
The advantages of being friends with a panther (4)

as Mars finally managed to drag the several ton dead earth boar back to his cave the sun had long set and the only light was the countless stars and the blue moon shining overhead, and even though he was exhausted from dragging the minivan sized earth boar through the forest excitement was still visible on his face as he calculated while rubbing his sore muscles

"34 class 6 magic beast cores... that's 6800 units of energy, plus some of them have 2 status point on them too"

Mars was quite satisfied by today's hunt not only had they secured a supply of food he had also gotten a lot of energy units and status points for him to get whenever he wanted to eat the cores

"...I have definitely gotten stronger, but I have no idea about the general strength of people in this world"

as Mars was contemplating his own level of strength Victoria looked at him not moving and the earth boar on the ground behind him and gradually got more and more impatient as before she pounced him from behind and pushed him down on the ground face first as her horns flashed

"Mars... think later... eat now"

hearing Victoria's slightly angry voice in his head Mars remembered he had promised her they would eat boar meat when they got back to the cave and as Victoria jumped off his back he sat up and gave her a slightly apologetic smile as he brushed dirt off his face

"yeah you're right, let's eat"

with Victoria impatiently nagging him Mars quickly disassembled some of the earth boar and roasted some meat for them to eat, as he bit down on the tender roasted boar meat and felt the juices spread out in his mouth Mars quickly wolfed down a few more pieces with sparkling eyes before praising Victoria that was eating her own serving of roasted boar meat

"you are right Victoria, this is some really good meat"

while Victoria was eating the roasted boar meat with vigor that reviled a starving teenager her horns flashed

"yes... boar second most tasty... in all the forest

a little surprised by this delicious boar meat only being second best in the forest Mars almost choked on the meat he was eating before quickly chewing and swallowing he asked Victoria with almost religious passion in his voice

"you mean there is even better tasting meat out there?"

"yes... lizard is better... then comes boar... then fire bird... and then alligator"

as Mars was chewing he tried to imagination what kind of beast Victoria meant when she said 'lizard'

as he had not seen any cold blooded animals since he came to the forest, but as he slowed he concluded

"well we have lots of boar meat to eat before we have to hunt again, but let's try to get a lizard next hunt"

after eating Mars and Victoria where huddle up together right outside the cave as they both where to stuffed to sleep right away, as Mars was focused on examining the cores form the spider to check how many of them had status points on them Victoria's horns flashed as she was lazing around laying in his lap

"Mars... what are those cores... for?"

as Mars was too focused on the cores he was a little started by Victoria's voice suddenly appearing in his head but after a second he started explaining while he petted her on the head

"I'm going to eat them later, or rather tomorrow to get stronger. can you eat cores too?"

Victoria enjoying getting her head patted by Mars closed her eyes and started lightly purring as her horns flashed

"not those... but some cores I can... to get stronger"

Mars was not surprised to hear she could eat cores as he suspected wild magic beast could eat them too, but having been informed that Victoria could get stronger by eating specific cores he got a little curious and asked her while he moved his hand up to pet her fluffy ears

"then what kind can you eat?"

as Victoria felt her ears getting petted softly the volume of her purring went up a notch as her horns flashed again

"the dark kind... and maybe fire too... after contract with Mars"

hearing Victoria's voice in his head Mars confirmed another thing that had been bugging him ever since he killed the alpha wolf and found its core and mumbled

"then the color of a magic beast core is determined by the magic a magic beast is able to use...? if that is true then the stealth acid spiders use water to become invisible, the wolf used darkness magic like Victoria but because it is a lower class magic beast the power was allowed according to its class"

hearing Mars mumble and feeling the hand that was petting her ears stopped she opened her eyes and looked up at him while her horns flashed

"Mars... what's wrong?"

"no it's nothing I am just thinking out loud... let's go to bed it's getting late"


the next morning the sun had only just peeked over the horizon as Mars walked out of the cave into the slightly chilly morning air leaving the still sleeping Victoria behind in dreamland as he stood and enjoyed the morning sun for a few seconds with a expression of joy plastered on his still sleepy face looking like a child early christmas morning as he admired the 34 blue and a single brown half transparent magic beast cores

he could barely hold in his hands

"so 8 of the cores form the spiders had 2 status points on them each and with the core from the earth boar the total amount of energy units is up to 6900 units"

as he was looking at the cores in his hands sparkling in the morning sun Mars had the urge to see how many he could stuff in his mouth at once but was held back by reason as he cheeked his status first


Name: Mars

Age: 0 (vessel 5220)

Race: Half-dragon human

Titles: [Living god of energy] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000 year prisoner] [Man that fell from the sky] [Contracted]

Class: [Energy]

Class level: 10

Status points:

Strength [23/1000] Constitution [19/2000] Dexterity [20/1500]

Intelligence [19/600] Wisdom [18/900] Charisma [10/50]

Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmanship lv 4] [Shadow magic lv 2]

Class skills: [Energy: absorption] [Energy storage: 200/1000] [Energy: discharge]

[Energy: upgrade shop] [Energy: information]

Passive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 5]

[Bone crafting lv 1]

as he confirmed the amount of energy in his [Energy: storage] he quickly ate 4 blue magic beats cores, filling his storage up completely before he willed his [Energy: upgrade shop] to open as he watched the transparent text making up his status changing into his upgrade shop

[Energy: upgrade shop]

[Energy] class skill level up price: 1000

Class skills currently available: [Energy: restoration] price: 500, [Energy: healing] price: 500

[Energy: absorb shield] price: 800 [Energy: reactive shield] price: 1000

[Energy: basic reinforced storage] (new) price: 1500 [Energy: basic drain touch] (new) price: 1500

"oh there are 2 new skills... maybe they got unlocked when I reached level 10?"

as Mars focused on the 2 new skills his [Energy: information] skill activated and showed information on the new skills

[Energy: basic reinforced storage]

use cost: none

status: locked

function: reinforces [Energy: storage] enabling the stored amount of energy to go 10% over the cap without harming the user

[Energy: basic drain touch]

use cost: none

status: locked

function: upon activation [Energy: basic drain touch] will slowly drain mana and thermal energy from a target in direct contact with the users hands, converting the drained energy and mana to energy units

"well first off I absolutely need [Energy: basic reinforced storage] and [Energy: basic drain touch] seem quite useful too, but first buy [Energy: restoration] and [Energy: healing]

commanding his skill Mars quickly felt his stored energy drain as he unlocked the 2 skills and a few seconds later information appeared in his head on how to activate them

"...now I don't have to worry to much about Victoria getting hurt and I can maintain my sword"

eating another 4 cores and waiting a few seconds for his storage to fill up again Mars commanded his skill again

"buy [Energy: absorb shield]"

once again feeling his stored energy being drained and new information appearing in his head Mars became slightly dizzy but still pressed on as he ate another 5 cores and commanded his skill once more

"buy [Energy: reactive shield]"

unlocking another skill Mars felt a headache appear along with information appear as he sat down and ate 5 cores more pressing on as he commanded his skill again

"level up my class"

feeling a refreshing warm current speeding over his body as his energy was drained his headache let up somewhat as Mars pressed on and ate 5 acid spider cores and the earth boar core and commanded

"level up my class"

feeling a refreshing warm speeding over his body again as his energy drained Mars felt his headache disappear completely as he quickly ate another 6 cores and commanded his skill

"level up my class"

feeling a refreshing warmth speeding over his body again Mars began to feel dizzy again as he currently felt like he had just come out from a 90 minute 35 degrees warm bath he laid down on his back enjoying the morning air and looked up at the sky while taking a break from power leveling while he watched the sky turn more and more blue as the sun gradually rose higher in the sky as he clenched the remaining 10 cores in his hands

Thanks for reading! :)

next chapter Friday hope to see you then

zad1333creators' thoughts
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