your captain?" Reggie asks Brenna. "She does help that guy but she doesn't command us like that guy does." Brenna says to Reggie. Reggie smirks. "So your captain is dumb." Reggie says to Brenna. "Who knows, maybe he is." Brenna says to Reggie. "Fine then, don't expect me to go easy on you because you're a girl." Reggie says to Brenna with a smirk. "Bring it on already." Brenna says to Reggie.

"Why send Brenna?" Sophie asks me. "Just because." I say to Sophie. "HUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUST BECAUSE?!" Sophie seems to have gotten angry again. "Whatever the case, I am sure she can handle it." I say to Sophie. Sophie pouts.

"Let's see how you handle me!" Reggie smirks as he disappears.

Ilora's eyes narrow as she understands the situation.

Everyone seems confused. "It's getting cold." Cyan says as she cuddles herself with her hands. "Yeah." Sean seems to be shivering. "Reggie...So you decided to go all out from the start huh?" Denvil smiles.

The crowd seems to be shivering in cold too and some of my teammates too. "How are you...N-not feeling c-co-cold?" Sophie seems to be stuttering from cold as smog comes out of my mouth. The arena begins to cover up with mist along with the surrounding.

"I am surprised you actually don't feel anything." Ilora says to me. "Your attacks are colder than this, I have gotten used to it." I say to Ilora. "Is that so..." Is it just me or is she looking away from me.

"What the-" Brenna seems to be confused. It seems that she has covered herself with her phoenix wings. "Why is this mist so cold?" Brenna seems to be confused. Brenna realises something. She tries to attack with wing behind her.


"What?!" Brenna thought that someone was behind her but there was no one there. "So boring." Brenna attacks in front of her this time.


From behind her a hand grabs her and throws her out of the arena.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"HUH?! Brenna....Was eliminated so quickly...But isn't she supposed to be the 5 strongest people on our team..." Sophie seems to be confused as she shivers.

Rita smirks. "Not even the best people could see through the cold mist magic that Reggie has. His magic is the best support magic I have ever seen and his not bad when it comes to physical strength too." Rita says to herself.

"You failed again, little sister." Bruno says to himself as he closes his eyes. "Damn it...Damn it..." Brenna seems to be angry at herself. I don't blame her...I didn't expect this to happen to her too. She didn't even last for more than a minute.

I see Jason walking up on the arena himself.

"Hmm? What are you doing Jason?" I ask Jason. "This is a perfect environment for my magic to work." Jason says as he begins to walk into the arena."I see..." I say. Sophie seems confused. "H-he-hey what does that mean...?" Sophie asks me. "It means that the Reggie guy is about to get eliminated." I say to Sophie with a smile.



The mist clears up and Reggie ends up in the back of the wall behind Team Fighters. "That was easy." Jason says with his groggy eyes.

Rita and the rest of the team except Hayden had their eyes widen. Rita smirks. "He fell for it." Rita says with a smirk.

"Hmm?" Jason seems confused. "I got you now." Everyone in the audience seems confused. "I see...what's happening there." Sun says as he observes the ground. "Yeah, a very clever tactic." Oki says with close look towards the ground.

"I see..." I understand what's happening there...This is bad...The only one in our team who can deal with such a situation is Jason.

"What the-?" Jason seems to be running backwards towards us. "Huh? What's happening?" A voice seems confused. Jason runs and falls out of the arena. He looks at the council members and raises his hand. "Double elimination." Only he would say something like that.

"I definitely didn't expect that...But one thing is for sure that the mind controller is out of here." Rita says as Trish appears behind Rita. "Well done Trish." Rita says to Trish. "Now, let's see what you bring to the table, captain of the squad Rizing." Rita says with a smirk.

The tournament is getting into its final stages, with only 5 people on our side while 7 on theirs. But there is someone who watches the tournament in silence. "I don't care about the other 4 on the team, I just want to watch you fight, Henry Marshal." The smile from that girl who see's Henry Marshal from distance.

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