
The need to Kill

Jack floated through the halls and went back to his office. He sat down and pulled out his laptop, as he went back to work in earnest.

Not long after that, the door was flung open. Jack looked up expecting to see the famous door buster Lucius but found it was Joan.

"Oh! Joan. What brings you to my Office so early?"

"Early? It's already noon, my lord." Joan kneeled and spoke.

Jack found that her funny, as she knocked open the door but addressed him with respect... Mixed signals if he ever saw it.

"Rise and take a seat. Tell me what's on your mind."

Joan rose and did so taking the seat that Verruca would usually sit in...

Jack pushed his laptop to the side, while he waited for Joan to speak. Joan's snake hair observed the room at all angles.


"...Yes...?" Jack felt odd listening to Joan's hoarse voice...

[Oh, no... No, no, no... Please don't want to be my consort too... Please no...] Jack shouted in his mind, as he revealed no expression on his bony face.

Joan's smile crossed her face, as she finally asked, "When do I start the bloodshed?"

[OH, THANK ME!] Jack wished he could heave a breath of relief! So, that's all it was... She just wanted someone to kill.

"Ah, hmmmm, that's a really good question. It's not like we don't have a list of people that need a good killing."

"There's a list! Please tell me it's a list of locations and not a list of names... I work with locations a lot better than just names."

"Let me guess... Because you can't be bothered to remember the names of those you kill?"

Joan's face showed shock, as too as her snake hair hissed as well in shock!

"The God-King knows me best!" Joan's face then changed to show an intoxicated face.

"So, I do." Jack felt bad for whoever he sat this monster on... Well... Maybe not that bad.

Jack pulled his laptop to him, as he brought up a map and started thinking.

[Bellum isn't done, and the Dead Tide is still a thing. I'm waiting on the joint effort of both my forces and Emily's force there to reply... Jakahn has been quite since I slapped that city. Neolith has been good... Wait a moment... Wasn't it Stonedge that was fucking with Us at the border raiding us. I never did send anyone to go stop them. Who knows how much land they have taken for Borda? I really fail as a King.]

Joan waited patiently for her God-King to make a choice.

Finally, Jack rose from his thoughts, "How do you feel about going north and killing without mercy anyone that isn't of Deagoth?"

Joan showed a sad face, as she asked, "Do I have to limit it like that... It's so much easier to just kill everyone..."

Jack laughed, and he slammed his fist on his desk. Gold sparks arcs from his fist, as he laughed, "Yes! You can't kill my people. Hahaha. I love you, Joan. I, simply, love that train of thought."

"Oh?" Joan made a surprised face but beat that thought back down, as she lowered her face to Jack, and spoke, "As long as I get to kill it doesn't matter strong or weak, old or young, ours or theirs... I just need to kill. I haven't killed anyone since I got my body, and it's beginning to get a bit uncomfortable for me."

"I'm sorry Joan. If I still had some prisoners, then I would have let you execute them all... You should ask about the court cleansing I did." Jack chuckled.

"Oh... I know of it." Joan thought lovingly of the pile of skulls she asked about.

"Ah, I see. Well, alright. When I ascend to my God-Form. I will be collecting supplies and undead from around the Kingdom and bringing them here. Can you work with new recruits?"

"More like I will forge them into the axe to kill!" Joan spoke with her head lowered.

"Alright. Start preparing, and in a few days, I will bring new recruits for you."

"Ummm... God-King, I have another request..."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Do you mind if I take a servant for... Reaping purposes...?"


Before Jack spoke, Joan opened her mouth again, "Unless you want to... Fill that void?"

Jack's lower jaw hung open, not sure what to say... He wasn't sure how to tell her no...

"I... Do not mind if you take a servant. Just... They just have to agree..." Jack finally said out loud.

"Oh..." Joan was happy, but at the same time felt a slight loss.


Jack floated out of the back of the Holy Palace and into the garden's as he had done when being led here last time by the young priest Gasper.

Jack floated, as he looked out and saw many undead servants of the palace going back and forth setting up various decorations...

Jack looked around and saw that the garden was decorated with almost a dark feeling, though white was used everywhere. What shocked Jack the most were all the candles! Lit candles!

[I didn't even know we have candles!!!!] Jack had never thought about it.

"My Lord," Lucius saw Jack, and quickly kneeled to him, and as Lucius performed this action, all the other servants stopped kneeled as well.

Jack waved his hand, and power swept out from his lifting all the undead, causing them to feel warm inside.

"Rise and continue. Lucius... This looks good." Jack commented as he looked around. He always liked the white and black roses of the garden, but now with the vestibule in the middle was accented with them. A nice row of chairs, large stone tomb set in the middle, and an evening tomb next to it.

"So, how's this going to work?"

"Well... Usually, We would only have one tomb, but seeing as you already have the body, we have provided another. We will have Consort Emily lay in the evening tomb. Then we will allow the chief of ceremonies, My Lord, to move the soul from the old body to the new body." Lucius continued.

Jack nodded as he listened, then Lucius spoke, "Then we get some good burnt offering and get wasted."


"...The burnt offerings help with assimilating the body and soul..." Lucius spoke for certain.


"I'm serious." Lucius watched as Jack didn't move an inch and continued to stare at him with those flaming eyes peering into his soul.

"...It's a tradition..."

"...It's for a good cause..."

"ALRIGHT ALREADY! UNDEAD JUST LIKE GETTING WASTED!" Lucius buckled under the pressure, as he shouted, before slapping his bony hands over his teeth.

All the servants stopped, and the clattering of various objects could be heard around the area.

Jack tilted his skull to look at Lucius, who immediately went to one knee.

"Please forgive my outburst, my Lord."

"There is nothing to forgive. I'm just a little shocked. This sounds like a good time, carry on... I will be seated over there-" Jack pointed to a spot next to the edge of the garden surrounded by thorny black and white roses, "Working on a project."

"Let me know when it's time to begin."

"Of course, my Lord." Lucius felt better from Jack's words.

[Was there really a need to pressure me like that?] Lucius though...

Jack floated over to the edge of the Garden in thought, [I wonder what kind of dust they are going to use, and should I have burnt some offerings with Joan...] Jack's thoughts turned to Joan while he was listening to Lucius. When he brought up that burnt offerings help the body and soul bind... He remembered Joan, and of course their earlier conversation...

[That Joan... I don't mind her wanted to reap with anyone... Good for her, but why did she want to drag me into it! I have enough shit on my plate! Haaa~]

Jack rubbed his bald skull.

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

Wholly Undead is getting a new home!

Thanks to the good folks at Chaptail, I will be posting future chapters there.

In time, all new chapters will be posted there first, and then after a week of posting, they will appear here. Posting on Chaptail will allow me to go premium.

This allows good folks a platform to support me, if they want to, or simply wait here for the chapters to populate a week behind.


Voidmiragecreators' thoughts
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