
Breaking It Open

"Was it scary for you, Freya?" Davis asked with an amused smile.

Freya adorably nodded her head while Shirley interjected, "Sect Master is known to be the person with the most Burning Phoenix Blood Essence, and by most, I mean the quality of blood essence. Otherwise, she might turn into a fey or die."

"Therefore, it is natural that Freya would be scared of Sect Master as the quality of Burning Phoenix Blood that Sect Master possesses is more than herself."

"What about the other Grand Elders? Will Freya become scared of them too?" Davis pursed his lips in doubt.

Shirley smilingly shook her head, "They are not like Sect Master in consuming the Burning Phoenix Blood to their near limit. If they aren't able to turn into a fey, they will die after all."

Davis blinked, "Are there Feys here?"

Shirley nodded her head, "Yes... many, actually..."

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