

The sounds of battle lessened with each passing moment. Players died, only to get replaced by Undead, the numbers increasing more and more in the Undead Legion's favor, further accelerating the death of players. Several hours later, there were no more players within the capitals walls. The Undead roamed the city alongside the Qin Soldiers that were now under Dave's command, albeit hesitant of the creatures their newest liege surrounded himself with. 

"What now? Kis'Shtiengbrah?" Samael asked. He had joined the battle late and found Dementi and Dagla having started a slaughter-fest before him to be quite depressing. He had planned to join the fun, but alas his lateness meant that there was little blood left for him to spill.

"Hmm, there is someone I have to deal with," Dave answered. "Bud, bring him over!"

Soon the enormous Shadow Ghoul came into the courtyard right in front of the palace where all of the Undead Legion's Abyssal Knights stood.

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