
The Perfect Base

The bedroom was now decorated in everything that a modern home could have and more. The house even opened another small room into the mountain for a bathroom! I installed everything with magic and with just a snap of my fingers, everything works! 

I set up the kitchen in a similar manner and so on and so on. By the time I was done, the entire house looked like the fanciest treehouse known to man! I couldn't help but wipe at the sweat running down the side of my face. So with the little magic I have left, I lift my hand and create a cool breeze to keep the house cool at all times.

I drag my tired body to the bathroom and take a quick shower before brushing my hair and teeth before heading to bed. The fluffy grass under my feet has me humming with joy but when I pull back the covers and see Mango sleeping, I chuckle and crawl in next to him.

I pull the covers up to my chin and snuggle in with comfort. When I see the fairy lights dimming, I could tell that I was truly tired. If and when my magic weakens, the magic sustaining the house will weaken as well. As soon as my eyes close, I fall asleep. 



After pacing back and forth in the woods, he finally came to the conclusion that he had lost the woman. Again. This was it... this was the time he would die for sure. How did the woman manage to lose him though!? How!?? 

He was right on her trail then all of a sudden, she was gone. Poof! He couldn't feel her anywhere! How did she keep doing this!? No matter what though, he had to report it to Master.

Xin paces back and forth before taking a deep breath and walking into the dark room. He quickly kneels and waits with his heart in his throat. Jinhai puts the report down and asks "Where did you lose her?"

Xin shakes as he says "Forgive this idiot servant, Master. I lost the woman..." He pauses and looks up in shock to see Jinhai looking at him with a blank face. Master knew I would lose the woman? When Jinhai slowly lifts a dark eyebrow, Xin quickly says "In the woods right outside the capital. I can show Master the exact spot if you wish."

Jinhai sits silently for several minutes before saying "Not yet. I have a few things I need to do beforehand so until I come back, I want you to search the woods for her." He stands up and starts to walk to the door but stops and says "Look for trees... lots of trees." 

He then walks out, leaving Xin kneeling in confusion. Trees? Wasn't the woods filled with trees!? Was he joking just now? He stands up and wipes the beads of sweat off his forehead with a shaky hand. Why hasn't Master punished him?

His Master has punished and killed others for far less... was it because of the woman? Maybe he's more lenient when it comes to her? Xin quickly shakes his head and slaps himself. It doesn't matter why Master's doing this, he just needs to find the woman! 

How hard could it possibly be to find one woman? 



When I hear the birds chirping outside, I roll over to find Mango still sleeping peacefully. I stretch and roll out of bed before hitting the bathroom. Once out, I walk straight to the kitchen and start cooking food. I was worried I wouldn't find a way to make all this work but it ended up being a lot easier than I thought. 

After making eggs and toast, I pull out a cold soda and walk over to the table. After eating, I will start working on ways to return. But first, food. 

After eating, I clean up and get dressed before heading out to the front yard. There wasn't a back yard with this house but that was fine with me. I look around for a good spot and when I finally find it, I push up my sleeves with a smirk.

I use my magic and begin making a nice size hole in depth and in width. Once I get the right size, I step back and take a few deep breaths. I'm good with plants and stuff but moving the earth is a whole lot harder for me. 

I nod at the hole in approval and look up to the sky. I can't fill the hole myself. If I learned anything from my Father about making portals, it was that you can never fill the portal yourself. You have to allow the hole to naturally fill before trying to use it. 

The bright blue sky and bright cheery sun greets me, instantly making me frown. I shake my head and smile as I say "No worries. This is why I made the base. It will soon rain and when it does, everything will work out." 

I nod in agreement with myself but I can't help but scratch the tip of my nose with worry. It'll be fine. Once it rains, it'll fill. 

On the sixth day, I walk out of the house and look up at the sky with despair. I mumble "Should I try a rain dance? I've never personally done it but some of the other Elven tribes have done it and they swear by it...." 

Mango sits on the table, munching away on his snacks as he says "You know, it's not all that bad here. What's the rush?" Just a few days ago he was complaining about how horrible the place was now he doesn't want to leave! Hah! 

I turn around to Mango and say "Get ready. We're gonna do a rain dance." Mango chokes on his drink and coughs a bit before saying "Rain dance!? We!!??" I ignore him and head straight to the bedroom. I swing open the closet but I don't see anything so I quickly go into the rune. 

I walk over to the closet and open it up to find the perfect outfit. Just like the traditional Elven outfits they wore to do the rain dances. I slip the dark blue two-piece on and walk over to the bathroom to find all the paints I would need sitting on the counter. I really do love this rune...

I use the paint to draw every symbol I could remember all over my bare stomach and back before painting my face and around my eyes. The artwork is delicate and beautiful, true to the Eleven tribes. As I finish my arms, legs, and hands, I quickly go back and grab Mango. 

I use the white paint to carefully draw the markings and say "There, we're both ready." Mango glares at me and says "I look like a damn skunk now! This isn't going to work, you know that right?" I carry him out of the house and say "We won't know until we try."

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