
Learning Skills

Giant Blade Didn't know what to think, perhaps his goggles were malfunctioning but when he check the status it kept coming out O.K.

"Hmm.. how come you look so young and your eyes are not… and you look like a mortal, and where are your Runes".

Questions came out like a machine gun and Rahz could not help but smile, he thought for a while and there was no way he could tell the truth. The truth was more unbelievable than any lie he could come up with so Rahz decided to tell half truths, "I came in to take the test and then I was taken into the body of my five year old self and when I woke up you were calling me just a minute ago".

Giant Blade stood there like something incredible was happening but then again, the realm of Elysian was a realm of magic and swords so he decided to just let it be.

"How old are you?"

"I am 14 years old and my Mother is a High Elf and my Father was a Barbarian from the tribe of Helgahvall but unfortunately he was killed in a war against a clan of Orcs".

"Hmm… Here this is for you"

Giant Blade passed a sword to Rahz who dropped it on the floor after trying to hold on to it. The sword weighted 2000 lbs and was made of Adamantite, Giant Blade just thought of confirming the data on his goggles. It was a tragedy, the guy in front of him was weaker than a 5 year old demon and if he was actually a level 19 it was all over for Giant Blade, he would be the laughing stock at any party.

"What Level are you?" Giant Blade was sweating bullets as he asked Rahz this most important question.

"Hmm.. I should be somewhere around level 5 teacher, I don't know what happened"

"Oh..Ok I guess is not that bad, no worries Rahz is my fault for sending you to this Test so I will take responsibility , now we should join Jazz before discussing what we should do"

Rahz nodded and just followed his teacher under the gazes of the rest of the headmasters that were just quietly observing him for any indication he actually passed the test.

"So how was it?" Asked Jazz the moment he saw Giant Blade while sipping on his ale without a care in the world.


Jazz's ale flew from his mouth as he saw the even better looking Rahz, his identity was confirmed by midori when she jumped and started playing around his neck lovingly. "Did you go back in time to when you were a kid, what the fuck happened? You feel as weak as that little demon that brings me my Ale"

"I didn't go back in time but my Level was reset and everything that I had been given and taken to gain strength was taken away. This should be the way I looked all along, after all I am only 14 years old".


Apocalypse tremble with excitement at the closeness of a God Item but Rahz quickly said, "That is my friend's and I am not going to take away their weapons. They are not guilty of following the rules giving to them by their ancestors but we are going to try and find all the relics that we can without making our alliance too weak, there are still Dragonkin we got to worry about".

Rahz sat down and continued to inspect his body quietly and he found out that his bond with Riddick was still there so he asked Apocalypse the obvious question, "How come my bond to my best friend is still there?"

"Demons don't worship a god, even though they still conserve the bloodline given to them, from the second generation on, they were considered Elysians. I guess you could say that Demons are the last of the true Elysians"

"So what is next?" asked Jazz

"Next, I am going to learn as many skills as I can"

Giant Blade and Jazz looked at each other perplex but they went along with the flow, as long as Rahz was alive and they were together it didn't matter what he decided to do.

Rahz started with the skills his chamber had to offer, the Vengeance chamber specialized in boosting their strength many times and then finishing the fight with one big skill. The name Giant Blade came from this style of fighting although many people thought he was compensating for other things…

Giant Blade love to walk around with no shirt on and people could see his Chaos Runes that displayed a green color, he had 8 in total forming a circle on his back.

"The Moment you obtain your second evolution you would be granted the skill Chaos Runes Burst and for each Burst there is a temporary increased in strength of 10% for one minute as a level 20 and with every evolution after that there is an increase of 5%. In other words at my Level I can get a strength increased of 160% if I decided to use all of them".



The Adamantite blade became 30 times the size in length and width and it looked like a humongous Green Lightsaber that he swung extremely fast as he moved around the training grounds.

Hu Hu Hu .. pretty cool ah kid.

"That was awesome teach, what else you got?"

"What else I got … didn't you witness the awesomeness and the power in each swing.. Why would I need anything else? I can split level 50's into 20 pieces'.

Soooo… you are level 48 and only got 2 skills?

Giant Blade's Jaw dropped to the floor and he closed it and opened it but no words came out, that was pretty much it, no fancy stuff just raw strength and high level chaos fire that acted like a laser. He could even defend from magic attacks with the blade, for one whole minute he was invincible.


Rahz thought about it for a few minutes and believed that he could learn the skills, but the problem was that he didn't know how to split the energy into portions for use and then how would he ignite the Chaos Rune to produce power. Giant Blade got the skill from divine intervention so it was difficult for him to say how he did, he just knew.

Rahz sat there for hours until an exasperated voice sounded, "You really need think about something so simple for so long?". Rahz light bulb illuminated and decided to play it dumb and see the result, if Apocalypse could analysed and copy magic used by the gods why couldn't it analyse magic for lesser beings that was supposed to be a copy of a phenomena available for Elysians in the first place.

"The skill might be call Chaos Rune Burst but in reality is just Chaos Energy that had been compressed being released into the muscle cells at once increasing their strength. Giant Blade is a gnome so probably from trial and error he discovered that the right amount of Runes his cells could take was 5. It might seem that he chose to go with 5 but in my opinion it was premeditated, the blade extension in my opinion is a harder skill to master as it showcases a very high degree of energy manipulation pertaining to the Alteration type and the transmutation type of spells or skills".

"Alteration type?What is that about?"

"Yes, since you are now an Elysian Cultivator what you need to learn and master is how to transform energy into the desire phenomena. Giant Blade used Alteration to change the shape of the Chaos energy that was in fact just energy previously transmuted by his rune into the chaos attribute, and he swung it around. The Chaos Fire you created and that Immolation Aura is from the Evocation type of energy manipulation".

Hmm… How many ways are there?

More than you can imagine they can be combine and new types can be created, for example necromancy and the summoning of Undead is a combination of many fields. This shows you how amazing the Rune of the Awakened is, it is pre-arrange by the gods and their mighty understanding of laws and does the manipulation of energy for their followers eliminating their need to learn the basics.

Good morning guys/girls

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