
The Powerful Jazz

It was sad times for the team specially for Midori that had to be separated from her mother but she knew that there was nothing else Elune could do. There was no way they could beat that demon or that follower of his for that matter, Rahz stood there and bow to destroy the whole Abyss if something were to happen to his friend but he was just too weak.

There was nothing to do but to follow the plan he set out from the beginning, go to the Temple of the Dreadnought and get his Second Evolution and learn as much as he could there. All and all they had dodge 2 bullets that day, one with the caravan as they were still alive and the other with the 3 extremely strong demons that seem to spare them one way or another.

"I know is a tough time but shouldn't we move from this Area, a lot of shit is happening here and we are kind of stuck in the middle of it". Said Jazz looking a little anxious.

Rahz nodded and they move from the camp and they kept moving towards the city. Jazz use his Accelerando and gave his boost of speed to the team which quickly started covering a lot of ground. 300 miles were covered in about 4 hours before they decided to stop for the day and rest. Jazz was giving Elune's place in the guard rotation, and they tried to get some shut eye during the Purple Moon.

Jazz was very surprised that everyone was able to fall asleep on que but even more so that they trusted him with their lives. In all his 17 years of live he had never experienced that kind of trust, the followers of Balthazar were all untrustworthy one way or another and Jazz was no exception but he didn't know why but he would never betray the people in front of him and that feeling came from the core of his being. Unknowingly, Jazz started singing something that had been bury in the depths of his mind and it was a lullaby sang by his mother when he was just a couple of years old.

It was a beautiful Melody with wonderful lyrics that could take anybody back to the time when they were in their mother's embrace.

Do not fear the sound, it's a breeze

Brushing leaves against the door.

Do not dread the murmuring seas,

Lonely waves washing the shore.

Sleep child of mine, there's nothing here,

While slumber in my embrace,

Angels smiling, have no fear,

Holy angels guard your rest.

( Suo Gan Lyrics capture by Robert Bryan in the 1800s)

This was the first time since Jazz became a Bard that he had felt the power music could bring, it was not enough to play a piece or sing some lyrics, only when he understood the underlying sentiment the author of the song wanted to convey, then and only then would the crowds be move by it. This moment of epiphany lasted for a few hours and the enhancement his songs provided increased by 5%. The changes did not stop there, It was not only Jazz who was changing but the drum by his side as well, Decorations started to appear and the leather at the top of the drum broke apart leaving behind a gold film as thick as cicada's wing.

Jazz had finally being approved by the item and his true form had been revealed, after the epiphany was over a vast amount of information came into Jazz's mind without warning. Tool of the Maestro. Legendary Item Forged by Balthazar. Entertainer Set 1/4.

Increases Agility of the Entertainer by 15%.

Increases Dexterity of the Entertainer by 20% allowing him to hit notes never achieved before.

Increases Mana regeneration by 20% while playing an instrument.

Increases Resistances Vs the elements by 10%.

Spirit of the Muse : Increases the Damage of detrimental spells cast by the Entertainer allies by 12% and increases the accuracy of spells by 40%.

Performance Resonance 19: Increases the effects of the Entertainer Songs by 190% last for 15 min and requires a 24 hours of Music to replenish.

Tool of the Maestro is the only tool an Entertainer would ever need, It can change into a flute, a guitar, a drum, and even a mic. Must show intermediate level with drums to activate the guitar change. Flute change seal (requires intermediate level with the guitar)

Jazz opened his eyes and they showed excitement, maybe he would be surrounded with pretty girls after all, what was a guitar if not a chick magnet, good stories brought over adventures that wanted to hear them and what would come with drunk people... free Ales.

A silly face was plaster on Jazz's face while he daydream of Elune feeding him grapes while every beautiful girl that had rejected him in the past was either massaging him, fanning air or serving him Ale while he was in a luxurious couch.

Riddick try calling him several times but nothing seem to work, it was like he was being assailed by a Coercer that turn him Dumb, even saliva was dripping from the corner of his mouth.


Jazz's face had a red hand on one cheek while the other was now full of dirt, Jazz was so groggy from the hit he forgot how to speak. " wh.. u..dooo..tht for?"

Riddick was about to smack him again thinking he was still charmed but Jazz quickly put his hands forward and shout, "WAIT...WAIT". The team had been through a lot so they didn't want their new friend to be control by anybody, Riddick observed Jazz like a hawk looking for any signs of a detrimental spells and was prepare to help him regain control with a fresh one.

Rahz had finally woken up thanks to the loud slap and was now also observing Jazz, "What happened to your face? I told you to wake us up if you encounter some creatures there was no need for you to take them on by yourself"

Jazz was cursing underneath his breath while tears were threatening to flow down like a river. 'How did my life come to this, I joined a sausage party with a bunch of savages…'

Breakfast was pretty light as the meat in the Abyss was not the most appetizing to non demons but they had to make do with some of the reserves Rahz carried in his pouch. Nothing like a soup to make the product yield for more people. During their meal Jazz talked about what had happened the day before and showed his new item to the team and assure them that he was now a force to be recon with; however, when he tried to play the guitar Rahz and the others had to cover their ears to a sound more horrible than nails on a chalkboard.

"It's a work in progress" Said Jazz without an ounce of embarrassment.

"I guess is time to get some exercise in, let's finish your quest. Do you know the Area?"

Jazz nodded and started moving Northeast still in the direction of Shinjuku but away from the main road towards a few hunting spots. The average level for the group was 19.5 and so the task was to kill 100 second evolution creatures.

The team started to notice Jazz changes immediately with the Song Accelerando. Thanks to Performance Resonance 19 for 15 min the group travel close to an increase of 125% in their regular speed and it was amazing, by the time the speed came back to 45% the team was looking at an area with midsize hills. All throughout there were creatures with powerful feline bodies but the tail was made out of bone with a harpoon tip. They had purple eyes behind a bone structure that cover some parts of the face.

"Wait here I'll bring some over, just be ready"

Jazz kept Accelerando going and ran to the pack in the outskirts of the herd extremely fast and the ones that saw him ROAR but he was so small that the others that just heard the Roar didn't pay much attention.

10 Dreadsabers follow after the dwarf who almost tripped over when he saw who was waiting for him where the group suppose to be. A Dragon Humanoid 15 ft tall with wings and a chipped Axe that look like a toy in his hands was ready to pounce and if it wasn't for the fact that riddick and Midori was beside the creature, he would have made a sharp turn to save his skin. Riddick put out his hand and Chaos Chains spawn out of a magic circle underneath the Dread Sabers and stopped them in place while Rahz Leap forward encase in immolation aura before using Pulverizing Wave killing a couple in the front and rattling the internal organs to the one in the second line. The ones in the back soon flew to the sky when Midori pop up from underneath cover in her grey aura.

Jazz saw what was happening and in between Accelerando started playing another Rhythm called Drums of War. As the Magic Song activated the Team gain and increase in Strength, Agility and their Energy used for shielding attacks seem thicker than before. It was amazing, they all felt like a better version of themselves and they were running 45% faster as well.

Finally, Jazz started to play another tune called Warsong in between the other two in a phenomena called twisting songs. The Warsong was played by whistling the music and it showcased Jazz skill at being a bard since the record for twisting was held by a troubadour that could do 4 songs at once. Warsong Increased the strength of the group further as well as their Defensive energy creating an effect almost like Elunes ward but using the Warriors energy instead, the icing on the cake was the increased in a attack speed by 20%.

Rahz decided to go all out and activated Warriors Fury increasing his strength by another 10%. Rahz muscles tense up and from the items and skills alone he was already at 130 % without taking into consideration the Strength given by his transformation, before he knew it he had started dividing Level 20s with one swing, thanks to his tougher skin any chaos skill was useless against him and in no time at all there were no Dreadsaber left.

"More!! Bring a lot more"

Good Morning Guys/Girls.

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