
The Emerald Mansion (rewritten)

"Iris: "Congratulations, Arthur, you are a Wizard."

Suddenly, my heartbeat accelerated, and time seemed to hold its breath. Why hadn't I considered this possibility until now? Something felt amiss, as if my mind had been veiled until this very moment. And now, it all fell into place.

With this revelation, a multitude of questions surged through my thoughts. Did my mother know about my true nature? And why did "Prince" not truly belong to my name?

Throughout this moment of contemplation, my newly-discovered aunt remained silent, patiently awaiting my response. It dawned on me that now was the opportune time to gather as much information as possible about my current circumstances.

Arthur: "Hogwarts... Wizardry... Magic..." I murmured to myself, still trying to grasp the reality of it all. "Well, that explains a lot of why strange things happened around me. But still, I need to ask you this, why haven't we met until now?"

Iris: "Because of an agreement I made with your mother... unfortunately, because of this agreement, I might not be able to answer all your questions..."

A contract?...with my mother...it seems that I don't know as many things as I'd like to think about the people close to me...

Arthur: "If you say that you are my father's sister, that means that he also had these powers... Can you tell me if my mother is also a witch?"

Iris: "No, your mother is a Squib. Squibs are people who are born to wizarding parents but have no magical abilities of their own. Squibs are rarer than wizards and witches who are born to Muggle parents."

Arthur: "So this means that my mother knew but didn't want to tell me who I am...can you tell me why?"

Iris: "The deal between me and your mother was that when you reach the required age, you will come to live here with me...so that I can prepare you to control your magical abilities. Your mother could not help in this matter because she is not the same as us."

Arthur: "The letter says my name is Prince. What does that mean?"

Iris: "That means you are a Prince. This is the last name of your father, Severus Prince. The hero who ended the first wizarding war."

That was the first time I heard about my father. I knew he was no longer alive, but I never knew how he died. Only once did I dare to ask my mother who my father was. I have never seen her so sad, so full of pain. She told me he was a good man, and I asked for his name. Without telling me anything, she smiled, a very sad smile, as if she remembered something. That smile made me understand that it was not my time to find out more. Although I hoped that over time, she would tell me something, but it didn't come, at least not until now.

Arthur: "Unfortunately, I can't say that I know much about my father. Please tell me who he was, who was Severus Prince?" I asked.

Iris: "He was once my twin brother, one of the most important people to me. Knowing that he could lose his life, he chose to fight. He wasn't an open man, didn't have many friends... He was a man focused on his career and his creations... he loved magic almost as much as your mother... but he was a good man... Your father ended one of the greatest wars in the world of wizards, which was led by one of the most powerful dark lords. My only regret is that in the last years in which he lived, we didn't really talk at all. I was not with him when he fought for the peace..."

As she paused, I could see the pain reflected on her face, a painful memory haunting her. She took a moment to gather herself before continuing.

Iris: "He freed the wizarding world from the terror that man had put them through. And at the same time, he lost the opportunity to have a beautiful life with us."

Her sad smile mirrored the one my mother had worn when speaking of my father. It struck me that they both carried a burden of sorrow.

Iris: "You know, when I look at you, you resemble him in some ways, except for the nose... luckily, you inherited something from both of them." She smiled as if sharing an inside joke.

But I couldn't find this situation amusing. It felt like my entire life had been a lie. The foreign language lessons, calligraphy—it was all part of a plan that had been orchestrated in advance. The realization that affected me the most was the reason why I never had a father. I couldn't help but ask, my voice filled with pain and confusion.

The temperature in the room began to cool, and the flames of the surrounding candles lost their color as my emotions surged.


My voice rang out, filled with anguish. The room seemed to tremble, reacting to my unleashed power.

I struggled to regain control, calming myself down as I surveyed the aftermath of my outburst.

Arthur: "Only I know how much my mother suffered alone, and to hear that he died for strangers... Unbelievable!"

Iris let out a sigh, her voice tinged with melancholy.

Iris: "It was his decision. Contrary to what you may think, he was a very selfless person. He fought for you and your mother to have a peaceful life. He knew the horrors of war and didn't want you to experience them."

I could only listen, but full comprehension eluded me.

Arthur:" As I said my name is Arthur Belmont I will not accept the name Prince I'm sorry, I didn't need a hero. I needed a father.."

Arthur: "Why wasn't I told that earlier and only now? "

Iris: "You were too young. Now is the time for you to be prepared. I understand your concerns, but this is your new home now, and you need to learn to control your powers. They can be dangerous without proper guidance."

I could only accept, after all I don't want to hurt anyone, but most importantly I don't want to hurt myself. if I have to learn to control myself, so be it.

Iris: "And about your mother is gone somewhere. The location was not shared with me. The only thing She told me is that you will know where she is when the time is right."

Then we started eating, but to be honest, my appetite was long lost.

After dinner, my aunt told me that I had to rest because I would start preparing tomorrow, starting with etiquette, magical knowledge, and so on.

I left for what I will now be called my bedroom.

Only my aunt stayed in the dining room

Iris: "Arthur is very strong for his age don't you think?"

???: "A creepy voice can be heard out from the fireplace. Yes, my dear, he is very strong, but only time will tell. "

The next day came after a long-awaited shower. My magical adventure had begun.

Location: Great Hall of Emerald Mansion

Iris: "As we discussed last night I will personally prepare you to become the next Lord Prince, it would be very foolish of you not to want to become the next lord...and you don't seem to be a dunderhead, I hope I'm right about that, you have to understand that you are my brother's child, and the only eligible heir at the moment, I will not force it on you, but you need to keep in mind that this is your mother's wish as well as mine. You can join Hogwarts using both names if that's your wish."

As Iris spoke, her words carried a weight of expectation and responsibility. Becoming the next Lord Prince was a significant role, and she believed it would be foolish of me not to accept it. While I had my doubts and reservations, I couldn't ignore the fact that this was not only my aunt's wish but also my mother's.

I took a deep breath, contemplating the path ahead. In the end, I realized that there was much to gain from embracing my heritage and the opportunities it presented.

Arthur: "Very well...then my name from now on will be Arthur Severus Belmont-Prince," I declared, accepting the weight of my lineage.

Iris's face brightened with a smile, relieved by my decision.

Iris: "Then shall we begin, heir of the House Prince?" Her words carried a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Little did I know that this decision would shape my destiny in ways I couldn't yet comprehend. The journey towards becoming the next Lord Prince was about to commence, and I was prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As days turned into weeks, my life at Emerald Mansion became a whirlwind of learning and preparation. Free time became a scarce commodity, and my days were filled with rigorous lessons and training. Etiquette, in particular, proved to be a challenging subject. While I possessed a basic understanding of proper manners, the standards of the wizarding world demanded a level of refinement and sophistication that I had not yet attained. Nevertheless, I persevered, determined to master every aspect of my new identity.

The world of wizarding politics, however, proved to be a different story. I found myself disillusioned by the seemingly childish and ignorant approach of those in power. Their decisions often lacked foresight and failed to grasp the complexities of the world at large. It was frustrating to witness such narrow-mindedness and lack of understanding. In my opinion, they were nothing more than dunderheads, oblivious to the true workings of the world.

But it was in the realm of magic itself that I found solace and pride. The study of magical subjects awakened a deep connection within me. I discovered that this mystical energy, often referred to as a supernatural force capable of altering reality, resonated with me on a profound level. It seemed to embrace me, responding to my desires and commands. I could feel its power surging through my veins, pulsating with each incantation and spell I cast.

It was as if magic and I shared an unspoken bond—a mutual affection. I reveled in its mysteries, delving into the depths of spellcasting, potions, and enchantments. I pushed myself to unlock the secrets hidden within ancient tomes, eager to tap into the limitless potential that awaited me. The very fabric of reality seemed to bend and yield to my will, like a faithful companion accompanying me on this extraordinary journey.

But amidst the excitement and wonder, I knew I had to be cautious. This power was not to be trifled with, for it held the potential for both creation and destruction. I felt its presence constantly, whispering in a language I couldn't comprehend. It yearned for my commands, yet I understood the need for restraint. Like a torrential waterfall held at bay, I stood as the sole barrier, responsible for channeling and controlling its raw force.

However, the road to mastery was not without its pitfalls. In my eagerness to explore the extent of my abilities, I attempted magic without the aid of a wand, a feat reserved for the most powerful of magicians. In my naivety, I exerted too much force, resulting in a broken hand—a painful reminder of the need for discipline and caution.

My aunt, Iris, was both understanding and concerned. She assured me that what had transpired was not the norm. Most witches and wizards relied on wands as a conduit for their magic, providing control and focus. For someone like me, lacking a wand, I needed to rely on intense concentration and clarity of intention.

Hence, I was closely supervised by my aunt whenever I practiced magic. She limited me to basic spells such as unlocking charms and levitation, ensuring I had a firm grasp on the fundamental principles. The vast collection of dark magic books and artifacts within the mansion remained off-limits, as Iris emphasized the importance of learning magic in a more conventional manner. I heeded her guidance, understanding the value of comprehensive knowledge and responsible spellcasting.

In my studies, I stumbled upon a collection of notes left behind by my father. They revealed his brilliance and unconventional methods, earning him the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince." While I admired his ingenuity, I couldn't wholeheartedly embrace the title, as it carried a weight of secrecy and unknown consequences. Still, his writings provided valuable insights, unveiling the intricate relationship between magic and the human spirit. They spoke of a deeper connection that transcended mere words and gestures—a bond that required one to delve into the depths of their own soul.

As I traced my fingers along the faded pages, I realized that my journey towards becoming the next Lord Prince was not just about titles and social standing. It was a path of self-discovery, a quest to understand the true nature of magic and its place within me. I would need to navigate the challenges that lay ahead, both external and internal, as I strived to unlock the potential that dwelled within my very being.

Little did I know that this decision to embrace my heritage would lead me on a profound and transformative journey. The road ahead was shrouded in mystery and danger, but I was resolute in my determination. With each passing day, I grew more prepared to face the trials that awaited me, wielding the power of magic and carrying the weight of my destiny upon my shoulders.

The understanding of magic isn't really developed in this world even though magic has been around for ages, the witches and the wizards only seem to focus on the use of magic rather than magic itself...

to create new methods, new wizards, and so on is a complex process, from what I could find out from the paintings that were everywhere in the mansion, I could find out that the Prince family has a talent for creating new things...

And so, with that fateful decision, only one week remained until the commencement of the school year at Hogwarts. It was a time of anticipation and nervous excitement, as I prepared to embark on this extraordinary journey. Little did I know that my aunt, Iris, would play a pivotal role in my education as a teacher at Hogwarts. It seemed that her influence and connections held great power, capable of bending even the rules of age and eligibility.

But I couldn't help but feel a twinge of confusion. The required entry age for Hogwarts was eleven, and I was merely ten years old. How could I possibly be admitted ahead of time? It was a question that nagged at the back of my mind, seeking answers that seemed elusive.

When I voiced my concerns to Aunt Iris, her response was cryptic yet reassuring. She simply stated that with her, anything was possible. Her words carried an air of mystery and confidence, leaving me both intrigued and unsettled. How could she possess such influence? What secrets did she hold that allowed her to manipulate the system?

I pondered her words in silence, contemplating the notion of power and connections. It was an important lesson, one that extended far beyond the realm of Hogwarts. In this world of magic and wizardry, where relationships and alliances held great significance, understanding the influence of connections was a valuable skill to acquire.

As I reflected upon Aunt Iris' words, I realized the potential implications for my own future. If connections held such sway, then perhaps it was a lesson I could apply in my own life as I navigated the complex web of relationships and ambitions. It was a concept that sparked both curiosity and a hint of ambition within me.

While I couldn't fully grasp the intricacies of Aunt Iris' influence, I accepted her guidance and nodded in understanding. There was a sense of trust between us, and I believed in her ability to guide me on this path. Perhaps, in due time, the secrets behind her power would be revealed, and I would understand the true extent of her capabilities.

For now, I focused on the imminent start of my magical education at Hogwarts. The prospect of learning spells, unraveling the mysteries of potions, and forging lasting friendships filled me with anticipation. The days leading up to my departure were spent meticulously organizing my belongings, ensuring I had everything I needed for this grand adventure.

As the final week dwindled to mere days, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. It was a whirlwind of emotions, swirling within me like a tempest. I wondered what challenges lay ahead, what wonders awaited me within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts. It was a chapter of my life about to unfold, filled with magic, discovery, and the promise of a destiny yet to be fully realized.

With Aunt Iris by my side, I knew I had an ally in this mystical world. Her presence offered me a sense of comfort and security, knowing that I had someone who believed in my potential. And as I ventured into the unknown, I carried with me the knowledge that the power of connections could shape not only my future at Hogwarts but also the trajectory of my life beyond its ancient walls.

And so, with a heart brimming with hope and determination, I eagerly awaited the day when I would step foot into the magical world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, ready to embrace the extraordinary adventure that awaited me.

Location: Dining Room of Emerald Mansion. date: 25.08.1991

Sitting at the table, a delightful array of food lay before me, a testament to the comfortable life I had been fortunate enough to lead thus far. As I surveyed the dishes, a sense of gratitude washed over me.

Arthur: "It seems that missy has outdone herself once again, wouldn't you say?"

Iris: "She'll be thrilled to hear that you enjoy her cooking. By the way, I overheard you playing the piano last night. I had no idea you had such talent..."

Arthur: "Ah, well, what can I say? I'm full of surprises. Though I must admit, I prefer playing the violin. It has a way of soothing my soul. Unfortunately, I don't have it with me here, so I made do with what was at hand... I hope I didn't disturb you."

Iris: "Oh no, not at all. In fact, I quite enjoyed it. If you'd like, we can get you a violin when we go shopping for your school supplies tomorrow."

Arthur: "That would be fantastic! But may I ask, have you heard anything about my mother?"

Iris: "Unfortunately, no. She remains rather secretive about her whereabouts. I'm sorry, Arthur..."

Arthur: "No worries, thank you anyway... for being here with me, you know..."

Iris: "There's no need to thank me. I'm glad I can be of help... and besides, you've given me the opportunity to get to know you better."

Arthur: "I read in the letter that we're allowed to bring a pet. Are we restricted to traditional animals, or can we have more unconventional pets?"

Iris: "We can try to seek special permission from the Headmaster. I'm sure exceptions have been made for magical creatures before."

Iris: "Do you have anything specific in mind?"

Arthur: "I hoped that maybe when Soren gets better, he can join me...if it's possible."

Iris: " The Raven? I'm sure there won't be any problem."

Arthur:" Great!, but I can't help but wonder, the list of necessary supplies is quite peculiar. Where on earth will we find them all?"

Iris simply smiled, an enigmatic twinkle in her eyes.

Iris: "You're not the only one with surprises here. You'll find out tomorrow."

And so, the day drew to a close.

But I had a feeling that tomorrow would be an intriguing day indeed. Only time would reveal the secrets and adventures that awaited us.

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