
Nose Poking

"We can't evacuate!" Zero struggled in Olaf's hold and received a smack on his bottom that made him squirm uncomfortably.

"Yes, we can. I'm not putting up with those fluff-brains for longer than I need to," the dragon demon huffed.

"No, we can't! Beel and Baal are-"

"Beelzebub and Baal are Demon Lords, perfectly capable of surviving any kind of crisis. You should know best that even if their physical bodies were destroyed, the soul of a demon lord would never disappear. Besides, the headmaster if personally going to take care of it. I don't believe that the gate cannot be taken down with so many powerful individuals joining hands so don't worry more than you have to," Olaf huffed.

"But stil-"

"No buts," the librarian cut him off curtly with a strict look. "Any more meddling on your end will only be poking your nose into where it doesn't belong. You can help by not being anywhere near that disaster zone and giving everyone else a piece of mind."

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