
Airplane Ride

After wearing her geta[1], Yukiko exited from her room, not at all eager to learn about her surprise. There was a member waiting for her outside, the man's black Western suit conspicuous outside of her door.

"I'm done," Yukiko leaned on her doorway, watching with amusement as the man was startled.

After having gotten her confirmation, the member immediately nodded at the young girl before he moved towards the living room. Yukiko followed and didn't even flinch as several other men followed after her. She was used to having other members close.

When she entered the living room, her father, Kenji, and another person was in the room. Her eyes lit up as she realized that the other person was someone she recognized and adored: Takahashi Shigure. The young man had dark black hair, equally as dark eyes, and sharp, chiseled features. Yukiko knew that if the Shigure had wanted to become a model, he could have become one in a heartbeat. In fact, she remembered several modeling agents begging Shigure to become a part of their company once they spotted the young man on the streets.

Other than the young man's handsomeness, he was two years her senior. Due to being so close in age, they had grown close together, playing once his parents visited the Kumicho. Shigure's father was Shateigashira[2] and so visited the Kumicho to pay his due respect. During those days, Yukiko and Shigure would play with each other. They had only grown closer after her father had taken him in due the loss of his family from a planned fire- a neighboring and enemy syndicate had wanted the smart and capable Shateigashira to be gone.

However, it wasn't all smooth-sailing. There was a rough patch right after the young man's parents died- he was like an ice block until Yukiko had managed to melt him with her gentle persistance. As such, Shigure was also one of the people she cared about, third after her mother and her father.

"Shi-chan!" Yukiko walked with fast steps towards the young man.

Shigure turned around, the smile on his face freezing once he had a good look look at the young girl. She was like a Yuki-onna[3], her beauty as cold and enchanting as that of a ruthless blizzard in deep winter. He was speechless.

Before Shigure could think of anything, Yukiko's father leaned in towards the young man's ears, loud enough so that only the young man could hear him. "If you say anything inappropriate, I'll kill you," Togai hissed before he returned to his previous position, Yukiko none-the-wiser.

"You look amazing, Yuki-chan." Shigure's smile hadn't wavered at all. Instead, his smile brightened after he said his compliment.

Yukiko giggled and then twirled, showcasing the lovely kimono. It was almost worth the 'fun' she was to have later.

Before the young man could say anything else, Togai stepped out from behind Shigure and walked towards his daughter. With his hands outstretched, his beaming smile caused goosebumps to appear on Yukiko's skin.

"What do you want, Otou-san," Yukiko dodged, refraining from hitting the old man in front of Shi-chan.

"How cold," Togai placed a hand above his heart and showed an equally hurt expression on his face. "You've harmed me, Yuki-chan."

"Shut up, old man." Yukiko's face twitched as her father tried to act cute.

"Fine." Stopping all pretenses, Togai gestured towards two of the members behind Yukiko. "We've packed everything, Yukiko. Let's go to the car."

Nodding, Yukiko followed her father, while several men followed behind the two of them. Of course, Kenji walked slightly behind her father and slightly before her. On the other hand, Shigure was level with her, his steps matching her own. Three other members walked around three paces behind her father, Kenji, Shigure, and her.

A limousine was waiting before the syndicate, and all of them piled into it. Three hours later and the limousine arrived at a private airplane area.

"What's this, Otou-san," Yukiko could barely keep her temper in.

"We're going to Tokyo," her father cheerfully replied.

A vein popped on Yukiko's forehead, and she withheld the curses she so badly wanted to let rip. She fucking knew that they were going to an enemy syndicate. Why else would they need an airplane? And why else would she wear a kimono?

They boarded the plane, and Yukiko chose a window seat towards the middle of the plane. The others chose whatever seat tickled their fancy, but her father sat down right next to her.

Taking deep, calming breaths, Yukiko calmed herself down. However, she quickly realized that she had calmed down too much- she was dangerously close towards her other personality.

Quickly turning her gaze towards the window, she raised the plastic cover to see her reflection. Her eyes were slowly turning to ice. It took her a few seconds before she could unthaw herself.

"What are you thinking about, Yukiko-chan?"

The curiosity in her father's voice further helped Yukiko to readjust her mask. "I'm thinking about the 'fun' that you have planned later, Otou-san."

Her father chuckled before he leaned back in his seat. "Don't you worry, Yukki-chan. It's going to be fun, yanno?"

Rolling her eyes, she genuinely gazed out of the window. She liked watching the ground turn small below.

"Remind me to find my wallet when we arrive."


Her father chuckled before he quickly fell asleep, snoring louder than a buzz-saw.

Yukiko could only take deep breaths to calm herself. She couldn't beat her father up until he told her what the 'fun' was.

Afterwards, she could beat him up all she wanted to.

Satisfied, Yukiko went through the magazines that the plane offered before she selected one about Tokyo cuisine.

The plane ride was smooth.

Unfortunately, the events that happened afterwards were the complete opposite of smooth- in fact, they were a disaster.

[1] Geta = traditional shoes (looks like a cross between clogs and sandals) that is worn with the kimono

[2] Shateigashira = the 'Kumicho' of a small regional gang

[3] Yuki-onna = snow woman. Japanese folklore of a gorgeous woman made of snow/ice that would ask people to carry her child. The child would become increasingly heavy until the person was buried alive. If they survived, however, they were granted amazing strength.

p.s. Male lead next chapter!!

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