
What lies beneath the water

The players appeared in the Undead Frontier. Escorted by Dave, none of the undead moving in the settlement tried to attack his friends.

"Follow me, it's a couple of minutes walk to the lake from here," Dave said to his party members.

The players followed after Dave on dunlord back. They reached the acidic lake in a while after. The undead were still repairing the corroded boats on the shore. When Dave arrived, they turned and saluted him.

"Captain," Dave called to the leading undead on the shore.

"Yes, commander Kis'Shtiengbrah."

"I brought some assistance for the task. Can we have a boat to use?" Dave asked.

"I can lend you some rowboats commander. Anything larger will be too risky to use in the battle as it will be damaged."

"I understand, anything is good," Dave replied.

The undead captain waved for a few of his underlings to take the shored boat down the lake.

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