
chapter 32

After the little incident with the goons outside making a ruckus, Leonard quickly disposed of all the dead one while making quick work of the one who were beyond saving and on the verge of death, he made them all die as cleanly as possible.

Save for what left of the leader of the goons, he's just beyond cleaning up now.

"Alright, I cleaned up as much as possible, I don't really know how to deal with the splattered part of the one I personally made quick work of though, he's going to be a pain to clean up, let hope that the blood isn't staining too much." Leonard told them as he opened the door and entering the room where all the people were waiting.

The people in the house were completely speechless by Leonard nonchalant behavior after making a man, literally ballooned and popped before their very eyes, he made it seem like this is just a normal, everyday life occurrences.

"How are you going to explain this to the Don of the district?" Ryuji asked him.

"That's easy, just come out with the truth, in the end, they broke the agreement first so on paper, we have the "moral" high ground if you could call it that." Leonard quoted using his fingers.

"But are you sure that whoever in charge will take that for an answer and quietly sweep such a matter under the rug? I mean- you did, *ahem cleaned a good amount of street thugs." Roger asked him as cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Look Roger, if matter escalated, I can always continue killing them until this matter went completely quiet, due to them not having enough personnel to continued on this issue." Leonard gave out one of his suggestion, which almost caused some people in the room to choke on their own spit after hearing and comprehending the meaning of those words.

"You can't be serious, right?" Roger asked him.

"Oh I am dead serious on this matter." Leonard replied back with an innocent smile.

Later that night, they received an unexpected visit from some of the people who worked for the Zaluchi crime family, they came over in a grand style, with two black newly painted cars.

"Hello, is this the resident of Mr. Leonard?" a man called out for Leonard specifically.

"Yeah, you're with the Zaluchi I presume? I hope you have an explanation for the incident that happened this afternoon." Leonard asked the man with full of uninterest and in a rude manner that would normally caused normal people blood to boil.

"Yes sir, I am with the Zaluchi family, I here to represent the Zaluchi family and give you our deepest apologies." the man, however, did not lose his cool and replied back in a calm and professional manner as he took off his hat, a sign of respect.

"By that, allow me to present you the last remnant that might cause you more trouble in the future." he told Leonard as he beckoned the large men in the back to open the trunk of the car and carry out a large brown sack the size of a man- and probably weighed as much as one too and placed before Leonard door step.

He then looked at Leonard for further order after noticing the little kid that was with the woman snuck his head out from the corner of the hallway.

"Go back kid, this scene ain't pretty, maybe once you grew up, there's a chance that you might see something like this again- or nevermind, kinda too late now, but go back to bed." Leonard waved his hand shooing the little boy away.

"Okay…" the kid replied in a dejected manner before heading upstair.

"Alright, open the potatoes sack." he ordered the men in suit and ties.

They quickly complied before pulling out a knife and cut the sack loose, revealing a beaten up thug that the woman shot in the foot previously when he encountered her in the alleyway.

"AEhhhh!!!" the moment light as shined on the goon, he freaked out after seeing the familiar face of the mobster who had kidnapped him from his home and then tortured him about something that he doesn't understand before bagging him up in a potatoes sack and bring him before this specific youngster, who smile look like that of the devil.

"Still quite lively, why did you bring this one before me? Shouldn't you be explaining why such an incident happened like it did this afternoon?" Leonard asked the man.

"About that, you see, he's the root cause of it all, we managed to get a confession from him after a bit of… "Persuasion" if you wilted it, he spilled everything, even down to the color of his underwear, we managed to find out that the leading goon that started the riot in your designated area is the older brother of this good for nothing wannabe here." the man kicked the tied up goon in the mouth which dislodged the cloth that gagged him, preventing him from speaking.

"You bastard! Release me immediately, else once my brother caught wind of this, you're all going to sleep with the mutated fishes in the canal!" the goon threatened.

"Oh really?" Leonard was amused by the threat.

"YEAH! If you know what good for you! My brother worked under the man who serve the Capo of the area! If you harm me- the mobsters will be after you!" he continued, much to Leonard amusement, he doesn't seem to catched onto the situation just yet.

"Idiot," one of the big mobster who carried the little idiot over in a potatoes sack commented as he watched the little show unraveling itself.

"What did you say?!" the goon glared at the mobster who made such a comment and mocked him even after he threatened using his brother and the local mafia name.

"I said you are stupid, you don't know who in charged nowadays and start flapping your gum like a fucking moron?" the mobster gave the goon a kick in the gut.

"You're looking at the new Caporeigem of this area." the mobster let the goon in onto a very important piece of information that shattered all of his hope.

"W-what?! No way! That's impossible?! What happened to my brother?!" he yelled out in a hysterical manner after comprehending the information given.

"All I could say is beyond dead, he's the one that visited me this afternoon and started to mess with me out of the blue, so I made quick work of him by making sure to turn him into "soup"- bad idea, it was a mess." he then lamented before turning to the men from the Zaluchi family.

"Take him away, make sure to dispose of him properly and this time, strictly warned the flies to stay the hell away from my place." Leonard warned them.


After the men from the Zaluchi family left, Leonard quietly shut the door behind him and headed out further away from the district under the dead of night.

"So, you finally came?" his words became serious as he spoke out into the darkness that covered the world without the light from civilization.

"Hahaha, as expected from the holder of the god imprint, you didn't disappoint me at all." from the darkness, a giant humanoid figure in full armor revealed himself and spoke in a ragged guttery voice to Leonard.

"You making it way too obvious to someone like me to discover you, sure- it might work on someone below the Star realm and within the mortal realm, but please, don't take me for a joke." Leonard turned around and faced the mysterious being

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