

Beta was watching the last hunting squad go home. He noticed that hunters would be sent out every second day which he used to his advantage. On the day the hunters go out, Beta would get closer to the village. He had already found out everything he could from a distance, so now it was time to get a close-up view. Only when the hunters left the village did he dare to proceed closer with his investigation, but even then, he still kept a safe distance as a precaution and a headstart to flee if something happens. Beta took his time and learned more about the people living in the outskirts of the village and many things he couldn't observe from afar. He spent his days circling the whole outside area and then another week was over. Beta learned a habit of eavesdropping for the past weeks so he couldn't help listen in as he heard the hunters talk about some rumors.

"Hey, did you hear that someone stole old Mara's pan and pot? Metal sure is worth something, but who the hell would do that?"

"You're thinking about it too much. She probably just lost them!"

"How can you lose a pan and a pot? These disgusting beggars did it! I'm sure of it!"

"Even if they had these things, what are they supposed to do with it without fire and food necessary to cook?"

"True... But maybe they're planning to steal that too!"

Beta watched the other man shaking his head without even bothering to answer anymore. "Those things are heavenly in a situation like mine! Even meat can taste dull if you only eat roasted meat for weeks! Now I can make a stew or fry some eggs for breakfast! The living standard is just that much different!", Beta said while mulling. He didn't mind stealing since it benefited him, but the rumors still bothered him. He felt like justifying what he did but that didn't mean that he would stop though. He still needed seasonings after all. "My body has finally recovered, so it's time to train it again to be battle-ready. I need much more strength to survive in this world. If all the books of the beasts I have read aren't fairy tales, I will need to become strong as fast as possible.".

As he was thinking about his future plans, a small boy suddenly entered his vision. He is one of the boys that looked close to death with filthy clothes on. Beta saw the boy slowly moving towards him, looking weak and beaten. "Did he actually discover me? No, that's not possible. Even hunters can't discover me anymore…". After living in the forest for a long time, Beta adapted fast and knew exactly where to step and how to move in order to stay hidden. Confident in his ability, he just waited and continued watching the boy. As the boy got closer and closer, Beta still felt uncomfortable, so he moved away a little, for he knew, someone that is close to death is very dangerous. The boy continued walking and when he got near Beta... he just passed by. Beta couldn't help but be relieved.

He followed the boy to check what he is aiming to do in the forest. Usually only hunters are allowed to enter it, so it was strange. He continued following the boy until he saw the boy picking up a small branch and enter deeper into the forest. Beta was truly curious what the boy wanted in the depths of the forest. An hour later, the boy finally got blocked by a boar.

Beta then got an idea as to why the boy had come here. He's starving. In the eyes of the boy, Beta saw the same look that he had had when he came out of the capsule. The boy faced the boar fearlessly, for if he didn't kill it, he would die. The boy charged up to the boar and tried to hit it with his branch. The boar just looked at him, annoyed that a weakling is trying to hit it, and moved forward to charge. When the branch hit, the boar barely seemed to notice it and continued to charge unhindered, hitting the boy's leg and knocking him down. When the boy looked at his bleeding leg, he only flinched a little due to the pain and grit his teeth as he stood up again and raised his branch at the boar. The boar roared at the boy for being stubborn and charged once more. The boy's face looked a bit grim but it didn't lose any of its fierceness. When the boar almost reached the boy, a spear suddenly flew by, hitting the boar's head accurately and killing it. The boy looked a bit relieved but at the same time, he vigilantly looked around securing the boar while barking a warning.

"This is my boar! I saw it first!"

Suddenly, the bush next to him trembled and revealed a short figure. Beta took his spear out of the boar and looked at the boy.

"I do not wish to harm you. Instead, I will offer you two choices. Either you come with me and live, or you stay here and die.", Beta said with a calm voice, showing no hint of any expression.

"Didn't you just say that you wouldn't hurt me? what's that about me dying?!"

"Look at your leg. If it doesn't get treated soon you will surely die. Do you intend on putting your hopes on the villagers? Do you really think that anyone would help you?"

"And why would you help me? Who are you even?! I've never seen you in the village before!"

Beta couldn't help but scratch his head. He indeed is a stranger and the offer sound suspicious.

"I will not help you out of pure goodwill, I want you to give me information."

"What kind of information? Why should I even trust you?"

"Nothing grand really. I just want to know everything you know. As for the latter question... do you even have a choice? Decide fast boy, your leg is crying blood."

Confronted with that question and Beta calling him 'boy' even though he's the same, irked him a bit. Reminded by the pain, the boy didn't argue anymore and just nodded. Beta didn't lie to the boy when he said that he really would die if he didn't get treated soon. When Beta then pulled out the spear he inspected the boy's leg and was able to see that it was broken. He built a small contraption that looks like a stretcher, using a couple of large sturdy branches and a lot of vines to secure it. He then instructed the boy to lay on it as he pulled it. Of course, he made sure to put the boar on the stretcher too, which made the boy feel a bit better.

Beta pulled the stretcher all the way to his cave. At first the boy was scared when he saw the cave, but when he saw the fire pit with the pot over it, he calmed down thinking that Beta must have lived there for a while. When they finally arrived, Beta laid down the boy on his own makeshift bed with grass and rabbit fur cushion as he started making food. When the small boy smelled the food, he looked over many times while salivating. There were weird noises inside the cave and the boy was not ashamed nor guilty at all for he was too hungry to care. After some time, Beta finally finished cooking and gave the boy his portion of boar stew which was served in a bowl made out of the skull of a boar and then grabbed one serving for himself too. The boy was cautious at first as he looked at the food in doubt but when he saw Beta eating it himself, he quickly started devouring it.

"You shouldn't eat too much or you will get cramps. You can have more later."

Even after hearing his warning, the boy still didn't stop and continued eating ravenously. Not long after though, the boy felt his stomach cramp up, as if trying to force the food out again. However, the boy stopped it with his hands as he swallowed it down again and again until his stomach stopped.

"I hate to say it but I told you so.", Beta said with a smirk.

"If you hate to say it then don't say it!", said the boy in his mind. But he just looked at Beta for a second and then finished his bowl. He also looked at the pot expectantly, glancing over and over again.

"You will get more later but for now you need to let your stomach get accustomed to it. Now it's time for you to give me information. First off, let's begin with your name."

The boy perked up as he looked at Beta warily, but the feeling of being full made him loosen his guard a bit and he answered.

"My name is Brian. What about your name? Do you live here? Are you the one who stole the pan and pot from old Mara's house?"

"Brian, huh? Not too bad! My name is Beta and I indeed live here. And yes, I am also the one who stole them. Those are awesome items, I don't regret it." said Beta with a dignified face.

After the introductions were made, Beta asked some other questions about the village which Brian answered to the best of his ability. Beta, again, learned a lot regarding the village. The village's name is Weitweg Village with at least 300 residents and around 20 beggars. One of the things that stunned Beta was the fact that this place was just a really small village in the boonies. The real cities are much bigger. Sadly, Brian couldn't say much more about them since he has never been there before.

Then Brian proceeded to tell Beta his life's story. Brian is an orphan who lost his parents when he was still young due to being sick one winter season. After that he talked about his life as a beggar, how cruel it was and how he had to eat moldy bread and steal the pigs food. Beta listened carefully and noted all the important things down in his mind. When Brian was finished, Beta let him rest for a while and sorted the information he just got.

After some time of thinking, Beta stood up as he started training his body again. It's not likely that someone will look for the boy, but if someone did, he must be prepared. The reason why Beta dared to take the boy in was because he was wounded. Brian being around his age and having experienced being starved for a while was a reason too. And Beta knew that if he could make the boy his underling, it will have several benefits. Every scientist needs an assistant, otherwise they would be troubled by many things and held back from researching. He also couldn't neglect the power of numbers. Beta alone could maybe handle two or even three enemies who are as strong as him with his experience, but what if there were more? Better be prepared than be sorry later.

"I will turn him into my loyal right-hand man. But of course, I still can't depend on others too much and neglect my own power!", he thought with a determined face, as he trained even harder.

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