
Sigfrid Vs Nightmare (part 3)

The Rogue used his skill Snap of the Wrist and threw 2 small knives with incredible speed into the Ice field. The knives accelerated towards the Warlock but when they were just a feet into the Ice Maelstrom they fell to the ground frozen to the core. The Rogue knew that the spell consumed a lot of mana but time was a little tight and if Nigtmare's team made the mistake of underestimating him sending just a single Warlock to kill him, then he would make them pay.

The Rogue used his Ki to activate his necklace and Holy Power encased him granting him immunity to the elements for 8 seconds. Silhouettes of the Rogue were left behind as he rushed towards the Warlock quickly and launched the skill Eviscerate. The cold air was diverted by the holy power and the Rogue advanced like the wind but when he was about 5 ft from the Warlock the feeling of danger overwhelmed him even through his Self Hypnosis.

The Rogue jumped backwards extremely quick and almost snap his ankles from the abrupt movement he used to change directions, but it was the right decision to take as the energy wave of 2 Halfmoon slashes in a criss-cross faction hit the space right before the mage.


The warlock also teleported backwards with a smile on his faces and proceed to cast Nether Chains trying to root the Rogue in place.


The berserker fell from a high distance following the slash from his axes and proceeded to spin like a top towards the unbalance Rogue. The Rogue jump backwards trying to avoid the grinder coming his way and before the Combat Art ended Lucky Gambit was activated and a slash with double the sharpness cut across the belly of the Orc but it barely manage to do any damage.

It was better to say that the Berserker controlled the damage to increase his rage, even with Lucky Gambit and adamantite weapons he was barely able to cut passed the skin into the transversalis fascia. This was one of the reason the Berserker was such a bad matchup for the Rogue as with every slash he would be feeding the power of the Berserker without causing any real damage.

The situation moved in favor of Nightmare's team that seem to have thought of everything beforehand. The warlock quickly cast Summon Minions and three acid slimes appeared and attack the Rogue trying to lash on to him and melt his skin.

The reaction time of the Rogue was amazing and mirages appeared with every evasive move he made. The only thing the onlookers could see were little green spheres trying to lash on to him but hitting nothing but air.



Two staples of the berserker class were activated increasing the Berserker strength and attack speed by while Fiery Rage increased healing speed and energy regeneration. This two were the sure kill enhancements of the class and as the Orc Berserker press forward with his 2 one handed Axes in a Flurry of Attacks energy waves followed every slash covering a big area.

Even with High Avoidance and speed, the Rogue couldn't evade the energy waves coming his way and was getting cut and burned by them.

It was the longest 8 seconds of his life and the Rogue knew he was not going to make it.

"I guess, I got No Choice.." Said the Rogue to himself and activated his last defensive Card Cheat Death. This Skill used massive amounts of Ki to reduce the incoming Damage by 85% and provided the Rogue the chance to parry the attacks and retreat safely for 3 seconds.

It was at this moment that a loud explosion sounded in the air and all three people took a single second to look at the sky. This one second took an eternity, 8 spells bursted into a giant explosion and they saw the mage reappear a few meters away from it and then his head flew into the sky.


The Death of the Mage was a game changer and the Rogue's plans to survive change from buying time to try to take that warlock with him. However, the chance to head towards the Warlock never really came. While the Berserker attacked him relentlessly, The warlock played the role of support with control spells that close the escaping routes the Rogue could take without losing something in the process.

It was in times of severed danger that Spurious Bravado was so important and after calculating the damage, the Rogue moved forward and traded a few blows with the Berserker while using the recoil from the hits to move closer to Warlock. It was an amazing display of skill even though one of his arms was broken as well as a couple of ribs. The Rogue founded extremely hard to breathe but it was all or nothing.

It was the correct decision and his only choice but the damage sustained reduced his chances to kill the Warlock to 20%, it was an extremely long shot but he refused to die alone.

It was at this exact moment of uncertainty, that the Rogue heard the sweetest voice using a powerful spell.


A column of holy power capable of healing all injuries including instant limb regeneration fell on top of the Rogue granting him a renewed life. It was the second hidden card of Sigfrid and one of the main spells that got him the name Immortal, this spell was acquired when he leveled to 49 and was used on himself many times right before dead.

In order to kill sigfrid, the opponent had to mortally injured him twice and that was a task even level 50's found to be cumbersome.

It was necessary to make Sigfrid used Divine Gift and the Divine Shield in order to kill him even at the cost of some of his team and Nightmare knew it too well.

The rogue got his full faculties back and the face on the warlock showed his distress. The Rogue quickly close the distance and at the same time Sigfrid jumped from his mount and landed behind his friend and using his shield he easily repelled the Berserker.

Nightmare and the other started making their descend but they were too late to help the others on the ground so Nightmare made the easiest choice that was to kill the dying Warlock and the Rogue at the same time. The Undead Dragon dove nose first and as he was descending it prepare another Hell Flame Canon with a very clear target.


The intensity of the skill was a lot less since Nightmare still needed to fight Sigfrid but it was enough to obliterated both souls. The physical Bodies of the Warlock and Rogue were left on the floor frozen and only the whites of their eyes were visible on their contorted faces before crumbling into ice dust.

On the other front, the orc berserker was overwhelmed by Sigfrid's shield and sword technique but also by the peculiar Holy Hammers that constantly spun around his body doing Holy Damage to anything that they hit. Once one hammer was used, another would just appeared and started spinning on his own until it met something causing damage and disappearing.

The priest arrive next and also cast a couple of detrimental spells that burned the skin of the Berserker. 4 levels of difference was just too much for Nightmare's subordinate but it was all good in the eyes of the Orc Warrior that didn't stopped fighting and died with a smile on his face.

Nightmare and the others arrived at the same time and dismounted 5 strong and without saying anything they attacked. Nightmare took out his shield and sword and his undead aura expanded to meet Sigfrid's Consecration Grounds.

Sigfrid and the priest moved in unison as the priest fortified Sigfrid's aura with his Holy Field.

The Witch Doctor in Nightmare's team also got to work and started casting his enhancement spells on his allies. All the movements were done in a very fluid way and in less than 6 seconds 3 spells covered the team of 5.

EIDOLIC WARDS - Places a Ward on the Witch Doctors Allies preventing Damage.

SPIRIT OF THE WOLF - Increases movement speed until hit by 30%

TOTEMIC INCARNATION - WRAITH - increases the wisdom and mana regeneration of the Witch Doctor

VEHEMENCE - Increases Strength and Stamina of all the Witch Doctor allies.

The fight was on its way but it wasn't a head on collision as much as an escape attempt by the two followers of the God of Justice. Fighting an unwinnable battle was plain stupid and Sigfrid was no fool, He and the priest assume a defensive position and started moving at fast speed towards the Portal to the Abyss. There was no way they could fight on demon ground so getting his foot underneath the Chaos Moon was like touching Holy Ground, the name of the game was Football and the Abyss was the touchdown zone.

Sigfrid and Nightmare clashed on the go and it looked like 2 spheres of opposite colors colliding and separating time and time again while the cleric cast Sanctuary on himself. Sanctuary was a spell that stop all damage to the cleric at the expense of Holy Power. It was a Hail Mary play and there was no room to be stingy with the Resource, either the holy power held until they reached the Abyss doors or they died trying.

Good morning guys/girls

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