
Visit to Soul Realm Golden City

[Welcome to Golden City]

Was the sign that was read upon seeing the large holographic sign. They finally opened their eyes to reveal all within their sight as the site they entered from was situated on top a very large mound central to the entire city.


"It's the same size as the capital!"

The excitement from students seeing a strange new world unbeknownst to them was often met with the blazing hot air the desert offered willfully. But strangely enough the air they breathed felt more chilly than ever, a strange sense of invigoration almost.

The Soul Dimension was built around a strange force that could not be altered without a whim, anything using mundane materials from reality could not be brought to the soul dimension. This led to several expeditionary forces to be slaughtered but development was made to alter their future recourses with the discovery of life inside.

When the Royal Families brought their practitioners, things took a change as the first beast was found and hard fought. A Black Rat with teeth that can pierce any armor.

With those teeth, they brought, Berat, the first material that can be changed inter-dimensionally.

Though the formula was a gatekept secret from the Royal Families, they willfully handed them over to the newly formed Union Government. And they weren't slow with progress either.

Throughout the city, you could see towering skyscrapers with the signature purple hue that is known about Berat. But the building was not entirely made with Berat, as the alloy's full strength was never seen before. All buildings constructed by the Union were made with only a certain ratio of Berat. Due to laws to preserve and weaken dissent for the government, buildings were forced only to have a purity of 50%, and only a certain percentage could even purchase this half-pure alloy due to their insane pricing.



Everyone had entered the Soul Realm in unison to brace for the new wonders ahead of them.

They opened their eyes and saw a world similar of that to the Golden Star. THey had awoken on top of a large hill. A structure was on top of the hill to welcome those who come from their warp tunnel and it was situated at a center of structures. As though it was a world where human development had undergone, construction was still very possible and with the invention of an alloy, it revolutionized many subjects to this day of agriculture, construction, and more.

The invention that revolutionized all of these in the Soul Realm was none other than the first alloy able to be brought in the Soul Dimension. Though it was known material objects in the Soul Realm wouldn't appear, materials from our world mixed with theirs could occur anytime and change its properties as a whole, being unidentifiable in both prospects thus its existence in both. The alloy from both dimensions came known as Berat, it had malleable properties along with the characteristics of it being either black or purple. The colors represents the purity of the alloy and to its fullest form with the golden ratio. The power of the alloy was stronger than most resources from our material knowledge and it was easy to make, thus controlling vast portions of it in the market to keep a lead to those major universal corporations the Union controls. Regulations of sold products using Berat that the ratio of the material Berylite and the teeth of the Black Rats found in the Soul Dimension of about 5:5, making regulations of the maximum ratio those unaffiliated with the government were to be 8:2. 40% Purity of Berat. It had more crude outlines of the characteristics but even still, the cost of Berat was still exponential, using the same tactic to control the power of corporations to be lower than the leading families. The price of a full pure Berat crafted item, would most likely to even be able to buy a low class planet with no resources. But those who're actually in the government don't have to deal with the extreme prices but selling items with full purity was still harsh.

Many buildings one could see in the distance from the vast hill with the same color and the walls being purple and the wall to be as if it were carvings of a naturally forming water cave. The resources used for the wall was top notch and many buildings with purple were seen as vital buildings or companies that were very rich to buy those materials. The purple color only came to Berat with 50% and more. Nobody in the universe had seen a 100% pure Berat with the original creation and most had adopted the others ever since.


The instructor waited a few minutes before giving the students orders to follow him into the city. The city sprawled distances beyond their horizon and due to its vast size, a large main road where beast travel was permeated was built.

They too had access to one of the beasts commonly used for travel.

It was a large turtle with rather disproportionate legs with more sturdier muscles in the hind leg. The large shell it had was used for seating.

Two turtles was all it needed for about more than 2,000 students to ride.

The speed of the turtles were also insane, it was clearly moving more than just a novice warrior*¹ as explained in books, its speed and defense must be superior than others of its same level.

Though with its extreme speed, everyone was still able to sightsee on the turtle's back. Everyone was in awe as they looked around, the vast streets filled with vendors and many warriors walking side to side. It was a common scene in medieval times with bustling markets and people haggling prices, but people in this day of age had no knowledge of it, except Bai Li.

Those old books had a brief description of a period similar to it and it was called the Victorian period. The book was so aged that many of its words were missing and only some words could be made out.

Even Bai Li was unable to make most of the language in the book, but the pictures inside was a sight to behold, which was why Bai Li suddenly remembered the scene. The mystery and the urge for Bai Li to explore the manor once more was growing intensely as he observed the open markets.

After a few hours, of passing through many intersections and the nooks and crannies of the vast road, they finally arrived at the edge of the city on the south side of the wall.

The engraved and carved walls was even more marvelous as the size of the wall seemed rather small from atop the center hill. It was only built at this height since monsters could appear any moment, but that was just false fear.

Any areas in this region of the Soul Realm with areas permeable with the Warp Tunnel never had monsters near it unless a monster swarm would be out of control. If that didn't occur, monsters would naturally avoid it, so it never happened.

But just in case, with several years of work, they bolstered a wall of great size for safety reasons.

Large ballistas with bolts of various colors could be seen.

It was as if it were an aurora of lights with all the different colors present.

They continued on and when they arrived at the south gate, soldiers in foreign armors, with distinct blades and an armband greeting them.

The instructor showed his form and the guards of the gate both nodded.

The aura around them must show they truly had the power to protect the gate from any beast.

After the large crystal-like gate of the purple hue opened, the turtles exit the city and held bright eyes.

They were only left outside the city twice to escort students outside to the Academy and the calling of a beast was calling them to the wild, but with their tamed nature, they only reminisce the outside as they continued their path. Even if they were stronger than their peers, there was even stronger monsters out there that could eat them easily.

The relaxed life of a beast who had to escort and be used as transport twice a year with paid food was a life of easygoing for them. Their lifespan was also insane so spending a year doing it was like a day of its life.

If this was seen in the modern age before, they would definitely be berrated with complaints from pestering citizens. But that concern was removed very early in history.

The soldiers guarding the gate was switched with similar leveled soldiers and they began escorting the turtles.

They were venturing in the wilderness with the frequently taken path shown with the course dirt and sand was made vacant at their road.

Many small creatures watched them from high above trees and they seemed harmless enough, since they were actually harmless, they had no combat rating attached to them.

After some times, students began getting tired and resting on the turtle's back.

Some of the instructors were also resting as they had no worry in the world.

In front of their path laid a large stone structure with a large man made tunnel, the darkness in the tunnel was illuminated with either illuminating moss or either a crystal capable of producing such.

After passing through more, they arrived.

With the resources used from the Soul Realm and with certain combinations of Berat, a large building was situating on top of a hill as like the one they first appeared in.

Several buildings sprawled the area with a large track built around it. Huge towering walls of the building made it look like an ancient skyscraper and with several other structures with their own purpose or subjects they taught in.

A sign was situated in the center of it all and everyone woke up from their naps.

Everyone's eyes were gleaming bright as they were in a trance.

The sign was a simple archway but the material to make the archway and the words engraved into the sign was astonishing.

In a bold font, it wrote out.

"Golden Cadet Academy"

And situated on top of it.

Was a large head of a dragon with Golden Scales. The material seemed as if it were marble with the hint of yellow and its ruby-like eyes struck a devastating aura that caused everyone to feel fear or extreme anxiety.

A man suddenly appeared in front of the turtles as well.

With the speed to suddenly appear just like that, he was someone above a warrior.

He held out his arms with a galliant pose with an armor with distinct features as well covered his own body.

It was an armor with its chestplate engraved deeply with no openings of the appearance of a snake. It would split into two spreading to his shoulders and into his gauntlets.

It was a bizarre armor as well.

He cleared his throat before showing his smile once more.

"Welcome to Golden Cadet Academy."

¹I will explain about the warrior level classification in a later chapter.

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