
Arena ( Part 3)

If I had known that everything that would happen today would cause the events that had happened in the future… I probably would have thrown my sword down, walked back into my room and packed my bags.

Hindsight is something I didn't have at the time. You cannot take back what has happened or your actions. As much as I wish I could…

We had finished resting and there was approximately one hour left on the clock for the arena event. We had gone through enemy after enemy and I had become injured, Loki had given me a quick fix but we did not have enough time to fully repair my sword arm fully.

We had found out from a team we had beaten that the crown prince had quietly put a bounty on my head and that " What happens in the arena, would stay in the arena" or some garbage like that.

I had wondered if my Lubu meter was broken before Loki had reminded me that it just showed the feelings between people and maybe what he was doing was something he was ordered to do by his family.

Did the Vance royal family really have something to do with this? I honestly couldn't be sure but when we came face to face with Romeo's team they did not seem to want to talk with us.

Instantly the entire team's arrangement of weapons were drawn as they charged at us in the forest biome we had lured them too.

The fight was anything but quick and could only be described as gruelling. Some of the highlights included Rinny starting a forest fire that we had to flee from before Ki put some of it out, the crown prince using ice magic to try and turn us into human pincushions, Sora almost slicing Rens arm using wind magic almost rendering it useless and finally Romeo's guard using some bizarre form or earth magic that caused clay dolls to act as their vanguard.

What had made things worse is not only were we fighting the crown princes team but our commotion had caused two other teams to join in the fray against us.

I wondered if anyone would blame me for what happened next. I also wondered if I would ever forgive myself.

Loki and Rinny were battling while Ren had forced himself into the shadows to pick of the secondary groups of people rendering them unconscious. I was using my seep ability to stop the clay dolls while Ki and the crown prince were battling.

Sora was attacking me directly while Hey you had been supporting his team. Stray arrows were flying left and right and everything from swords to whips was being swung and cracking leaving devastation where ever they landed.

It honestly was not looking good for us. We were all tired and I was running out of health potions. I had wished at this time that Kibbles was allowed in the arena but I was also glad that he was safe.

I was about to get the team to group up again when it happened.

A stray arrow lodged itself into Ki's chest.

It struck her chest as she fell to the ground with a moan.

I could see the arrowhead sticking out of Ki's back and her face instantly paled as she fell.

Loki had struck Rinny before rushing to Ki's side and tried his best to heal her but...

The battle stopped as if frozen in a freeze frame.

Weapons were still drawn.

Some people were still even had each other in choke holds as I walked over to Ki.

" Young.. Master…" Ki said pitifully as I held her hand.

Ren just stood there for a minute before rushing over and supporting her head.

" Ren…" Ki said and trying to smile.

" LOKI DO SOMETHING!" I shouted as I looked over at Loki.

"I..can't.. It hit her heart" Loki said quietly.

" YOU CAN BRING ME BACK... SAVE HER DAMN IT!" I shouted again.

" Young master.. Stop it.." Ki said as she coughed.

" I am.. Not Cupid.." Loki said quietly.

I looked at Rinny and she shook her head.


" Ki.. Ki… come on you can't" Ren said as a tear fell down his face.

My heart was thumping strongly as I held in my rage and took a deep breath.

[ How did a friendly competition end up like this? ]

" I'm really cold…" Ki said.

" Don't worry you are going to be fine," Ren said holding her head as he brushed her hair back.

" You are going to be fine.. Remember we owe Yuki godchildren you can't" Ren said dejectedly.

" Maybe we would have... One day… but for now... Take care of the young.." Ki said before her eyes closed.

[ Ki… please don't leave me…]

" Just take care of me like you always do Ki" I said as I looked at her.

Her body that was once so full of life had become still a peaceful expression on her face.

" Ki .. don't go I need you," I said.

" Ki" Ren said quitely.

" Ki.. wake up this isn't funny" Ren said as he touched her face.

" Ki… you can't leave me here to guard him he is too much trouble without you," Ren said quietly and tears fell from his face and landed on her cheeks.

Ren became silent and his eyes became hollow.

Images of our time together had rolled through my head, tears couldn't help but escape my eyes and I placed my head on her stomach and began to cry.

The entire area was silent as Ren and grieved.

" Please.. Take care of her " I whispered before I gently placed Ki in Rens arms.

I looked at all my fellow students who were as pale as ghosts.

Prince Romeo and his crew were looking down at Ki unable to say a word as their faces paled.

" DIDN'T YOU SAY THIS WAS JUST A FRIENDLY DUEL?!" I said as I walked up to Romeo in slow steps.

[ This is nothing like the game..]

[ Why is this happening?! ]

[ This is nothing like the game..]

[ Why is this happening?! ]

[ This is nothing like the game..]

[ Why is this happening?! ]


[ Ki….]

" WHY THE HECK DID EVERYONE GANG UP ON MY TEAM?!" I shouted as Ki's blood dripped down my hands.

" What are you going to do?" Sora said shaikly as he stood in front of Romeo.

Loki rushed to my side and grabbed me.

" You can't you will start a war." Loki warned.

" Let go.." I said with a growl.

" I can't" Loki replied.

I looked back at Ren who was bracing Ki and rocking her back and forth in his arms. His heart clearly shattered.

My eyes glowed green as I willed the plants to pull Loki off me. He swung in the air like a fly trapped in a spiders web. I caused the same thing to happen to Rinny, hey you and Sora and before they could even chant I had rushed up to Prince Romeo bound his body in vines and slapped his face.

My slap echoed from throughout the forest as my hand that was covered in Ki's blood hit him.

" y..y.y..you can't kill me" Romeo stuttered.

" Oh.. but I can." I said as something inside me snapped like over taut wires.

" My mother. My father. Dead by your families hands. I was almost kidnapped and damn near sold thanks to Vance scum. No… that wasn't enough for you.. YOU SENT SORA TO TRY AND KILL ME…" I said as I slapped him again.

" THAT WASN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU?!?!!? EVEN WHEN I FORGAVE YOUR FAMILY AND COUNTRYMEN?!" I said as my eyes glowed a darker shade of green.


" If you kill me you will never see your father alive again," Romeo said quietly.

Just then Rinny used her fire magic to tear herself down and rushed behind me grabbing my arms.

I couldn't look at Romeo's stupid face.

[ My heart had already lost my father and now you say his alive?! ]

" Ki.. is dead now.. And her.." I said as I choked back my words.

" Her blood is on your hands. Don't you dare joke about my father again!" I said quietly.

" but your father is alive" Romeo said.

I couldn't remember much after that...

I had apparently blanked out due to rage and caused the entire forest arena to blitz out of control. Many students had been injured including Ren who had spend the entire time protecting Ki.

The teachers had finally appeared and had rendered me unconscious.

I slept for several days and woke up in my bed.

Ki was not there to wish me an excellent morning like she normally would.

Ki would never.. Do that it again.


Transparencycreators' thoughts
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