
A Girl named Erika

Erika Bismark Pollorov wandered around the Dunnwal gardens with a slight smile on her face. While she made it seem that she was admiring the craftsmanship of the multiple decorations and statues found in the gardens, in truth she just found that the garden was the best place to pace about when she was stuck in deep thought.

She stopped walking when she came across a certain statue. It was a white marble statue of a knight riding his horse. Her superior; Maxwell often liked to call this specific statue "The Symbol of the Old Model of War."

Out of all the eccentric nobles that Erika met so far, by far the most eccentric one would definitely be Maxwell Galnus Dunnwal. Erika herself, belonged to the noble Pollorov family, one of the many vassal houses that swore fealty to the Dunnwal family.

It came as a surprise to her family when the Dunnwals called for nobles from its vassal families to act as military officers weeks before anyone was even aware that the Dunnwals planned to create their own standing army.

When she chose to join their army, she did not expect for her superior to be so... nonchalant yet brutally shrewd and efficient at the same time.

Everything from his plans and ideas to his everyday mannerisms always had that casual, uncaring tone to it, no matter what the actual subject matter is. She vividly remembered the day when she first met him.

Like the other officers of the army, she didn't even see Maxwell's face until the day after the nobles went through a difficult written examination that challenged their knowledge and problem solving skills.

Because of the nature of the test, she expected him to be someone who was serious and meticulous.

However, when he first introduced himself to those who passed his test, each of them saw a man they could hardly believe was even a noble.

Although he had the family Dunnwal trait of silver hair and purple eyes, that was the extent of his similarities with the rest of his family. While his hair seemed to be groomed it was plainly obvious that he didn't care for it and unlike the extravagant outfits that his siblings wore, he instead preferred to wear a simple purple coat.

However, he quickly proved to them that he was the true mind behind the army and not his siblings.

Over the past week and a half, Maxwell has put them through a 'crash-course' of his art of warfare. It wasn't even an exaggeration to call his form of warfare 'art.'

Everything, from how to manage and command the soldiers to how to train and cultivate them was done with calculated efficiency and absolute order.

Even their uniform emphasised the idea of conformity and collectivism. Every member of the army, from the lowest footman to the highest general has a designated uniform with no room left for personalisation.

While some of the officers exclaimed concerns of losing their noble identity and authority, Erika found that this uniform instead exemplified their authority within the army. Their uniform shows that while they belonged to the same army, you can still tell the difference in rank and authority between each member.

And the way that this was done was stunningly simple but effective. It was the epaulettes. While a soldier may wear a set of uniform similar to their officers, you could always tell who was in charge by checking who had epaulettes attached to their uniform.

Even the way to distinguish the different officer ranks was simple yet effective. While every officer wore an epaulette, each officer had a different set of 'triangles' attached to their uniform which shows what their exact rank within the army is.

Maxwell, the inventor of such a revolutionary system called these triangles 'rank insignias' and he thoroughly explained that these insignias will define the ranks and authority of any given officer.

It was thanks to this revolutionary system that the military processes have increased in speed and efficiency. There was no longer any confusion within the command structure because each rank and their respective military authority and roles are clearly defined.

Until now, Erika did not know that one can manage the army in such a... 'beautiful' way.

It was art and there was no denying it.

"What are you thinking about?"


Erika made an awkward screech as she reacted to the sudden voice that just came up behind her. During her entire time spent within the gardens, she has heard no noice other than silence so she believed that she would have heard the footsteps of any visitor long before they approached her.

Obviously the sound of the sudden voice alarmed Erika.

Who wouldn't be surprised by a voice suddenly occuring behind them?

Without even knowing it, Erika already drew her pistol from her coat and was aiming it at the owner of the voice. She was a girl with silver hair and purple eyes who was around the same age as Erika, perhaps only a year older.

Erika's eyes widened the moment she realised who she was pointing her gun at. Soon after she quickly returned her pistol into her inner coat pocket as she bowed her head in shame.

"M-my deepest apologies lady Dunnwal. It's just..."

Erika quickly regained her noble composure as she tried to apologise.

"It's just that you startled me. I didn't hear your footsteps or-"


However, her apologies where quickly interrupted by a cheerful laughter.

"It's alright. It is my fault for suddenly coming up behind you..."

Sicilia's voice was calm and soothing as she said this. She acted as if Erika never held her at gunpoint. Small pockets of chuckles periodically erupted from Erika's mouth as she continued to talk.

"After all... I was just testing you."

"Testing... me..?"

Sicilia's first response to Erika's confused question was a smile. Soon she began to explain herself.

"Yes testing you. I wanted to test the person who my brother appointed as his second in command, his..."

Sicilia trailed off for a moment as she seemingly tried to remember the name of the rank that Maxwell gave Erika. Apparently, Erika has received the highest rating out of all the nobles who passed the exam. As such she was awarded with the position second only to the general.

Of course, Erika was going to help Sicilia remember this position's name.

"His first lieutenant you mean?"

"Yes his first lieutenant. When I first saw you at the mansion's parlour, one of the first things I wondered about was why your rank insignia was the only one apart from Maxwell's one to have a golden outline."

The memories of the nobles teaching and showing Sicilia the new art of war flooded back into Erika's mind once Sicilia said this.

Since Erika did not interact much with Sicilia around that time, Erika did not think that the latter would take much notice off her. It would seem that she was mistaken. Nevertheless, Sicilia continued talking.

"But it appears that Maxwell has chosen someone who's at least somewhat semi-competent. I'll admit that all I want is just someone who isn't an idiot to be looking after my brother."

Erika nodded before she replied. She made sure that her tone was clear and concise to show respect.

"Yes. As his first lieutenant it is my duty to serve Maxwell and fulfil his wishes, even if it would cost me my life."

Sicilia nodded slowly in pleasure when she heard this. She slowed moved closer to Erika before she continued talking.

"Good... good. I do hope that you uphold your duty..."

Sicilia's voice began to slow down as she said this. However, the more Sicilia talked, the more Erika felt that Sicilia's tone become 'colder.' When Erika stared into Sicilia's eyes, she saw a pair of sharp icy purple pupils that cut deeply into Erika's soul. Soon Sicilia and Erika were only just a few feet apart.

"Because should you fail to uphold it..."

With a gentle smile Sicilia placed her left hand softly on Erika's right shoulder; as if she was comforting her.

"And my dear bother ends up with a bullet in his head in some God-forsaken wasteland."

Erika felt Sicilia's grip on her shoulder strengthen as Sicilia continued. Soon Scililia leaned forward and placed her mouth gently near Erika's ear. With a calm yet cold tone Sicilia slowly but surely voiced out her next words.

"I. Will. Kill. You. Myself."

A sort of nothingness occurred as both of the noble ladies kept their positions once Sicilia proclaimed her threat to Erika. The atmosphere tensed up as neither of them moved a muscle.

How much time has passed since then? While it was probably just a couple seconds, to Erika it felt like a couple hours. Soon-

"Well that's about it. Don't take it too personally alright?"

Sicilia gave Erika a cheerful pat on the shoulder before she quickly returned to her neutral stance and tone. The tense air diffused just as quickly as it started. Before Erika had the time to react Sicilia was already waving Erika goodbye.

"I expect great things from you Erika... Have a nice day."

Her tone and exposure was so calm and benevolent that it would be hard to believe that she just threatened Erika's life.

Sicilia soon started walking her way out of the garden before she suddenly stopped. As if she just remembered something. Although Sicilia didn't address Erika directly, she was still able to hear Sicilia's voice.

"Oh that's right. Maxwell wanted me to give this to you"

Sicilia turned back to face Erika as she took something out of her dress. It was an envelop sealed with the purple Dunnwal emblem. In a quick motion, Sicilia smoothly threw the envelop at Erika who promptly caught it.

Although Erika was confused why she treated the envelop without any care, she didn't get an answer as Sicilia already left before Erika could even say anything.

Erika glanced around to see if there were any witnesses before she took out her letter knife. While it could be considered rude to open up the letter in the gardens, she was far too curious about what Maxwell gave her to adhere to noble etiquette.

As she expected, inside the envelop was a small piece of parchment that contained a message. Written on the parchment was a short, concise message followed by Maxwell's signature and the Dunnwal seal at the bottom.

However, she soon found herself confused by its contents.

The letter read.

"This piece of paper is only available for use by Erika Bismark Pollorov.

I hope that this little gift will help you fulfil your duties as my first lieutenant.

Present this paper to Keizwell Garno Dunnwal to receive the model no.5 breechloading musket prototype.

Use it well.

I know you won't let me down.

Signed Maxwell Galnus Dunnwal"

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