

The next morning when Jewel awoke she was greeted by a Brolys childish voice as he briefly paused his meditation to wish her a good morning from his incubator before he continued his training. Mumbling a response in reply he watched as Jewel (who apparently wasn't a morning person) sluggishly left the room and headed across the corridor to a nearby restroom, but stop observing at the doorway after making a quick cursory scan of the rooms interior ahead of her, exerting restraint as a gentleman to respect Jewels privacy.

Returning to his Ki training, less than a hour passed before Jewel emerged from the restrooms, now fully awake and ready to seize the day. Running up to his incubator, she flashed Broly a winsome grin then gave an enthusiastic greeting before quickly departing as her stomach loudly growled for the mess hall for breakfast. Closing his eyes once more he continued training, diverting a small portion of his awareness to observing Jewels progress while the rest continued to drive his Ki employing the long schools secret breathing technique as he took several slow deep breaths of invigorating azure nutrient solution.

Several hours later, after merrily devouring a massive amount of food easily 3 times the size of her entire body's mass Jewel quickly returned to the incubator room at top speed a look of contented satiety upon her lovely face as she happily raced down the various mazelike corridors, leaving only the enthralling "click" "click" sound of the pointed heels on her dainty booted feet rhythmically colliding with the solid metallic floor in her wake. Upon loudly returning to the incubator room, unleashing a thunderous yet mesmerizing greeting the exact moment she joyously bounded through the door before rapidly dashing towards the quiet corner Brolys incubators was placed, not even pausing to hear his reply. Grabbing a pod-like chair from a nearby desk as she passed it she suddenly leapt into the air flipping over several rows of incubators while positioning herself upon the chairs seat before landing sitting comfortably on the chair a few feet shy of Brolys incubator facing directly towards him with her arms crossed in front bolstering her impressive bosom and her right leg crossed over her left. Flashing Broly a cocky grin, she remained silently smiling apparently awaiting an evaluative response from him for her impressive acrobatic display.

Seeing her with his Ki Sense gracefully sitting their exuding the aura of an adorable pet wagging its tail awaiting approval and a reward for successfully completing a trick for its master, Broly desperately once again fought to suppress the sudden intense urge to burst out of his incubator and squeeze her tightly as all people who suffered from an immense attack of pure cuteness would.

"Damn she's cute! I must have done something really good in my last life to meet such a cute girl only 4 months after being born" he thought elatedly. However thanks to his hardened iron will he successfully overcame the urge despite a slight pause, then casually raised his right eyebrow (his eyes remaining firmly closed) before calmly uttering, "Not bad!"

Hearing his lukewarm response caused Jewels smile to droop simultaneously as her shoulders did before she suddenly closed her eyes as she clenched her fist, feeling a strange onset of rage from his lacking response. Trembling all over as though she were a rumbling volcano she suddenly leapt to her feet with a shout apparently erupting as she screamed at him angrily, "NOT BAD! NOT BAD, did you even see what I did Broly, what kind of shitty half-hearted response is that!"

Taking another slow deep breath Broly paused momentarily, his eyes still closed before calmly replying, "An honest one."

Immediately the temperature in the room rose several degrees while a large throbbing vein appeared on Jewels forehead as she clenched her teeth, grinding them angrily as she felt even more fury rapidly growing within her by the second, her thoughts clouded by her childish rage. Infuriating, absolutely infuriating! How could Broly continue to display such an indifferent expression, not even bothering to open his eyes to look at her! Trembling with immeasurable wrath just as she was to unleash hell upon the passive Broly she suddenly heard a torrent of uncontrollable laughter fill the room.

Grasping his torso with both arms, large streams of bubbles continuously streamed from his nose and mouth as the sound of his laughter grew louder and louder. "HAHAHA, I..I'm sorry Jewel, y..you just looked so cute I...I couldn't help myself from t..teasing you a little bit but I n..never expected you to give an even more cute response, seriously you are just too cute Jewel."

Instantly all the anger she felt dissipated from her body yet her face surprisingly grew even redder as she embarrassingly stuttered loudly. "BROLY YOU I-I-IDIOT!!! Wh-Wh-Who are you calling C-CUTE! Let me tell you, I'm not some cheap woman you can easily sweep of their feet with a few sweet w-words like c-c-cute, so don't expect to get out of this that easily y-y-you DAMN CHARMER!!!

Unfortunately for Jewel she reflexively retreated as she spoke, jerking back in her embarrassment causing her to clumsily fall directly backwards along with her chair, her trembling right arm still fully extend straight out from her shoulder to the tip of her index finger like a spear from pointing accusingly at Broly now pointed directly towards the ceiling, rigid like the Eiffel Tower.

Seeing the humorous figure she now cut another, even stronger wave of laughter erupted from Broly as a thick cloud of bubbles shot out of his mouth like a trains whistle. Her face slack, still in shock from the fall, Jewel remained frozen for several minutes until her mind finally finished processing the strange series of events abruptly clearing to the sound of frothing bubbles and Brolys childish laughter.

Although angry at first that Broly was still laughing, as her wandering subconsciousness reflexively imagined her current appearance she suddenly clamped her mouth shut yet failed to stop the mesmerizing girlish giggle which suddenly escaped from her dainty lips. What followed was a pair of jokesters whose endless laughter seemed to resonate with each other's souls as they connected on a deeper level, laughing not at each other but with each other as they reveled in the pure bliss of youthfulness and life.

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