
A Rather Unstable Alliance

"And with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Maxwell Von Galnus Dunnwal. The first noble to be granted the title of 'Von' in over a century."

A sort of forced applause occurred as the gathered nobles within the grand halls of the castle of the port city Kliensburg celebrated Maxwell's ceremony. He was being awarded the title of 'Von' for his achievements and services to the greater good of Drussia.

Among these gathered nobles was none other than Erika herself.

While most of the officers of the Violet Army accompanied Maxwell, the majority of the Violet Army remained garrisoned at the Citadel of Briegkhoven under the command of the brigadier of the 3rd Battalion, Zanack.

The one who officially granted Maxwell the title of Von was non-other than Maxwell's father himself; Cornelius Golmo Dunnwal. As everyone applauded Maxwell, Erika saw Cornelius bend down to place his mouth near Maxwell's ear while patting the latter on the back.

From the movement of his mouth, Erika was able to read what Cornelius whispered to Maxwell.

"I'm proud of you son."

Maxwell only nodded in response to his father before raising his hands. Beckoning the crowd to quieten down. Soon after he began his speech.

"I thank you all for such a wonderful reception. It is truly an honour and a pleasure to be here... However, I'm afraid that I must be leaving soon."

As Maxwell said this, multiple looks of confusion filled the crowds. It was mostly the participating officers of the Violet Army who remained unmoved.

"I apologise for skipping formalities but the future of Drussia truly hangs in the balance."

While Maxwell spoke in a clear and concise tone, it also felt somewhat insincere. Erika knew that it was actually Maxwell trying to subtly display his distaste to the other nobles without explicitly saying it.

"Although the Panish Expeditionary Force should be in a weakened state, I will not commit the same mistakes as the Drussian Coalition."

Maxwell paused for a moment to let what he said sink in before he continued.

"I will lead my army to Elgon, defeat the Paniards and expel them out of Drussia once and for all! That much I can promise!"

When Maxwell send this, Erika saw Maxwell glance at a certain area. When Erika turned her eyes to said area, she saw a girl probably the same age as Erika and Maxwell donning a golden attire with black outlines which matched her golden eyes and black hair.

"As such I must cut my own speech short."

Maxwell shrugged before he concluded his speech.

"However, why should I ruin your fun! Drink! Drink! I hear that my brother Keizwell brought especially good wine just for this occasion!"

After Maxwell said this, loud cheers and laughter filled the halls as the participating nobility indulged themselves in food and liquor.

Soon after Maxwell disappeared behind his personal guards. There was no doubt that he left for his private chambers that was specifically reserved for him.

When Erika glanced back at the golden-eyed and black-haired girl, Erika discovered that the girl has also disappeared.

"That bitch..."

"Madam?.. Is there something wrong?"

Although Erika cursed herself for failing to control her emotions, she was still able to remain composed and reply properly to the questioning colonel.

"I apologise. It was just a slight slip of the tongue."

"Slip of the tongue?.. I didn't even believe you were capable of such clums-"

The colonel shut himself up the moment that Erika glared at him.

The 'bitch' in question was actually Michelle Van Dyme, a noble who hailed from the Breetish Isles and was the representative of the Unified Kingdoms of Great Breeton.

Apparently the Breetish were willing to assist the Drussians in overcoming the Paniards, for their own personal gain of course. It would be best to call it an 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' scenario.

Although Erika was confident of their chances of victory without the aid of the Breetish, she also agreed with Maxwell's sentiment that their aid is a helpful and welcome addition to their campaign.

The only gripe that Erika had about the whole ordeal was the commodore of the Breetish fleet; Michelle herself.

Erika did not know why but she detested the bitch.

Michelle was the one who sent the notice of the ceremony to Maxwell and apparently she was even the one who suggested the idea of granting Maxwell the title in the first place.

It was almost as if she went out of her way to ensure that Maxwell came to here at Kliensburg while she is still under the protection of her fleet. [Wait... That... THAT BITCH!] After Erika put the pieces together in her head, she immediately announced her leave.

"Unfortunately, it seems that I must take my leave."


The colonels only saluted at the leaving Erika before they returned to their conversations.

As Erika made her way for Maxwell's chambers, she saw a figure walking towards her down the halls.

A figure of a black-haired girl with a pair of golden eyes.

It was Michelle Van Dyme.

Although Michelle seemed to have noticed Erika's presence, she continued on her current course, moving to leave the hallways and reenter the grand halls.

However, just before Michelle could walk past Erika she was stopped by the presence of a pistol musket being aimed directly at her face.

A pistol musket that was being held in Erika's hands.

"Oh... Nice toy you got there. Is that a gift from Maxwell?"

Michelle's casual demeanour was very reminiscent of Maxwell. However, this only served to irritate Erika even more.

"If don't want your brains to be scattered across the halls I suggest you 'cooperate' with me."

Erika poured some of her arcane energy into her musket as she said this, making the runes inscribed onto the barrel pulse blue lights slightly brighter than usual but not enough to actually fire the shot.

"What were you doing in Maxwell's chambers?"

Michelle only tilted her head slightly in response before continuing to speak in her condescending tone.

"How can you even be sure that I was at Maxwell's chambers in the first place?"

Erika continued to glare fiercely at Michelle as she responded.

"Don't bother. Every single room in this hallway is reserved for an officer on the Violet Army, all of whom are currently in the grand halls of the castle. What else could you have done?"

Michelle only shrugged slightly before responding.

"I just had a short talk with Maxwell that is all."

"Is that really all?"

When Michelle heard Erika's question, a sort of sly grin formed on her face. It was also very reminiscent of Maxwell and of course, Erika hated it.

"Even though I already told you the truth you are still doubtful of me? I only told you the truth because I wanted to. You can't even force an answer out of me even if you really tried."

Michelle leaned forward and pressed her forehead onto Erika's musket as she said this.

"Are you really going to pull the trigger while my fleet is still waiting on stand by right to next the city's port?"

Erika's only response was to silently glare at Michelle as she continued to hold the latter at point blank range with her pistol.

After a tense moment of silence, Erika slowly returned her pistol to her inner coat pocket while still glaring at Michelle. When Michelle saw Victoria's coarse of actions, Michelle let out a short laugh before she spoke.

"I rather like you. I can see why Maxwell keeps you around."

After Michelle said this, she looked as if she suddenly remembered something before taking out her pocket watch. After glancing at the time for a short moment, Michelle returned her gaze to Erika before she once again spoke.

"Unfortunately, it seems that I must take my leave. As the Fench would say, 'au revoir' Erika."

Erika didn't respond, not with words anyway. Instead she continued to glare at Michelle as the latter left the hallways.

After Michelle was no longer in sight, Erika was finally allowed to release her pent up anger.

"Damn it!"

She lost. Somehow, someway she lost.

Of course she didn't lose a physical battle but a psychological battle instead.

Although no one lost or gained anything, Erika still could not stop the hatred from welling up in her heart.

It was only after a few short moments of lamenting in her loss that Erika remembered why she was even standing in these halls.

After recollecting herself, she once again made her way for Maxwell's chambers.

Soon enough, she reached the doors of Maxwells chambers.

After knocking on the door, Erika was relieved to hear Maxwell's voice on the other side.

"Who is it this time?"

"My Lord, it is I. First lieutenant Erika Pollorov."

After a short moment of silence, Maxwell responded.

"I thought I sensed tension in the halls... Well come in."

After opening the door, Erika found Maxwell laying belly-up on his bed. He didn't even bother to look up at Erika when he asked her a casual question.

"I'm guessing that you had a nice 'talk' with Michelle on your way here?"

When Erika heard Maxwell's question, she responded in her normal, respectful voice.

"I don't trust her."

"Neither do I."

Maxwell casually shrugged when he heard Erika's response before he sat up and looked at her, straight into the eyes.

"But you can't deny the helpful role that she will play in our plans. Thanks to her involvement, I believe I can cut down the casualty rate to less than 90% of what we originally predicted."

"Yes but-"

Before Erika can even continue speaking, Maxwell raised his hand, beckoning her to stop.

"Don't tell me that you're going to put your own petty personal issues over the success of our campaign?"

When Erika heard what Maxwell had to say, she was left speechless. After a short while she was able to muster her voice.

"No but-"

"But what? But you don't trust her? Or am I sensing something else that's happening behind the scenes?"

Erika was once again left speechless after she was interrupted by Maxwell. All she could was silently gaze at Maxwell.

After a short moment, Maxwell let out a short sigh before he continued speaking.

"You don't have to like Michelle, you just have to work with her. At least until I tell you otherwise."

Maxwell put on a sly grin on his face as he said this.

"I'm sure you know what to do with Michelle once her assistance is no longer necessary."

Erika couldn't stop a smile from forming on her face when she responded.

"Yes my lord."

"Good. Then we're in agreement."

Maxwell casually shrugged as he dismissed Erika.

"I would recommend an early sleep tonight. Tomorrow we shall begin Operation Red Flower."

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