
Taking Care of Business

Lucius placed his right hand over his left rib cage, where a heart should be, in acknowledgment. This was the salute of Deagoth.

Grand Minister Lucius' voice rang out "Let Court come to session, his Grace, The Holy Witch King presides! The floor is open. You may state your business."

Immediately, "General Kevin, representing War Marshal Ken, requesting permission to speak..."

[Ah, so the representatives of Neolith should be on the way...]


"War Marshal Ken has sent word that a company of ambassadors has contacted him. He is already en route to the Capital per your last orders." General Kevin finished his report.

The Officials of the court were more than impressed. It could be said that the last time The Holy Witch King stated that ambassadors were coming was a brilliant piece of deduction, but many still doubted it coming to pass. However, with this new report by General Kevin, these Officials were enlightened on just how far sighted his Grace truly was, after all... Anyone could make a prediction, it didn't mean it was going to come true, but a prediction that came true! This was something else entirely. The whispers of many Officials in the stands rose like the rustling sound of a swarm of locust. The ones that were present last were telling the newly attending Officials what was last predicted.

"Ah... As I expected, War Marshal Ken wouldn't happen to know the Title of the head ambassador?" Jack asked, expected to hear about a princess.

"War Marshal Ken referred to the head ambassador as Lady Emily, but no other Titles were mentioned."

[Huh... Shouldn't that be Princess Emily? Well... Thankfully I don't have to deal with another love interest. I already have Leslie... and I don't know about Verruca] Jack thought, as his eyes shifted from General Kevin to look over War Marshal Verruca.

War Marshal Verruca was very sensitive to her surroundings and felt Jacks roaming gaze. She smiled back to Jack. Leslie, once again, noticed this smile. She looked over to Jack, but couldn't notice where his golden flames were looking with his hood on from the side.

[After all she said last, is she trying to flirt with my dearest... In court.... Just what kind of woman is Verruca?] Leslie didn't refer to Verruca's Title in her mind... She was more of a rival, than anything else to Leslie. Leslie knew there was no law or order that The Holy Witch King couldn't have more than one wife... To be honest, she never thought he would take a wife, but look at her now. She wanted to be the only wife, and she thought Verruca was done with Jack after that speech about pity...

[Wait! She did say he would have to work for her! Did this mean she didn't mind being the second wife?!] Leslie's mind was going over and over the conversation Jack was having with Verruca the last time she had seen them. So much so, that she missed the next issue that was brought to the court.

General Kevin had long sat down, and another Official had stood, requested the floor, and asked a new question.

"When is his Grace and Consort Leslie planning to hold a Black Wedding?"

[ACK!] Jack was caught off guard... When he took a consort, he didn't think he would have to have a wedding, and thought that just by saying he was taking a consort, then it was done... He really was a bonehead. Taking a consort was the first step in engagement for royalty among the undead. After courtship, first the proposal, the engagement, the date set, and finally then the Black Wedding. Many undead held weddings, but only royalty held Black Weddings. A Black Wedding was a time when vows were exchanged, and a grand party was held for a length of days. The number of days the party was held for depended on the kingdom, but no less than three days were held for a Black Wedding party!

During the party, Black Ichor Rot Wine was given to all the zombie guests, a wine that could make undead drunk, and various censers of dust would be burnt. Undead were really into their burnt offerings, as even skeletal undead could enjoy them. These burnt offerings were various dusts burnt for the social events. Some undead burnt them at home for personal recreational use, dusts had various effects, but in the Holy Kingdom of Deagoth, Holy dust was the most widely used and condoned dust. While these were offered during the grand event, various activities were also held by the groups of the kingdom. This ranged from the groom and bride dancing with the court in a grand ball, to different kinds of games, and other interesting entertainment.

Jack looked over to Leslie, desperately looking for help. [Please throw me a bone, Leslie!] However, Jack was sorely disappointed in his consort. She was still engrossed in her imagination, so much so she didn't even hear a question that pertained to her!

[Why aren't you paying attention... You were so alert earlier!] Jack's mental state was panicking.

A period of silent rested upon the court. All the Officials, that weren't in fear of their unlife from earlier, were interested in the Black Wedding. At Black Weddings, gifts were handed to the people, not the other way around, and food and drink were in abundance! Who didn't like free stuff, burnt offerings, and entertainment!

"We have yet to decide a date, but We will announce a date, when set." Jack decided to try a political move he once seen on TV, in one of the rare events he watched the news in his last world... known as... Answering while not answering anything!

"I understand, your Grace." Undeath Official Holly sat back down. [Blah! You could of just said you didn't know, right?!] Holly was trying to fish out how much time her Lady Emily had before The Holy Witch King took Leslie as his first wife. [If I am lucky, they will put this off due to the ambassador visit, and this is exactly what Lady Emily needs...] Holly then proceeded to laugh in her mind.

Oddly enough Marquis Richard who had been single all his unlife, but not by his own choice, was thinking if he could court Undeath Official Holly during the Black Wedding. Marquis Richard was known to have a terrible temper in his home city of LaZorn, thus found it hard to find a partner.

A few minutes passed, and no other Officials requested the floor; however, the air was thick with the sound of murmurs.

"Any remaining issues? Concerns? Requests?"

Another Official rose to request the floor, "Undeath Official Ethan requesting permission to speak." A rather dry voice rang from the Undeath Official's area. This house had been really vocal today...


In a rather monotone voice, "I believe the court is aware of the pillar of Holy Light that was cast from the roof of the palace. I was wondering if We could become privy to what that display meant?"

Undeath Official Ethan represented the Blackstars Clan, who resided here, in the Holy City of Saigunrai. They were a Clan that practiced Arcane Cultivation, and thus, severed their emotions. This made almost all members of their Clan... Dry and humorless. Ethan was a tall and skinny Zombie. He wore long dark gray colored scholar robes. The robes too were plain.

[... I feel like going to sleep after hearing this Ethan talk... geez...] Jack retorted this dry undead, in his mind.

"The pillar of Light was a byproduct of my Cultivation," Jack said, already prepared from talking with Lucius earlier.

"Do you mind if I ask, did you make a breakthrough in your Cultivation to create such a display?"

[...] Jack thought his previous comment was good enough, but what Jack didn't know was how important Cultivation was to a kingdom. The higher the leader's Cultivation, the more likely it was for others to obey him. An ant doesn't want to piss off a god, right?

Jack thought over how to answer this from the novels he used to read and inserted a random answer, "I didn't make a break through, but my understanding of the Holy Light has reached a new level."

A low "Aaaa" resounded in the court, as understanding dawned on many Officials. This made sense. The better a Cultivator had in understanding his school of magic, the more powerful he would be in his Cultivation. This enlightenment usually came into play once a Cultivator became Emperor rank, as Cultivation speed slowed to a crawl, and the best way to increase power was through enlightenment. Wasn't this a bit too early for his Grace to gain enlightenment?

"As expected, of his Grace." Ethan sat back down.

"Any more issues?" Lucius made another motion.

Grand Minister Lucius turned to The Holy Witch King. "Your Grace, all the Official have concluded all their current business. We await your judgment for the issues on the current docket."

[Ah, so it's time to flex these brain muscle...] Jack mentally made this comment. Interestingly enough, Jack had neither a brain nor muscles... He, in fact, processed information with his soul. This was how undead thought, as they were not bound by their physical form to promote or hinder intelligence.

Finally, Leslie had come out of her self induced stupor. She had completely missed two of the previous issues. She would have to get with Lucius later to ask what they were, granted she would lose a bit of face... But it was Lucius. She had worked with him for a long time. They sometimes butt heads, but they had a good work relationship.

"First, I would like to address the Boneyard workers." Jack paused briefly, then continued, "I wish to set up a committee that will speak with me directly, and will not be pulled from either the House of Unlife or Undeath. This committee will be made up of working supervisors from each of the Boneyards."

Many Officials were confused... Was The Holy Witch King going to make a new branch?

"Grand Minister Lucius. I wish for these words to be related to each boneyard. I want one representative to be sent from the Boneyard here to the Capital. These representatives will be on a committee called the Boneyard committee. They will be responsible for relating their issues to me and the court."

When The Holy Witch King finished his speech, reason hit all the Officials. Who among these Officials weren't crafty foxes? If he made the move to group one of each boneyard, he could play them against each other, and they wouldn't be able to form a union to seize control. They would be fighting each other for better benefits. Genius...

[Good ole anime, didn't know watching a merchant anime was going to be this helpful.] Jack made a note.

Lucius called over a Court envoy. A Court envoy's sole job was to carry messages. The Court also employed Court Scribes, who took the minutes and notes of each session. They would later hand this over to the Holy Library of Saigunrai to be cataloged.

The Court envoy immediately left through the side door for servants.

[Wow... My dear has really put thought into this one. The two Houses argued over this issue for a year.] Leslie was impressed. The Holy Witch King came up with solutions before, but they were always a means to keep the status quo.

Lucius returned to his post, by The Holy Witch King's Throne. Lucius would have a smug face... If he had one.

"Next, I would like to address the marauding bands raiding our northern border from the Republic of Stonedge. War Marshal Verruca."

Verruca stood up and preformed the Deagoth Salute. "Your Grace."

"I know you have been eager to shed... ichor on the northern border; however, I don't wish to use a brick to smash an egg." Jack thought it was overkill to send someone like Verruca for some small war bands, plus he had other plans for Verruca.

"...I understand, your Grace."

"Recommend me, someone, to clean up these pocket cells of resistance."

Without hesitation, "I recommend War Marshal Frostgard."

War Marshal Frostgard had been present all this time and had been quiet through out both the first session and the current. She was a slim undead zombie, with average looks. She had long blue hair that was tied up into a ponytail. She wore fatigues, much like Verruca.

War Marshal Frostgard stood up, "It would be my honor to become the bulwark of the kingdom.

[Frostgard... If my readings are correct, they Cultivate defensive ice magics... Shield bash?]

Jack looked over to the newly introduced War Marshal, "What do you need to further assist you?"

"Cooperation with the current Northern War Marshal Michael," Frostgard spoke coldly, this was just her nature, by virtue of her Cultivation.

"This should not be an issue. After this session, Verruca, please meet with me with regard to defense."

"Of course, your Grace." Verruca didn't smile this time but saluted.

[Why didn't she make eyes this time?] Leslie puzzled.

"Lastly, We have the newly minted Trade Company eating up Our nation," Jack spoke.

All the Officials became silent. This was the issue they wanted to have solved the most.

Jack decided it was time to be dramatic.

He rose from his seat and took one step down. He surveyed his court. The Officials were disturbed by this... The Holy Witch King never left his seat during court... Just what did he want to do!

"We will take over the Trade Company, and make it a national asset!"

CLANK! Jack heavily hit his stave on his Throne, as the loud sound reverberated in the still air of the Court.

[YOUR GRACE, WHAT?!] Lucius was the first to have a thought cross his mind.

[Why do we need to take the Trading company?] Leslie asked, inwardly.

[Bodacious!] War Marshal Verruca, praised.

"Let me query the court. Who can get in touch with the CEO of the South Eastern Undead Trading Company?" Jack asked while still standing on his Throne.

A period of time passed, as Jack grew bored. He took a step back and seated himself again. The momentum he brought was crushed by the deafening silence to his answer.

"Undeath Official Holly requesting permission to speak."


"What is a CEO?"

[Huh... OH... They don't know what a CEO is...] Jack forgot that this might not be an acronym understood in this world.

"A CEO is an acronym that stands for Chief Executive Officer," Jack spoke, while wondering what this actually sounded like in the language he spoke, as everything sounded like his previous world's language to him. He had learned that the Language that undead spoke and read was known as Voidic. Voidic was widely used by the Underworld races.

"Further more, a CEO is the one that controls the company, but may not be the one that owns the company."

"Thank you, your Grace." Holly sat back down... She didn't know who to contact and didn't know how to contact the heads of the Trading Company.

Marquis Mark knew, but he wasn't in the court anymore. Even if he was, he wouldn't assist with taking over the Trading Company he worked so hard to bring together to cripple the nation.

"Grand Minister Lucius, find me someone that knows this, and bring them to me."

"Yes, your Grace." Another salute.

Jack looked over to Leslie, and in a low tone asked, "...Do you have anything to add to the court..."

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