
chapter 38

Leonard stood root on his spot, not moving an inch as he witnessed the horror unfurled right before his very eyes, Sirius headless body collapsed to the ground and letting the short sword in his hand go, which already ran through Ryan body.

Blood dripped and dyed the ground in a crimson color.

"Ryan...?" Leonard called to her in a stuttered voice, to which she suddenly fell back and he quickly caught her and gently placed her down on the ground.

"Why did you do something so...foolish!" he looked at the girl in horror.

"I'm so glad that you're ok…" she said weakly.

"Hold on, I'll find a way to treat your wound- just hang in there!" he yelled out to her in hopes of making her stay awake and not passed out.

Everyone else quickly rushed to their side, only to see that Ryan was heavily injured.

As Leonard was trying to open up his inventory to find a few bottles of healing tonic, Ryan uses her hand and grabbed hold of his own.

"Leonard...I have..something...that always wanted to tell you…" she spoke weakly as blood spilled from her lip.

"Don't talk, just hold on- I'll save you." Leonard found what he was looking for and took out all the bottles of healing tonic.

"No...I'm afraid I don't have another chance…" she held onto Leonard's hand more tightly.

"I..just...want you...to know that...I..love-.." Ryan passed out before she could finish that sentence, Leonard has already figured out what she wanted to say, he felt quite touched by her confession, but right now he does not have the luxury of waiting around to cherish it, he had to save her!

"Don't worry, you will not die on my watch…." Leonard quickly remove the sword that had impaled Ryan and tossed it aside, he then quickly poured a few bottles of healing tonic on to her wound and also let her drank some of it as well, but it seems like the liquid did not manage to go down her throat, it just spilled out.

So he quickly pulled the cap from another bottom and took a big gulp of it into his mouth and quickly moved his lip near her and implanted his own on her.

Erik, Vandal, and Conner, who stood on the side couldn't help but giving Leonard a thumb up deep down inside their heart.

However, Vandal was somewhat particularly salty about what he just witness, he felt happy for his own brother- yet feeling sad about himself as well.

While the other girls, Luminous and Mavis- the both of them also had somewhat of a complicated feeling when they see it/

"What are you guys standing there looking dumb for? Go find a medic quickly!" Leonard voice quickly brought all of them back to reality.

"I'll go find the medic immediately!" Vandal jumped to action and quickly rushed to find the army medics, and soon he came back with a group of them followed by a stretcher to carry Ryan as well, they quickly placed Ryan on it and carry her off.

"Such a smooth operator there Leonard." Mavis walked over to Leonard and gave him an elbowed to the side, in hope of lightening up the mood a bit, however, he still had an expression of rage showed on his face.

"Don't worry, she will be ok, luckily, the sword didn't seem to pierce any vital organ at all." one of the medics who came by to pick up Ryan stayed behind and told him of her situation.

"I have to say...the medicine that you gave her somewhat stopped the bleeding, she should be fine after resting for a few weeks or so." he then added.

Upon hearing this news from the medic, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Surprisingly, Erik was the one who felt the most out of it, if anything worse were to happened to Ryan, he honestly wouldn't know how to explain it all to his friend Don, once they met again.

Then from the direction of the battlefield between the Rosen kingdom and their Holy Church ally, against their own army, a soldier on a horse quickly rode over to their side at top speed, when he reached them, the soldier quickly jumped down from the horse and knelt on one knee in front of Erik.

"Reporting your grace, I have news from the battlefield," he told Erik.

"Tell me, how is it going down there?" Erik asked him.

"Your grace, the battle ended in our victory, the Rosen kingdom and their ally- the Church suffered major losses while we- only loss a few of our cavalry and a few minor injuries." the soldier quickly retelling the details that happened on the battlefield, such as how the Rosen army only manage to rushed in right after most of the church army was demolished by their own cavalry, but only to suffer more losses after they lose their momentum when they saw how their ally situation.

Most of the Rosen army were quickly surrounded and killed off, leaving only a small portion of them left in retreating back to their line.

"Good work, our troops is currently on their way back right?" Vandal asked the man.

"Yes, my lord, our troops are indeed currently on their way back to camp," he replied.

When Leonard heard this, he couldn't help but showed a sadistic grin on his face.

"Order some troops to go over to the battlefield and drag off all the corpses and separate them for me...bury our own while leaving the all the enemies corpses out somewhere near the camp."

Leonard looked at Vandal and Erik and said.

Erik showed no emotion on his face as always, however, Vandal was somewhat freaked out when he saw Leonard sadistic grin when he mentioned the enemies corpses.

"You're planning to do..that?" Vandal asked while gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

"Of course...they hurt my Ryan….it's only fair that I give them hell from now on…" Leonard grin grew wider as he said those words.

Suddenly a message from the system snapped him out of the little evil overlord act.

[System has determined the next world for the host to enter, would you like to get there now? It will be a solo mission.]

The message asked him.

"No, not now," he replied with a mental command.

[Confirmed, you only have seventy-two hours before you are forced to enter the next world, please use your time wisely.] the system replied.

"Gather the corpses quickly, I need to do this as soon as possible," Leonard told Vandal that after the system message informed him.

"What's the hurry?"

Mavis notice that Leonard was quite anxious and hurried when he told Vandal to gather the corpses and couldn't help but ask.

Leonard only replied.

"That "Incident" is going to repeat itself three days from now, I need to rush this through."

honestly, how many of you think that I killed off Ryan?



remember to leave comments, ratings and reviews :D

also, after today release, I have to bump it down a bit, school officially started for me, but there WILL CERTAINLY be daily release.

Oniichan_Thickskincreators' thoughts
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